I liked Obama in 2004.


Feb 14, 2011
I liked Obama in 2004. I saw a lot of potential in the guy.

I also appreciated that in those early days he said he wouldn't run for president in 2008 because he knew that he was too inexperienced for the job. That was reasonable and responsible. What was not to admire about that?

I liked some of the principles he seemed to (want to) claim for his own as a Senator. Like how he said John Roberts was highly qualified for the court and it would be wrong to vote against a president's nominations for ideological reasons and so he was considering voting yes.

I did not like how quickly he betrayed his ideals when it was whispered in his ear that ideals such as those could stand in the way of his potential aspirations to higher office.

I did not like him taking part in what appeared to be the Democrats obstructing the war effort for what appeared to be partisan reasons, in ways which to me extended the uncertainty of the situation in Iraq and thus made Iraqis less willing to come out and take a risk for their own success and thus extended the duration of the war by years. (imho)

I did not like the reaction Geraldine Ferraro received for accurately pointing out that a white person with as thin a resume as Obama's would have been hurried off the stage during the primaries. With Ferraro getting treatment like that, you know that Republicans didn't have a chance for having a fair hearing of their objections.

I do not like the media which gave Obama unlimited redos when he handled himself clumsily, to the point of them telling us what they thought he really meant in spite of what he actually said, and other forms of unworthy self-censoring which some of us saw at the time, and others discovered in retrospect. A media which used their power and influence to convince Americans that the price of Palin's shoes was more important than Obama's opinions about China.

I do not like how he overpromised. That was pandering or naivete, and either way it was a sign that he was not right for the office, and he should have been interrogated about it before the elections and held accountable for it after. One big big biggie is how he explicitly promised the Hispanic community that he would not be that kind of politician who made promises to get their votes and then violated the promises after he had them in his pocket. When he made a promise to them, he would meant it. He was very explicit that he would not treat them the way politicians have in the past. And in that context he made a carefully worded promise. He could not promise that comprehensive reform would be passed in his first year in office - that would have been unrealistic - but he explicitly promised that legislation would be introduced in that first year and he would throw his weight behind it.

What good is all his skill at careful talk when at the end of the day he is exactly the kind of politician he explicitly promised that he would not be?

Another biggie is in Dec. 2010 when he said he would not compromise on extending tax cuts for the wealthy and then wham bam before you could blink, he rolled on it. Didn't even try to fight for his promise.

And his lack of transparency is a punchline to a very unfunny joke.

There's more but this post has already become quite long.

All that said ......

I do not appreciate the Republicans being unwilling to find any common ground at all with Obama, but I do not like it on behalf of Americans such as myself. Obama himself is owed no bipartisanship. He lost the right to expect it by his partisan actions as a Senator, and by his partisan rhetoric after he took office. He has called us the enemy. I do not forgive him for that.

But I still wish the Republicans in Washington would find more common ground with Democrats so that Americans could see a little bit of progress being made.
But I still wish the Republicans in Washington would find more common ground with Democrats so that Americans could see a little bit of progress being made.

I wish the Democrats in Washington would find more common ground with Republicans so that Americans could see a little bit of progress being made.

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Why is it that the Republicans ALWAYS have to compromise with the Democrats???

Why NEVER the other way around?

I don't see that as being the case.

I think the Democrats have done a lot of compromising. On some really sucky issues with really sucky results. The biggest being Obamacare. Their version of compromise was totally jerky - coming up with something which made almost no one happy - but we weren't helping them come up with anything better.

"Do nothing" just wasn't a realistic option.

So we could have rolled up our sleeves and made a case for intelligent compromise and a piecemeal approach on some parts where we could find common ground. If we did maybe we wouldn't have to be fighting Obamacare in the courts right now and maybe the nation might not be in such a case of PTSD.

Maybe the Democratic hubris which came from having such huge majorities in both houses would still have won the day and still saddled us with that monstrosity or something else as bad. But I don't think we gave good reforms a fair shot.
Why is it that the Republicans ALWAYS have to compromise with the Democrats???

Why NEVER the other way around?

I don't see that as being the case.

I think the Democrats have done a lot of compromising. On some really sucky issues with really sucky results. The biggest being Obamacare. Their version of compromise was totally jerky - coming up with something which made almost no one happy - but we weren't helping them come up with anything better.

"Do nothing" just wasn't a realistic option.

So we could have rolled up our sleeves and made a case for intelligent compromise and a piecemeal approach on some parts where we could find common ground. If we did maybe we wouldn't have to be fighting Obamacare in the courts right now and maybe the nation might not be in such a case of PTSD.

Maybe the Democratic hubris which came from having such huge majorities in both houses would still have won the day and still saddled us with that monstrosity or something else as bad. But I don't think we gave good reforms a fair shot.

Amelia my sweet.. There was no compromise with obamacare. it was voted in on the strict demonRat majority. they didn't compromise jack shit, in fact they closed the doors on the Republicans. Wake up. you're having a nightmare.
I liked Obama in 2004. I saw a lot of potential in the guy.

I also appreciated that in those early days he said he wouldn't run for president in 2008 because he knew that he was too inexperienced for the job. That was reasonable and responsible. What was not to admire about that?

I liked some of the principles he seemed to (want to) claim for his own as a Senator. Like how he said John Roberts was highly qualified for the court and it would be wrong to vote against a president's nominations for ideological reasons and so he was considering voting yes.

I did not like how quickly he betrayed his ideals when it was whispered in his ear that ideals such as those could stand in the way of his potential aspirations to higher office.

I did not like him taking part in what appeared to be the Democrats obstructing the war effort for what appeared to be partisan reasons, in ways which to me extended the uncertainty of the situation in Iraq and thus made Iraqis less willing to come out and take a risk for their own success and thus extended the duration of the war by years. (imho)

I did not like the reaction Geraldine Ferraro received for accurately pointing out that a white person with as thin a resume as Obama's would have been hurried off the stage during the primaries. With Ferraro getting treatment like that, you know that Republicans didn't have a chance for having a fair hearing of their objections.

I do not like the media which gave Obama unlimited redos when he handled himself clumsily, to the point of them telling us what they thought he really meant in spite of what he actually said, and other forms of unworthy self-censoring which some of us saw at the time, and others discovered in retrospect. A media which used their power and influence to convince Americans that the price of Palin's shoes was more important than Obama's opinions about China.

I do not like how he overpromised. That was pandering or naivete, and either way it was a sign that he was not right for the office, and he should have been interrogated about it before the elections and held accountable for it after. One big big biggie is how he explicitly promised the Hispanic community that he would not be that kind of politician who made promises to get their votes and then violated the promises after he had them in his pocket. When he made a promise to them, he would meant it. He was very explicit that he would not treat them the way politicians have in the past. And in that context he made a carefully worded promise. He could not promise that comprehensive reform would be passed in his first year in office - that would have been unrealistic - but he explicitly promised that legislation would be introduced in that first year and he would throw his weight behind it.

What good is all his skill at careful talk when at the end of the day he is exactly the kind of politician he explicitly promised that he would not be?

Another biggie is in Dec. 2010 when he said he would not compromise on extending tax cuts for the wealthy and then wham bam before you could blink, he rolled on it. Didn't even try to fight for his promise.

And his lack of transparency is a punchline to a very unfunny joke.

There's more but this post has already become quite long.

All that said ......

I do not appreciate the Republicans being unwilling to find any common ground at all with Obama, but I do not like it on behalf of Americans such as myself. Obama himself is owed no bipartisanship. He lost the right to expect it by his partisan actions as a Senator, and by his partisan rhetoric after he took office. He has called us the enemy. I do not forgive him for that.

But I still wish the Republicans in Washington would find more common ground with Democrats so that Americans could see a little bit of progress being made.

And that's where everything gets stuck. If you can't get past it yourself, how can you expect anybody else to do so?
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Why is it that the Republicans ALWAYS have to compromise with the Democrats???

Why NEVER the other way around?

I don't see that as being the case.

I think the Democrats have done a lot of compromising. On some really sucky issues with really sucky results. The biggest being Obamacare. Their version of compromise was totally jerky - coming up with something which made almost no one happy - but we weren't helping them come up with anything better.

"Do nothing" just wasn't a realistic option.

So we could have rolled up our sleeves and made a case for intelligent compromise and a piecemeal approach on some parts where we could find common ground. If we did maybe we wouldn't have to be fighting Obamacare in the courts right now and maybe the nation might not be in such a case of PTSD.

Maybe the Democratic hubris which came from having such huge majorities in both houses would still have won the day and still saddled us with that monstrosity or something else as bad. But I don't think we gave good reforms a fair shot.

Amelia my sweet.. There was no compromise with obamacare. it was voted in on the strict demonRat majority. they didn't compromise jack shit, in fact they closed the doors on the Republicans. Wake up. you're having a nightmare.

I see why many Republicans say that. It FEELS that way. The Democrats were absolutely jerky about it. But they did make a lot of changes based on Republican requests.

It still came across as, "I'm going to burglarize your house but I'll let you choose which room to start in." Or "I'm going to rape you but I'll let you have a pillow so you'll be more comfortable." I bet I felt just as violated as you did by the process. But I've seen itemized lists of changes they put in based on what they hoped would calm Republican concerns. I don't think it was all for the Blue Dogs. I think it was partly for us.

They went about it totally the wrong way. But we didn't give them any hope that there would be a right way.
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All that said ......

I do not appreciate the Republicans being unwilling to find any common ground at all with Obama, but I do not like it on behalf of Americans such as myself. Obama himself is owed no bipartisanship. He lost the right to expect it by his partisan actions as a Senator, and by his partisan rhetoric after he took office. He has called us the enemy. I do not forgive him for that.

But I still wish the Republicans in Washington would find more common ground with Democrats so that Americans could see a little bit of progress being made.

And that's where everything gets stuck. If you can't get past it yourself, how can you expect anybody else to do so?

I can work with the guy without forgiving him for calling me the enemy. That is to say, I can hope that my representatives will craft bills which are passable which will be beneficial for the country, without smooching and schmoozing with him. It should be doable.
Why is it that the Republicans ALWAYS have to compromise with the Democrats???

Why NEVER the other way around?

Some things cannot be compromised on.....
Herein lies the root of frustration for lefties......because lefties have things they won't compromise on either......and invariably......whatever the issue is on the hill....there are enough from either side, who will not compromise because it's one of those "never back down" issues.

Compromise means you won't get everything you want. This new philosophy of compromising less, by the GOP, will only cause the DNC to compromise less. Inflexibility leads to more inflexibility.

My grandpa used to say a very wise thing about negotiation and compromise.......he said "Son.......never stop talking to people with whom you have problems, because when people stop talking, and they're angry, they usually start fighting"
Coming from the state that inflicted Obama on the rest of the country...

the thing is, I think he shows just how a liberal media can influence a bad situation.

The thing about Obama is he didn't earn his seat in the Senate, he got it because the liberal media in Chicago systematically destroyed his opponents.

First, the Democratic nomination should have gone to a fellow named Blair Hull. But then the Chicago Media started digging around in Blair's trash, and found out he had an acrimonious divorce. They even alledged that he called his wife a "f***ng c**t". Yup, the words no Man ever comes back from. He was done. They all patted themselves on the back that they got another African-American underacheiver nominated after the last one, Carol Mosely Braun, had turned out to be such a freakin' disaster.

Well, not being satisfied with that, they decided to go after Jack Ryan, the Republican Nominee. Turns out old Jack had a divorce, too. And his ex-Wife was Seven of Nine herself, "Actress" Jeri Ryan. (Sorry, if you ever suffered through an episode of Star Trek:Voyager, you'd know why those are parathesis). Well, it turns out that old Seven of Catsuit decided to make a bunch of claims about what a bad guy Jack was, probably to distract attention from the fact she was having sex with her producer. (What, you thought it was her acting skills?) The judge dismissed them and ordered joint custody, but yup, the media slimed the guy and he withdrew.

Then we get the IL-GOP. Or as I like to refer to them, "the world's largest collection of stupid people". Yup, they joined into the sandbagging of Jack, because Judy Baar Topinka wanted to run for Governor in 2006, and she didn't want any real competition. Well, she couldn't have anyone make a good show against the Media's new Messiah, so she recruited Alan Keyes. YOu know, Ambassador Crazy T. Batshit. Didn't even live in IL, but hey, it wasn't like they could find anyone qualified to run, like any of the 12 guys who had challenged Ryan for the nomination and lost.
So what you are saying is that you are really a liberal...

And you are one of the Robot From Kolob's biggest supporters on this board.

Your honor, the prosecution rests. Romney is running in the wrong party.

Really. Seriously. You need to get a refund from whatever university gave you a degree.

And your parents need a refund for their school taxes. The public school system failed you in a big way.
I liked Obama in 2004. I saw a lot of potential in the guy.

I also appreciated that in those early days he said he wouldn't run for president in 2008 because he knew that he was too inexperienced for the job. That was reasonable and responsible. What was not to admire about that?

I liked some of the principles he seemed to (want to) claim for his own as a Senator. Like how he said John Roberts was highly qualified for the court and it would be wrong to vote against a president's nominations for ideological reasons and so he was considering voting yes.

I did not like how quickly he betrayed his ideals when it was whispered in his ear that ideals such as those could stand in the way of his potential aspirations to higher office.

I did not like him taking part in what appeared to be the Democrats obstructing the war effort for what appeared to be partisan reasons, in ways which to me extended the uncertainty of the situation in Iraq and thus made Iraqis less willing to come out and take a risk for their own success and thus extended the duration of the war by years. (imho)

I did not like the reaction Geraldine Ferraro received for accurately pointing out that a white person with as thin a resume as Obama's would have been hurried off the stage during the primaries. With Ferraro getting treatment like that, you know that Republicans didn't have a chance for having a fair hearing of their objections.

I do not like the media which gave Obama unlimited redos when he handled himself clumsily, to the point of them telling us what they thought he really meant in spite of what he actually said, and other forms of unworthy self-censoring which some of us saw at the time, and others discovered in retrospect. A media which used their power and influence to convince Americans that the price of Palin's shoes was more important than Obama's opinions about China.

I do not like how he overpromised. That was pandering or naivete, and either way it was a sign that he was not right for the office, and he should have been interrogated about it before the elections and held accountable for it after. One big big biggie is how he explicitly promised the Hispanic community that he would not be that kind of politician who made promises to get their votes and then violated the promises after he had them in his pocket. When he made a promise to them, he would meant it. He was very explicit that he would not treat them the way politicians have in the past. And in that context he made a carefully worded promise. He could not promise that comprehensive reform would be passed in his first year in office - that would have been unrealistic - but he explicitly promised that legislation would be introduced in that first year and he would throw his weight behind it.

What good is all his skill at careful talk when at the end of the day he is exactly the kind of politician he explicitly promised that he would not be?

Another biggie is in Dec. 2010 when he said he would not compromise on extending tax cuts for the wealthy and then wham bam before you could blink, he rolled on it. Didn't even try to fight for his promise.

And his lack of transparency is a punchline to a very unfunny joke.

There's more but this post has already become quite long.

All that said ......

I do not appreciate the Republicans being unwilling to find any common ground at all with Obama, but I do not like it on behalf of Americans such as myself. Obama himself is owed no bipartisanship. He lost the right to expect it by his partisan actions as a Senator, and by his partisan rhetoric after he took office. He has called us the enemy. I do not forgive him for that.

But I still wish the Republicans in Washington would find more common ground with Democrats so that Americans could see a little bit of progress being made.

I understand what you are saying, Amelia, but many of those Reps promised their constituents a policy of not adding to our debt, so they could not compromise on that basic plan. I give them great applause for their honesty and perseverance in sticking to that.

We just have to come to the realization that we cannot afford this continual sopending. These loans to Finland for cars, Russia and all the solar companies (even Pelosi's brother-in-law is just outrageous.

But I agree with many of your disappointments in Obama. Your post was very honest.
So what you are saying is that you are really a liberal...

And you are one of the Robot From Kolob's biggest supporters on this board.

Your honor, the prosecution rests. Romney is running in the wrong party.

Really. Seriously. You need to get a refund from whatever university gave you a degree.

And your parents need a refund for their school taxes. The public school system failed you in a big way.

Actually, I'm probably better educated and smarter than you are...

Beause, honestly, nothing you've posted so far impresses...

(By the Way, proud product of Catholic Education, which is why I hate religions so much.)

Fact is, Romney's a liberal. And he's agreat candidate for those like you who loved Obama in 2004, but were disappointed he doesn't know what he's doing.

For those of us who see the problem with Obama is that he's a liberal, and electing another liberal doesn't fix the problem, not so much.
The Tea Party has put the GOP on notice. ANYBODY who compromises just to get something done, even when that something is worthless or destructive legislation that costs the tax payers more money or more freedom, will emerge from the vote with a HUGE target on his/her back.

The GOP house has now sent dozens of excellent bills to the senate where they languish in committee because Harry Reid won't bring them up for debate or vote.

When our Fearless Leader advises the Republicans that they are welcome to come along as he fixes things but they'll have to sit in back, you know there will be nothing on which anybody can compromise.

Saying yes just to compromise on something and get something done no matter how irresponsible is not what I want from my elected leaders.
The Tea Party has put the GOP on notice. ANYBODY who compromises just to get something done, even when that something is worthless or destructive legislation that costs the tax payers more money or more freedom, will emerge from the vote with a HUGE target on his/her back.

The GOP house has now sent dozens of excellent bills to the senate where they languish in committee because Harry Reid won't bring them up for debate or vote.

When our Fearless Leader advises the Republicans that they are welcome to come along as he fixes things but they'll have to sit in back, you know there will be nothing on which anybody can compromise.

Saying yes just to compromise on something and get something done no matter how irresponsible is not what I want from my elected leaders.

And that's part of the problem. Obama likes to pretend that the 2010 midterms didn't happen. They did, for better or worse.

Honestly, and I never thought I'd live long enough to say this, you have to admire Bill Clinton. He very cleverly embraced parts of the "Contract with America" that were popular or good ideas, while opposing the ones where not so great or he could take a stand and look couragous...

Obama takes hard lines until he gets bullied into going along. He's simply unfit for the job
So what you are saying is that you are really a liberal...

And you are one of the Robot From Kolob's biggest supporters on this board.

Your honor, the prosecution rests. Romney is running in the wrong party.

Really. Seriously. You need to get a refund from whatever university gave you a degree.

And your parents need a refund for their school taxes. The public school system failed you in a big way.

Actually, I'm probably better educated and smarter than you are...


What did you get your PhD in?

My subject was math. Specialty number theory.
Really. Seriously. You need to get a refund from whatever university gave you a degree.

And your parents need a refund for their school taxes. The public school system failed you in a big way.

Actually, I'm probably better educated and smarter than you are...


What did you get your PhD in?

My subject was math. Specialty number theory.

Math, a theory..? :confused:
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