I don't think sirhan sirhan is even in jail


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
there's little doubt the kenendy brothers were killed by conspiracy.
all these years rotting in prison and sirhan sirhan has no information for us?
I call bullsht on the whole story.
we should be able to go down to the prison and see his ass sitting there, but they aren't going to let you do it.
just another insignificant rule that allows the government a huge corruption.
every 10 years they slap an orange suit on him and he gives an interview "i'm very sorry sir VERY VERY sorry"
then he walks out the back of the prison and drives back to Pasadena.

sirhan's "brother"
you can tell which one is the brother because the brother has a mustache and wears sunglasses indoors
there's little doubt the kenendy brothers were killed by conspiracy... every 10 years they slap an orange suit on him and he gives an interview "i'm very sorry sir VERY VERY sorry" then he walks out the back of the prison and drives back to Pasadena.

Thing is, there really are some "solved" crimes that bear further investigation but your premise ("I don't think sirhan sirhan is even in jail") is the kind of baseless pap that gives all CTs a bad name.
Could you supply some proof that SS is living in Pasadena or anywhere other than Donovan Correctional?
there's little doubt the kenendy brothers were killed by conspiracy.
all these years rotting in prison and sirhan sirhan has no information for us?
I call bullsht on the whole story.
we should be able to go down to the prison and see his ass sitting there, but they aren't going to let you do it.
just another insignificant rule that allows the government a huge corruption.
every 10 years they slap an orange suit on him and he gives an interview "i'm very sorry sir VERY VERY sorry"
then he walks out the back of the prison and drives back to Pasadena.

so are you saying they have a look alike posing as him? wouldnt be surprised.I dont put anything past the government. any thinking person not in denial knows Bin Laden was killed off within a couple months after 9/11 contrary to the CIA medias version and the governments paid shills that troll this forum everyday say so why would it be any different with Sirhan? great thread,never thought of that.

Not sure if its true or not but again,you cant put anything past the government since they constantly lie to us everyday so why should we believe them over this as well when they have lied about the murders of JFK,RFK,MLK and Malcom X still to this day?
if this guy is sitting in jail, he needs to be grilled with questions.
he claims he doesn't remember anything , how convenient, ...he never has to answer any questions, because he don't remember anything.
the prison never has to let anyone in there to ask him questions, because he don't remember anything.
WOW! everything worked out great for everyone.

the only time we see this guy is when his parole hearing comes up.
his brother looks just like him.
if you see sirhan sirhan driving around Pasadena, he's just going to say he's his brother.

there wasn't 2 Kennedys assassinated , there was 3, and an assassination attempt on the 4th brother.
anyone thinks there was no conspiracy?
...and sirhan sirhan doesn't know anything about it?
if this guy is sitting in jail, he needs to be grilled with questions.
he claims he doesn't remember anything , how convenient, ...he never has to answer any questions, because he don't remember anything.
the prison never has to let anyone in there to ask him questions, because he don't remember anything.
WOW! everything worked out great for everyone.

the only time we see this guy is when his parole hearing comes up.
his brother looks just like him.
if you see sirhan sirhan driving around Pasadena, he's just going to say he's his brother.

there wasn't 2 Kennedys assassinated , there was 3, and an assassination attempt on the 4th brother.
anyone thinks there was no conspiracy?
...and sirhan sirhan doesn't know anything about it?

well with the CIA's MKULTRA mindcontrol brainwashing program they ran,not surprising he would not remember anything however I seriously doubt that sirhan is still alive now.as i said before,the government never had any hard evidence that it was the real bin laden killed off a couple years ago,it was so fake it was pathetic,bin laden knew too much who was really behind the attacks so they had him killed him.

oswald knew too much so he was killed off although its pretty obvious that wasnt the real oswald who was killed in the jail.the one who was killed im sure you know,weighed a lot more than oswald but the most critical point that proves it was impossible to be oswald is that he was three inches shorter than the oswald that enlisted in the marines.if there is a miracle formula out there where you can shrink a few inches,i would like to have it since i have never liked being as tall as i am.:biggrin: plus his mother said she did not believe that was her son either and that he worked for the CIA.funny how after she said all that,she wound up in a mental institution and died mysteriously there.

yeah since the real bin laden was killed off and that was not the real oswald,the real one probably being killed off long before that,i would not put it past them that they killed off sirhan as well being worried that he WOULD remember something and would spill the beans so its probably a look alike posing as him who has been paid well for it same as how it was a look alike oswald that was killed.
there's little doubt the kenendy brothers were killed by conspiracy... every 10 years they slap an orange suit on him and he gives an interview "i'm very sorry sir VERY VERY sorry" then he walks out the back of the prison and drives back to Pasadena.

Thing is, there really are some "solved" crimes that bear further investigation but your premise ("I don't think sirhan sirhan is even in jail") is the kind of baseless pap that gives all CTs a bad name.
Could you supply some proof that SS is living in Pasadena or anywhere other than Donovan Correctional?

that's something you can prove, go down there and say you want to talk to him and see what they tell you
there's little doubt the kenendy brothers were killed by conspiracy... every 10 years they slap an orange suit on him and he gives an interview "i'm very sorry sir VERY VERY sorry" then he walks out the back of the prison and drives back to Pasadena.

Thing is, there really are some "solved" crimes that bear further investigation but your premise ("I don't think sirhan sirhan is even in jail") is the kind of baseless pap that gives all CTs a bad name.
Could you supply some proof that SS is living in Pasadena or anywhere other than Donovan Correctional?

that's something you can prove, go down there and say you want to talk to him and see what they tell you

Neither you nor I have either the Constitutional or the God-given right to "go down there" and talk to S.S. and I have absolutely no interest. Now you made that ridiculous claim ... prove it.
there's little doubt the kenendy brothers were killed by conspiracy.
all these years rotting in prison and sirhan sirhan has no information for us?
I call bullsht on the whole story.
we should be able to go down to the prison and see his ass sitting there, but they aren't going to let you do it.
just another insignificant rule that allows the government a huge corruption.
every 10 years they slap an orange suit on him and he gives an interview "i'm very sorry sir VERY VERY sorry"
then he walks out the back of the prison and drives back to Pasadena.

There is much corruption in the system. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't actually in jail.
He murdered the one man I believed in. I don't think I'll ever forget that night.

I hope he rots in hell.
TD there was never any hard facts Sirhan murdered RFK.witnesses said he was in front of him the entire time during the shooting and the films back them up which made it impossible for him to do the shooting because the coronor that examined him said the bullet wound to his head was an entrance wound to the back of the head which again,proves he could not have done it.this was the worlds best coronor as well i believe.i know he was at least one of the very best in the world.

same as with JFK where the doctors findings made it impossible for oswald to have done it,same with sirhan.both were patsys.
there's little doubt the kenendy brothers were killed by conspiracy... every 10 years they slap an orange suit on him and he gives an interview "i'm very sorry sir VERY VERY sorry" then he walks out the back of the prison and drives back to Pasadena.

Thing is, there really are some "solved" crimes that bear further investigation but your premise ("I don't think sirhan sirhan is even in jail") is the kind of baseless pap that gives all CTs a bad name.
Could you supply some proof that SS is living in Pasadena or anywhere other than Donovan Correctional?

that's something you can prove, go down there and say you want to talk to him and see what they tell you
do you know if anybody has ever tried that?
oh and off topic,seeing your in LA,are you excited about the Rams coming back next year? I am going to assume you dont care since i have never seen you post once in the sports section?

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