I got a Romney Fundraising Letter today


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
The problem with voting for Republicans and sending the money over the years before they completely lost their shit as a party is that they keep mailing lists and I got one today from the Mormon.

It's a "voter survey" which is really a plea for money.

So just to have a little fun with it, I noticed the return envelop reads "Postage will be paid by addressee."

So I'm going to fill it with the heaviest shit I can find, and return it with a note telling them how messed up and crazy I think their party is these days.
Take the letter and stick it into your ass.

Then get on a blanket - face East - and praise The One - cocksmoker.
The problem with voting for Republicans and sending the money over the years before they completely lost their shit as a party is that they keep mailing lists and I got one today from the Mormon.

It's a "voter survey" which is really a plea for money.

So just to have a little fun with it, I noticed the return envelop reads "Postage will be paid by addressee."

So I'm going to fill it with the heaviest shit I can find, and return it with a note telling them how messed up and crazy I think their party is these days.

"The Mormon" ?
Hate much ?
I've been doing that to stuff I get from democrats for YEARS.

However, I have noticed that I seldom get letters anymore. They are almost universally oversized postcards now so you can't return anything. The donation requests are still there, and they refer you to a website.
The problem with voting for Republicans and sending the money over the years before they completely lost their shit as a party is that they keep mailing lists and I got one today from the Mormon.

It's a "voter survey" which is really a plea for money.

So just to have a little fun with it, I noticed the return envelop reads "Postage will be paid by addressee."

So I'm going to fill it with the heaviest shit I can find, and return it with a note telling them how messed up and crazy I think their party is these days.

"The Mormon" ?
Hate much ?

That's all I see with Romney, guy..

And yes, I'm rather proud of my disdain for religious scams started by pedophiles.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra-Crispy!
I've been doing that to stuff I get from democrats for YEARS.

However, I have noticed that I seldom get letters anymore. They are almost universally oversized postcards now so you can't return anything. The donation requests are still there, and they refer you to a website.

Mittens is doing it old school, so I need to pick up a couple of cheap, heavy tiles from the Home Depot tomorrow...
Although crude warrior has a point. To go out of the way to do that is quite telling.
Although crude warrior has a point. To go out of the way to do that is quite telling.


What I love is all these Extreme Left wing loons, that try and tell us how they used to be Republicans lol.

I mean shit I used to be a Democrat and then was a Republican and now am a Independent, but My Core Values have always been the same, How can these people expect us to believe they went from Republican, To Far left loon?

I've been doing that to stuff I get from democrats for YEARS.

However, I have noticed that I seldom get letters anymore. They are almost universally oversized postcards now so you can't return anything. The donation requests are still there, and they refer you to a website.

So, they are a decade or two ahead of the Republicans.
The problem with voting for Republicans and sending the money over the years before they completely lost their shit as a party is that they keep mailing lists and I got one today from the Mormon.

It's a "voter survey" which is really a plea for money.

So just to have a little fun with it, I noticed the return envelop reads "Postage will be paid by addressee."

So I'm going to fill it with the heaviest shit I can find, and return it with a note telling them how messed up and crazy I think their party is these days.

"The Mormon" ?
Hate much ?

I donated to his campaign, without any solicitation. I was proud to have that much faith in a candidate. :eusa_clap:
The problem with voting for Republicans and sending the money over the years before they completely lost their shit as a party is that they keep mailing lists and I got one today from the Mormon.

It's a "voter survey" which is really a plea for money.

So just to have a little fun with it, I noticed the return envelop reads "Postage will be paid by addressee."

So I'm going to fill it with the heaviest shit I can find, and return it with a note telling them how messed up and crazy I think their party is these days.

sounds like a blast, throw a party, invite all your friends. :thup: Tell them to bring paperclips to fill the envelope with. It may end up costing the Romney campaign a good 5 bucks. :razz:
Although crude warrior has a point. To go out of the way to do that is quite telling.


What I love is all these Extreme Left wing loons, that try and tell us how they used to be Republicans lol.

I mean shit I used to be a Democrat and then was a Republican and now am a Independent, but My Core Values have always been the same, How can these people expect us to believe they went from Republican, To Far left loon?


I don't know.

You guys were all for individual mandates, until the Black Guy Did It. Then they became socialism.

So really, trying to track what "idealogy" is with you fools anymore is a waste of time.

You hate Obama because he's black. Period.

I hate Romney because he's a Mormon.
The problem with voting for Republicans and sending the money over the years before they completely lost their shit as a party is that they keep mailing lists and I got one today from the Mormon.

It's a "voter survey" which is really a plea for money.

So just to have a little fun with it, I noticed the return envelop reads "Postage will be paid by addressee."

So I'm going to fill it with the heaviest shit I can find, and return it with a note telling them how messed up and crazy I think their party is these days.

sounds like a blast, throw a party, invite all your friends. :thup: Tell them to bring paperclips to fill the envelope with. It may end up costing the Romney campaign a good 5 bucks. :razz:

I was thinking fishing weights...
The problem with voting for Republicans and sending the money over the years before they completely lost their shit as a party is that they keep mailing lists and I got one today from the Mormon.

It's a "voter survey" which is really a plea for money.

So just to have a little fun with it, I noticed the return envelop reads "Postage will be paid by addressee."

So I'm going to fill it with the heaviest shit I can find, and return it with a note telling them how messed up and crazy I think their party is these days.

It figures Chief Whines-a-lot would thank such a stupid OP.
The problem with voting for Republicans and sending the money over the years before they completely lost their shit as a party is that they keep mailing lists and I got one today from the Mormon.

It's a "voter survey" which is really a plea for money.

So just to have a little fun with it, I noticed the return envelop reads "Postage will be paid by addressee."

So I'm going to fill it with the heaviest shit I can find, and return it with a note telling them how messed up and crazy I think their party is these days.

sounds like a blast, throw a party, invite all your friends. :thup: Tell them to bring paperclips to fill the envelope with. It may end up costing the Romney campaign a good 5 bucks. :razz:

LOL. Funny stuff. He is willing to go out of his way and waste all that time based on bigotry and hate all for something the Romney campaign will not be effected by at all. He is willing to do all this just to affirm his hatred and bigotry to boot.

The problem with voting for Republicans and sending the money over the years before they completely lost their shit as a party is that they keep mailing lists and I got one today from the Mormon.

It's a "voter survey" which is really a plea for money.

So just to have a little fun with it, I noticed the return envelop reads "Postage will be paid by addressee."

So I'm going to fill it with the heaviest shit I can find, and return it with a note telling them how messed up and crazy I think their party is these days.

"The Mormon" ?
Hate much ?

That's all I see with Romney, guy..

And yes, I'm rather proud of my disdain for religious scams started by pedophiles.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra-Crispy!

You know every time I see a hater like you post, I'm thinking psychological help is defiantly needed:cuckoo:
Sent mine back in with a letter letting them know they lost my vote for president since they decided to screw Ron Paul and his delegates over.
Although crude warrior has a point. To go out of the way to do that is quite telling.


What I love is all these Extreme Left wing loons, that try and tell us how they used to be Republicans lol.

I mean shit I used to be a Democrat and then was a Republican and now am a Independent, but My Core Values have always been the same, How can these people expect us to believe they went from Republican, To Far left loon?


I don't know.

You guys were all for individual mandates, until the Black Guy Did It. Then they became socialism.

So really, trying to track what "idealogy" is with you fools anymore is a waste of time.

You hate Obama because he's black. Period.

I hate Romney because he's a Mormon.

At least you are honest about why you hate Romney, but Damned few of us here care what color obama's skin is. We dislike his policies, his lies and his hypocrisy.
At least you are honest about why you hate Romney, but Damned few of us here care what color obama's skin is. We dislike his policies, his lies and his hypocrisy.

Okay, keep telling yourself that.

You guys were all for individual mandates, until the black guy did it...

Then they became socialism.

You guys were all for killing Bin Laden and Khadafy, until the black guy did it...

then it became an abuse of war powers.

You guys were all for raising the debt limit...

Until the black guy did it...

And so on.

It's tiresome.

But please don't tell me it's about policy.

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