I Hereby Notify Those Who it May Concern


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Greetings (once again), USMB.

Now, for those among you who are familiar with the most noble and esteemed user called 'Swagger', I am he. The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted, thus I've reincarnated myself under a similar username.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how I operate, allow me to furnish you with all the necessary details.

I am an English nobleman. A peer of the realm, if you will. I take no prisoners and treat all proles, colonials and lesser breeds with the contempt they deserve. You will address with due deference, otherwise I'll roll deep on you. Capiche, as those greasy wops would say?

You have been warned (some more so than others), America. But let's not let that get in the way of a colourful future.

Chin chin, America.

PS. I detest emoticons, and Irishmen. Though mainly the former over the latter.
Greetings (once again), USMB.

Now, for those among you who are familiar with the most noble and esteemed user called 'Swagger', I am he. The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted, thus I've reincarnated myself under a similar username.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how I operate, allow me to furnish you with all the necessary details.

I am an English nobleman. A peer of the realm, if you will. I take no prisoners and treat all proles, colonials and lesser breeds with the contempt they deserve. You will address with due deference, otherwise I'll roll deep on you. Capiche, as those greasy wops would say?

You have been warned (some more so than others), America. But let's not let that get in the way of a colourful future.

Chin chin, America.

PS. I detest emoticons, and Irishmen. Though mainly the former over the latter.

Two Thumbs, by the end of the day, a great many of you will be wondering what you did without me.

Not exactly a true story, as such, but an entirely reasonable guesstimate all the same.
Greetings (once again), USMB.

Now, for those among you who are familiar with the most noble and esteemed user called 'Swagger', I am he. The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted, thus I've reincarnated myself under a similar username.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how I operate, allow me to furnish you with all the necessary details.

I am an English nobleman. A peer of the realm, if you will. I take no prisoners and treat all proles, colonials and lesser breeds with the contempt they deserve. You will address with due deference, otherwise I'll roll deep on you. Capiche, as those greasy wops would say?

You have been warned (some more so than others), America. But let's not let that get in the way of a colourful future.

Chin chin, America.

PS. I detest emoticons, and Irishmen. Though mainly the former over the latter.
Swagger, Blagger. Maybe the next time you register it'll be "Nagger"? :lol:
Did anyone notice swagger was gone?

and if you did

Did you care?

Who was this "Swagger" character? I think you're just making this up.

Some dood that thought he was the cats meow.

No realation to catzmeow.

He blathered on and on about how great he was and that he agreed with himself when he did, thus confirming to himself that he was correct.

Hell there were multiple threads on you Toro. Most of us assumed you got picked up in the riots after Canada did win hockey. :lol:

I thought better of you. I figured you drank away your sorrows with some Candian whiskey. :booze::alcoholic:
Greetings (once again), USMB.

Now, for those among you who are familiar with the most noble and esteemed user called 'Swagger', I am he. The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted, thus I've reincarnated myself under a similar username.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how I operate, allow me to furnish you with all the necessary details.

I am an English nobleman. A peer of the realm, if you will. I take no prisoners and treat all proles, colonials and lesser breeds with the contempt they deserve. You will address with due deference, otherwise I'll roll deep on you. Capiche, as those greasy wops would say?

You have been warned (some more so than others), America. But let's not let that get in the way of a colourful future.

Chin chin, America.

PS. I detest emoticons, and Irishmen. Though mainly the former over the latter.

We here in the United States have a Constitution that says Nobility is not recognized.
Article I Sec.9
Your Nobility means nothing here.
Greetings (once again), USMB.

Now, for those among you who are familiar with the most noble and esteemed user called 'Swagger', I am he. The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted, thus I've reincarnated myself under a similar username.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how I operate, allow me to furnish you with all the necessary details.

I am an English nobleman. A peer of the realm, if you will. I take no prisoners and treat all proles, colonials and lesser breeds with the contempt they deserve. You will address with due deference, otherwise I'll roll deep on you. Capiche, as those greasy wops would say?

You have been warned (some more so than others), America. But let's not let that get in the way of a colourful future.

Chin chin, America.

PS. I detest emoticons, and Irishmen. Though mainly the former over the latter.



If today is Wednesday, I missed him. If its Tuesday, I'll be wanting to miss him on Wednesday.
The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted,

Greetings (once again), USMB.

Now, for those among you who are familiar with the most noble and esteemed user called 'Swagger', I am he. The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted, thus I've reincarnated myself under a similar username.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how I operate, allow me to furnish you with all the necessary details.

I am an English nobleman. A peer of the realm, if you will. I take no prisoners and treat all proles, colonials and lesser breeds with the contempt they deserve. You will address with due deference, otherwise I'll roll deep on you. Capiche, as those greasy wops would say?

You have been warned (some more so than others), America. But let's not let that get in the way of a colourful future.

Chin chin, America.

PS. I detest emoticons, and Irishmen. Though mainly the former over the latter.

They don't have a UKMB

Why don't you look for it, idiot.
Wait! This is Swagger? There were two drunk Irishmen looking for him yesterday. Something about a soccer wager.

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