"i don't want a pardon from Biden, i'm innocent...release the tapes!"...MAGA champion Matt Gaetz responds to sex trafficking allegations on Tucker

he is digging himself a deeper hole

His statements on tucker seem to have given credence to the allegations, not defeated them
One of Gaetz's claims is eerily similar to Trump's response to the federal probe of his ties to Russia: It's all part of a DOJ-orchestrated smear meant to silence a prominent conservative.

It’s an elaborate extortion plot, he says, meant to bilk his wealthy family of millions
An aggressive, let-it-all-hang-out strategy can be very effective if one is very sure of the evidence that’s going to come out. If the tapes back up Gaetz on the extortion claim, he could be vindicated, even if testimony by the teenager is incriminating (as I have to believe it is, since DOJ opened an investigation)

But if the extortion claim is unconvincing, his credibility is shot and his problem is more serious than it needed to be
Apparently AG Barr didn’t think Gates was innocent- that’s why (HE) started the investigation in the first place.

Gaetz may be telling the truth; then again, he may be lying — or perhaps it’s a combination of both. Either way, he’s in deep trouble.⁠

And either way, Gaetz has handed FBI agents and prosecutors plenty of questions to follow up on when they sit him down and ask him to explain his several contradictory statements. If he’s smart, and there’s little evidence that he is, he’ll invoke his right to remain silent — which he should have done before granting interviews to the press
He looks like a wrong un, even next to Tucker who also looks like a wrongun.
I am guessing that it is illegal in Florida to fuck 17 year old girls. That seems absurd. Surely southern girls marry their cousins when they are 13.

16 is the age of consent over here
READ: He is a Republican, so I know therefore he is guilty. No one knows any information yet, but doesn't matter - he's guilty.
Would be curious to know why he voted against a human trafficking bill...

Would you accept his answer if he told you?

That would depend on the answer.

Ok, what would an acceptable answer be?

That’s a good question considering he was the ONLY rep to vote against this bill.

Thus why I’m curious as to his reasoning.
But, you didn't answer me....What answer from Gaets would be acceptable to you?

Chances are there isn’t an acceptable answer. Still curious what his reasoning was.
A very odd story...seems like there is a lot going on here....will be interesting to see how it plays out. If the tapes clear him, why is the Xiden DOJ holding on to them? He seems to think they do, so why hide them?

As far as why he voted no on the legislation that was brought up...he has explained why...some time ago he explained why: Matt Gaetz defends lone no vote on anti-human trafficking bill

" Gaetz said he voted no because, despite best intentions of the bill, it represented "mission creep" at the federal level in creating the committee.

"Unless there is an overwhelming, compelling reason that our existing agencies in the federal government can't handle that problem, I vote no because voters in Northwest Florida did not send me to Washington to go and create more federal government," Gaetz said.

Basically he said he voted no, because...well we already have agencies that do it, and it's not necessary to create a new agency. The voters in his District apparently agreed with him, and voted him back into office.

This story is beyond weird. He is thinking about not running again. Hell, he is 38. Who leaves a cushy representative position at 38? And that vote on the sex trafficking bill, what the hell? And even Tucker said that was one of the weirdest interviews ever. I mean I hate to be judgmental but he sure as hell looks like a weirdo. But then again, so does Tucker.
OH Yea, he did nothing wrong, that will be the day.

READ: "He's Republican so obviously he is guilty.

Oh come on. He said the money exchange was suppose to be today. But the story leaked the day before. I don't know about you, but if I am looking to extort money from someone I be go to hell if I am going to leak the story to the press the day before. Looks like he leaked. Why? And why did a Republican appointed AG initiate the investigation? Where there is smoke there is usually fire. This dude is about to get fried.
OH Yea, he did nothing wrong, that will be the day.

READ: "He's Republican so obviously he is guilty.

Oh come on. He said the money exchange was suppose to be today. But the story leaked the day before. I don't know about you, but if I am looking to extort money from someone I be go to hell if I am going to leak the story to the press the day before. Looks like he leaked. Why? And why did a Republican appointed AG initiate the investigation? Where there is smoke there is usually fire. This dude is about to get fried.
At the time of their post almost nothing was known. But... he is guilty is the first think they said.
Funny... that is not their reaction to Cuomo or Biden's many skeletons.
hit-lery and billy the pedo dont want any information on this to get out....2 very sick people
A very odd story...seems like there is a lot going on here....will be interesting to see how it plays out. If the tapes clear him, why is the Xiden DOJ holding on to them? He seems to think they do, so why hide them?

As far as why he voted no on the legislation that was brought up...he has explained why...some time ago he explained why: Matt Gaetz defends lone no vote on anti-human trafficking bill

" Gaetz said he voted no because, despite best intentions of the bill, it represented "mission creep" at the federal level in creating the committee.

"Unless there is an overwhelming, compelling reason that our existing agencies in the federal government can't handle that problem, I vote no because voters in Northwest Florida did not send me to Washington to go and create more federal government," Gaetz said.

Basically he said he voted no, because...well we already have agencies that do it, and it's not necessary to create a new agency. The voters in his District apparently agreed with him, and voted him back into office.

This story is beyond weird. He is thinking about not running again. Hell, he is 38. Who leaves a cushy representative position at 38? And that vote on the sex trafficking bill, what the hell? And even Tucker said that was one of the weirdest interviews ever. I mean I hate to be judgmental but he sure as hell looks like a weirdo. But then again, so does Tucker.
his explaination on the no vote made sense
This story is beyond weird. He is thinking about not running again. Hell, he is 38. Who leaves a cushy representative position at 38? And that vote on the sex trafficking bill, what the hell? And even Tucker said that was one of the weirdest interviews ever. I mean I hate to be judgmental but he sure as hell looks like a weirdo. But then again, so does Tucker.
His reasons for retiring are none of your business. Maybe he will follow Trump and run a lucrative PAC.

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