I Just Saw a Muslim Cover a Homeless Black Guys Coffee, How Many of You Islamophobes Would do That?

At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

What if the "Bad" Muslims (i.e. "Terrorists") are the least dangerous Muslims to be concerned with?

Introducing: The Most Dangerous Muslims to America's Well Being

The ‘peaceful’ Jihad in America

By Andrew C. McCarthy

“A grand jihad is hell-bent on sabotaging America. We ignore it at our peril.”


"Most Americans don’t realize that jihad is about much more than terrorism.

Even the terrorists don’t blow up buildings for the sake of blowing up buildings. There is method in their madness.

Jihad is not mindless mass-murder, nor is it a syrupy “internal struggle to become a better person.” No, jihad is the mission to establish and spread sharia.

The installation of Allah’s law, believed by Muslims to be a divine injunction, is the necessary precondition to the creation of Islamic societies. While it can, and often is, waged forcibly, Islamists don’t resort to violence (or, at least, to more violence) where surrenders, appeasements and capitulations are available.

And al Qaeda is merely an offshoot of the central Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, or Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin.

Founded in 1928, the Ikhwan’s motto to this day remains, “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

In 1991, Mohamed Akram, a US-based chieftain of the Brotherhood, penned a memo for the eyes of the central leadership in Egypt. Later seized by the FBI, this self-described “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” outlined the game-plan for what the organization regards as its “civilizational” war against the West:

“The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Nor was there anything new about this “grand jihad.”

During a post-9/11 raid, Swiss authorities found a similar smoking gun — a methodical plan for the long-term “cultural invasion” of the West — written by Brotherhood theorists in 1982.

As a matter of fact, this sabotage strategy has been in place for nearly half a century. Its bottom-up elements stress Islamist domination of Muslim education, mosques and community centers. From these bases of operation in every city, the Brotherhood’s method is not terrorize but to slipstream behind Islamist terrorists, assuming the posture ofrealm “moderates.”

The goal is to seep sharia — Islam’s totalitarian legal code that governs not just the spiritual realm but all aspects of life — into our politics, law, financial system, educational institutions, labor negotiations, familial relations, and all facets of our domestic and foreign policy, from health care to engagement with Iran.

Yes, 31 years after the Iranian revolution, 17 years after Islamists declared war on the United States by bombing the World Trade Center and nine years after the 9/11 atrocities, the American people are still in the dark about the daunting challenge we face.

Under jihadist siege for decades, we still don’t even get what jihad is and why it isn’t just about “violent extremists” — the politically correct term now used by government officials in their desperation to bleach the Islam out of Islamist terror.

Two years ago, I wrote about this ethos of conscious avoidance in “Willful Blindness.” But that was a memoir about trying to confront international terrorism as a federal prosecutor in the 1990s.

The forces arrayed against us are much more extensive and insidious than al Qaeda, and they are not just pressing the limitations of our criminal-justice system.

The game-plan being executed against us targets American constitutional democracy itself, taking aim at its core principles of individual liberty.

Lavishly backed by Saudi billions thanks to a decades-old partnership with the kingdom, the Brotherhood is now raising, in our midst, its third generation of operatives and sympathizers.

Its tentacles include such high-profile organizations as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim American Society (the Brotherhood’s semi-official American branch).

Our opinion elites are only too happy to take at face value the claims of these groups to be “moderate.”

Indeed, our government, media and academies are reluctant to discuss Islam honestly, let alone Islamist ideology.

And effectively allied with the jihadists is the hard left across the West. For all their differences (e.g., on abortion and the rights of women and homosexuals) Islam and the Left are in essential harmony when it comes to their vision of authoritarian government and their perception of the immediate obstacle to their designs: American constitutional democracy.

What the global Islamist project is doing, and how, are the subjects of my new book, “The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America,” published last week. It is the story of the ideology that not only fuels anti-American terror but stokes a sedulous jihadist campaign to Islamicize our society — not without firing a shot, but by capitalizing on the shots that have already been fired.

A grand jihad is hell-bent on sabotaging America. We ignore it at our peril.

Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior fellow at the National Review Institute.


This is Part Two of my reply to you.

Part Three will be the final part of this 3 part reply and will appear in a subsequent post.

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At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
Really? Lame.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

This is the third and final part of my reply to you.

All the millions of Muslims mentioned in this video by Ben Shapiro are nonviolent Muslims.

Though they are nonviolent in action, they are extremist in thought.

They are Peaceful Jihadists. (See Part Two)

They are the ones who result in the subjugation of civilizations.

The Myth of The Tiny Radical Muslim Minority - Ben Shapiro

The radical violent muslim is the one that saws your head off. The peaceful muslim is the one that holds you down.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
All I need, is all the money in the World, to solve all of the World's problems.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
I've done a lot more than buy people coffee.

But if you want to get down with facts, Statistically, Democrats are the stingiest people in America. And they sell bloody baby body parts....so....yah...no one can hold a candle to that.

Shocking, right?

That black guy is lucky he wasn't a Jew. The mooslim would have bought him coffee just to spit in it.

But you....

"OMG people buying coffee." Revolutionary.

How does this stack up with DemNazi Leftard's Confiscating my earnings to give them to people who don't want to work?

I'll never give credit to a false religion who's madate is to kill or subdue all Christians, Jews, and fellow Mooslims that don't agree with them.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

You don't even know what the guy was...but because you wanted to start a string insulting Trump supporters...you declared him a Muslim! "Looked like not from around here, you know"? Not for nothing, Munkle but you're a bit of an idiot, you know!

Well there's no denying I'm trolling a bit. But for the sake of argument, doesn't this mean there can be good Muslims and bad Muslims? Look at the answers already here, already quoting Sharia and painting all Muslims with the same brush. This guy didn't even know anyone noticed, I just happened to hear from a ways away. I've seen Muslims do this sort of thing when I knew they definitely were Muslims. So why all the vitriolic Muslim bashing here? There are good people and bad people.

You sure are funny. There are no "good" Muslims. They are all members of the death cult and would like nothing better than to kill all Americans.

9-11 showed just what those assholes are capable of. France and German have allowed millions into their countries and they have done nothing but cause problems and cost the tax payers of those countries billions.

They don't assimilate into any country they infest. Every member of the death cult in this country should be booted out.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

Phobia means fear. I dont fear Moslems. I disagree With their evil ideology. If that was a homeless woman or a dog the Moslem would have done nothing to help. Educate yourself as you sound stupid. Learn the damn definion of what “phobia” means.
Warning: Thread Closer Ahead

Until Islam reforms and purges The Satanic Verses from The Koran, there can be no peace with Islam. Since the entire book is filled with Satanic lies, you would have to destroy the Koran and start over for that to occur.

Islam also rejects The Son of God, and therefore God rejects Islam.

allah is called "The Morning Star" "The Trickster", "The Great Deceiver"

He is a modern derivation of The Arabic Moon God, in other words a lesser light; He is Lucifer. He is the one who would sit upon the throne of God, but is no God.

Allah is actually Satan. The god of this world who sits not upon Heaven's throne, but upon Adam's throne which is limited to Lordship over The Earth and Earth only.

The following resource will illustrate for you the fact that allah is actuall satan sitting upon Adam's throne. My only disagreement with this scholar is that he is a bit confused between the difference of God's throne and Adam's throne.

Satan on Allah's throne

Worse still, should we actually see this as further proof that the Allah of Islam is actually the Devil masquerading as god? It seems so, especially when we take into consideration that the Quran boasts that Allah is the best deceiver/schemer/trickster/conniver/cheat of them all and that he perverts/misguides/corrupts people in the same way that Satan does (*; *; *).

According to the Holy Bible this description of Allah as a corrupter/perverter who is the best deceiver perfectly fits Satan, who is said to be the father of lies and the deceiver of the whole world:

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44

References to his origin as The Moon God (Satan)

The moon god - Allah (part 1) - SALT (Serving Arabs Leadership Team)

Long before Muhammad was born, the Kaba was the home of 360 idols. One of these idols was the moon god. He was considered to be the most powerful of the gods of the Arabs. He had several names. He was often called “al ilah” or “the god.” The poets called him Allah. In fact, the Kaba was called, “The House of Allah” before Muhammad was born. This is because he was the chief god of the Kaba. The idols there were called the daughters of Allah and intercessors in pre-Islamic times. His symbol was a crescent moon. In fact the crescent moon has been found on all kinds of objects everywhere in the ancient world. The moon god cult was quite pervasive in ancient times.

Allah was a god that was especially worshipped by Muhammad’s Quaraysh tribe. The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion says, “The Quaraysh tribe to which Muhammad belonged to was devoted to Allah, but allowed worship of other gods in the Kaba until Muhammad removed them.” Muhammad’s father was named Abdallah meaning “The servant of Allah.” His uncle was named Obied-Allah.

Muhammad’s grandfather had vowed to sacrifice his son to Allah if he granted him protection from his enemies. When it came time to make good on his promise, he cast lots to see which son he should sacrifice. The lot fell on Abdallah, Muhammad’s father. As he prepared to slaughter him, people began to complain. After consulting a sorceress, it was decided that several camels could be sacrificed instead. From that time on, Abdallah was dedicated to Allah. When he grew up, he fathered Muhammad.

Hosting’s Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics says the following under the article Allah:
“Muhammad found the Meccans believing in a supreme God whom they called Allah …Muhammad’s reform was to assert the solitary existence of Allah. The first article of the Muslim creed, therefore, – La ilaha illa-llahu — means only as addressed by him to the Meccans, ‘there exists no God except the one whom you already called Allah.
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At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
so - let me get this straight.

you're lecturing on racism and stereotypes while using stereotypes and racism to provide the lecture?

and he LOOKS muslim - so we can make all these ASSumptions and dog on the right for their limited stereotypical views. let's also make sure to highlight this character in your story is BLACK so we can passive aggressive our way to racism.

it don't get much funnier than this shit.
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At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
so - let me get this straight.

you're lecturing on racism and stereotypes while using stereotypes and racism to provide the lecture?

and he LOOKS muslim - so we can make all these ASSumptions and dog on the right for their limited stereotypical views.

it don't get much funnier than this shit.
I just discovered these videos.

EVERYONE should watch these two videos by Brigitte Gabriel and save them to use when someone does not understand the threat of Islam.

These are all you need to post.

Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America

1400 Years of the Real History of Islam in 5 Minutes - Brigitte Gabriel

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

Christians carry the load helping the less fortunate. Fact
Open Border + Islamic Settlement in The United States is part of Islam's Plan to Conquer America.

This is why Islamic People vote strictly Democrat, and why The Democrat Party is allied with Islam.

This is why The Democrat Party wants open immigration. They want American Culture changed through replacement populations so they can continue towards Globalist Socialism, and bring America under the yoke of Global Government.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

Christians carry the load helping the less fortunate. Fact
Islam refuses to abide by their own mandate of Asylum and Sanctuary to their own people as mandated by The Koran. Instead they send them to Europe and The US as INVADERS.
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At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

You don't even know what the guy was...but because you wanted to start a string insulting Trump supporters...you declared him a Muslim! "Looked like not from around here, you know"? Not for nothing, Munkle but you're a bit of an idiot, you know!

Well there's no denying I'm trolling a bit. But for the sake of argument, doesn't this mean there can be good Muslims and bad Muslims? Look at the answers already here, already quoting Sharia and painting all Muslims with the same brush. This guy didn't even know anyone noticed, I just happened to hear from a ways away. I've seen Muslims do this sort of thing when I knew they definitely were Muslims. So why all the vitriolic Muslim bashing here? There are good people and bad people.
The muzzie scum paid for his coffee so he could lure the old guy into the alley and either cut his head off or goat rape him.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

Would I have done it, probably not since I don't go to coffee shops. I have purchased meals for many folks over the years, that were trying to panhandle money, saying they were trying to get enough eat.

At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

Most of them would.

Republicans are more generous, and give more time, and money, to charity than left-wingers.

Conservative Christians are far more generous to the poor, than left-wingers are. This has been shown to be true hundreds of times.
Religion of Peace has Slaughtered 270 Million people over 1,400 years in the name of their god Lucifer.

Giving a cup of coffee to a lowly infidel does not even begin to recompense the world for Islam's sins.

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