I honestly do not know what to say

We all heard about the GAO report on government duplication that just came out yesterday.

U.S. GAO - Opportunities to Reduce Potential Duplication in Government Programs, Save Tax Dollars, and Enhance Revenue

But did you know that the government actually has 82 different programs to improve teacher quality?

the U.S. government has 82 distinct programs to improve teacher quality (which, judging from our schools, is clearly working quite well). Many of those programs “share similar goals,” according to the report, yet “there is no governmentwide strategy to minimize fragmentation, overlap, or duplication among these many programs.” Which probably helps explain how we got so many programs designed to do the same damn thing in the first place.

Federal Government's Duplicate Programs Make Dupes Out of Taxpayers - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

If that does not boggle your mind you know for a fact that you are a liberal progressive.

I was watching a show today on how many agencies over see Food Safety.

12 separate agencies that do not communicate well with each other.

There are agencies that over see eggs in shell, different ones who over see Eggs once out of the shell, other agencies over see Chickens, while yet another over sees the feed given to chickens.

This is the kind of Redundant wasteful bureaucracy we are talking about when we cay the Government could save Billions by just cutting out waste. Unfortunate the Libs will fight you tooth and Nail making any changes because it will mean some Bureaucrats at these various Redundant agencies will lose their jobs.

In their minds it is better to keep redundant wasteful Agencies open and continue to rack up debt, rather than to have to cut some jobs.

The problem is a matter of definition, semantics, and honesty.

If you attempt to merge or eliminate one or more of those bureaucracies, unscrupulous politicians won't get before the microphones to explain that no basic services are being compromised. They will say that (the other guys) are cutting X number of millions or billions from food safety. We need food safety in order to protect the public, yadda yadda.

It is the same with education
Or aid to dependent children
Or cancer research
Or environmental protections

If they increase the budget but don't give the other side what it wants, that is presented in the media as a CUT.

If they attempt a merge or consolidation of any kind to save money, that is COMPROMISING THE PUBLIC SAFETY or


The dishonesty of it is absolutely sickening, but honesty is continually sacrificed to the great god of ideology and partisanship.

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