I Don't See Any Particular Religion As Correct Or Better

Discussions go better in a atmosphere of mutual kind regard and respect. People who remember that it is other human beings who are typing away at some remote location instead of thinking of us as 'disembodied anonymous sets of pixels'. It sounds as though you think that the forum is a place for impolite people to talk nonsense.

Of course, you are free to see me and others any way you like.

I wonder if as a Christian, that influences how you aspire to treat others?

First, stop jumping on Cecil!

She is out of the closet about her conservatism!
She is out of the closet with her marriage!
She is out of the closet about her faith and she is damn proud of it too.

Maybe if some of you came out of the closet, you could discover some pride yourselves.

By the way, I treat this board as a place to post anything I like. That include nonsense as well. If some one tells me to stop posting my crap, I post more of it!

They only stated an opinion that I am wasting their time. I wonder, if such people ever realize that they are wasting their own time?----Because they chose to!

Id rather find humility. You learn more that way

I have neither pride nor humility on the subject. I simply am what I am, and what I am is dead tired of people assuming the world is waiting breathlessly for them to offer their condescending opinions of other people's private behavior. I get especially tired of it coming from people who would claim to be outraged if the behavior in question were anything besides religious belief.
I was raised Christian, my family up north is mostly Catholic, and my family farther down south where I currently live isn't really anything particular but I guess I'd classify them as Baptists/Methodists.

My mother and brother remain active church members and I like the idea of the church environment and people but I just don't follow or get into the ideas of Jesus being Christ and the rest of the religion.

Politically, I actually am very conservative and fully support Christian morals.

But I have a deep mind, I've just put a lot of thought and research into the topic and have come to the conclusion that it simply all just doesn't seem real to me.

It seems very likely to me that religions are just beliefs that were developed mostly during the times where humanity was incredibly more primative than it is now, and was used to keep civilizations in order and to answer questions to the simple-minded as far as how they got there, and what their purpose is, and how to "live after death."

Anyone else in this boat?

Anyone have any comments?

Yes, I am sorta in that same boat. Raised Catholic...back when Catholic was really intense. Latin Masses, hats on women in church, the whole shooting match of ritual and ridge behaviors. And it never "took", not from Day One. One God, but a Trinity that includes the Father, the Son and The Ghost Who Inseminated a Virgin? Everyone who isn't Cathoilc automatically gets sent to Hell? Original Sin, Limbo for babies, and Baptism? It was all just so contradictory, byzantinely complicated and unrelated to my life I could never feel it. One nano-second after I was on my own, I was a whacamacallit, Lapsed Catholic. (Ponder the arrogance of THAT term for a minute.)

I would disagree that religions on offer today were developed mostly during the times where humanity was incredibly more primative than it is now. The religions of today may lay claim to a history of 10,000 years but in truth, all American religions seem to remake themselves anew for each generation. Reciting the same words for 2,000 years during a ritual, albeit in dozens and dozens of different languages, is not enough to make a modern religion "the same as" the one it claims existed when dirt was invented. Or even a generation ago, for that matter.

And some religions now on offer unarguably did get "invented" just last week, in terms of the History of Mankind. Magic underwear, drinking the koolaid, we're all possessed by aliens, only 144,000 people can go to Heaven, etc etc etc. They ebb, they flow. Some last, some die out. Can they ALL be right? Even just a little? Doesn't seem to me that this is even remotely possible. To me, the existence of so many dogmas proves almost certainly that no dogma or religion could be "right", i.e., right for me.

"I am right and you are wrong" seems to be the single most predominate belief across all modern religions on offer here in the US. But if that is true, how can I improve my life (or my death, or my -- oxymoronically -- after-life) by running around saying that to myself or anyone else?

God may well be an excellent addition to my world view. Ethics I could not live without. Literally. In a dog eat dog world, I see zero chance of any meaningful happiness for myself.

It's religion I can't seem to find a use for in my life. I'm still trying though. I think that need to "belong and believe" is much more powerful in nearly all of us than we realize.
I was raised Christian, my family up north is mostly Catholic, and my family farther down south where I currently live isn't really anything particular but I guess I'd classify them as Baptists/Methodists.

My mother and brother remain active church members and I like the idea of the church environment and people but I just don't follow or get into the ideas of Jesus being Christ and the rest of the religion.

Politically, I actually am very conservative and fully support Christian morals.

But I have a deep mind, I've just put a lot of thought and research into the topic and have come to the conclusion that it simply all just doesn't seem real to me.

It seems very likely to me that religions are just beliefs that were developed mostly during the times where humanity was incredibly more primative than it is now, and was used to keep civilizations in order and to answer questions to the simple-minded as far as how they got there, and what their purpose is, and how to "live after death."

Anyone else in this boat?

Anyone have any comments?

From the background you have described, it appears that you are a victim of "religion." True Christianity is free from the doctrines of man and full of the Grace of God.

People don't just get martyred for a fairy tale. So for those who were there to see the resurrection of Christ, it was a no brainier to give their bodies to be burned at the stake or crucified for what was an obvious truth. No one gives their life up at their free will to be tortured for a fairy tale, and coming from the very same generation that witnessed his resurrection, it was that much more of a testimony.

I wonder how many people would give their lives up in the same manner today? Likely, not too many. And I don't doubt the false doctrines that have creeped into churches and watered down the living Gospel have a big part to play in that.

Look, I don't mean to show you any disrespect but this is just so wrong it's wrongness offends me as a person with a memory and as a compassionate human.

People DO "just get marytred for a fairy tale". All the time. It's a recurring social phenomena so reliably reappearing there are even studies on the intervals that have created data such that we can pretty accurately predict the next one. Getting martyred for a fairy tale events are easier to predict than earthquakes, volcanos and tsunamis. These events are more akin to tornadoes...never exactly know when or where, but you know pretty much, around here and sometime soon.

I don't think this phenomena commenced without any precedence in human history on a date certain about 2,000 years ago, Instead, I think it's a feature of large group life for humans, and has been happening since we could be called Homo Sapiens. Maybe longer, who knows? The need to martyr oneself in a group for a belief in things you cannot see, hear, taste, touch, smell etc. seems to run so deeply in humans it is likely to be expressing something quite essential about humanness itself. What that something could be, I'm not certain. Maybe the group transfers its needs for magic or hope or merely sacrifice of itself onto a subgroup and they fulfill it in some way. It's anyone's guess, I suppose...but it does happen.

The Death of Christ may well be a watershed moment in human history. It might even be all that Christianity claims it to be. But it, and the deaths of early Christian martyrs, are not stand-alones as observable events in the whole History of Mankind. There are parallels, almost every year.
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I'm openly Christian in much the same way that I'm openly conservative, or openly married. It's not a secret, because despite what some people would like, I don't consider any of those things to be shameful or feel the need to hide them. If it comes up it does, if it doesn't, it doesn't.

And no, you're not "cultivating an acquaintance" with me on this message board. Get over yourself. You're an anonymous set of pixels, as are we all, shouting your opinions into cyberspace. We don't know each other from Adam, and I sincerely doubt most of us would have any interest in actually socializing with each other in the real world.

In that case what's the point?

To discuss topics polite, sensible people don't discuss in actual social situations.

Hypocrite, like yolu are polite and respectable with your rantings and ravings? :lol::cuckoo:
It seems very likely to me that religions are just beliefs that were developed mostly during the times where humanity was incredibly more primative than it is now, and was used to keep civilizations in order and to answer questions to the simple-minded as far as how they got there, and what their purpose is, and how to "live after death."

Anyone else in this boat?

Anyone have any comments?

You've never been to a Satunalia Orgy.
You know, arguing over whose religion is "right" or "better" is a lot like arguing over which pixel of your television screen is "better".

They all contribute to the picture. If you take out all the pixels of just one color, you have an incomplete picture.

Kinda like Christianity in it's current incarnation. They ignore anything that isn't "Christian" and "Jesus approved".
Even Jesus wouldn't agree with that. Good people are good people, regardless of whether they know Christ.Quote
You say not even Jesus would believe that is true? You say that good people are good people reguardless if they know Christ? Romans 3 9-20
What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. 10As it is written:“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11there is no one who understands,no one who seeks God.12All have turned away,they have together become worthless;there is no one who does good,not even one.”c13“Their throats are open graves;their tongues practice deceit.”“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”14“Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”15“Their feet are swift to shed blood;16ruin and misery mark their ways,
17and the way of peace they do not know.18“There is no fear of God before their eyes.”19Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. 20Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.
You say people are good yet the bible says the opposite whom shall I believe? You are going to have to be held accountable for the actions you have committed. There had to be consequences for the actions you have taken. Jesus Christ coming on Earth living a perfect life. Dying a criminals death. Taking the weight of our sin was the consequence. God loves us so much he knew we couldn't get ourselves out of the mess we are in. So he decided to take it into his own hands.
To discuss topics polite, sensible people don't discuss in actual social situations.

Hypocrite, like yolu are polite and respectable with your rantings and ravings? :lol::cuckoo:

Dumbfuck, I didn't say, "To discuss topics politely." If you can't read for comprehension, why are you even here?

:lol:Like you should talk. You dont' even know what you are talking about yourself, you are all over the place and back tracking.
What is evident is that it doesn't matter if the poster claims to be religious or not. Posting politely and sensibly is delightful when it happens.
To discuss topics polite, sensible people don't discuss in actual social situations.

Discussions go better in a atmosphere of mutual kind regard and respect. People who remember that it is other human beings who are typing away at some remote location instead of thinking of us as 'disembodied anonymous sets of pixels'. It sounds as though you think that the forum is a place for impolite people to talk nonsense.

That is entirely your opinion. You mistakenly assume that everyone's idea of how a discussion should go and what constitutes "better" matches your own.

Of course this is a place for impoliteness, and occasionally for nonsense. POLITE people wouldn't discuss politics, religion, and social issues AT ALL.

I'm very sorry if you've been thinking all this time that cyber-relationships are real relationships.

Of course, you are free to see me and others any way you like.

I wonder if as a Christian, that influences how you aspire to treat others?


I wonder if you think I should be influenced by YOUR vision of what Christianity is and isn't. You do seem to have an issue with assuming that your personal opinion is a universal, objective viewpoint.

Some cyber relationships are real. I've made friends on forums, and have certainly encountered a foe here and there.

Real human beings type in words. We're not robots or disembodied pixels. We have minds and hearts.

Again, I don't dispute that, I just hope you are relying on the Spirit just as much if not more.

I do. But for those who just think the Bible is a story book... I'm just a sayin'

The Bible IS a story book, it tells the story of the Jewish people and God.

Wanna know why lots of people don't believe in the Bible today? Simple.......everyone has placed their own spin on the current version which is heavily edited, which means that many of the important pieces of the story are missing, because the Catholic church and the Niecine council wanted to place the focus on Yeshua and His return, rather than tell the whole story (which isn't necessarily favorable to many Christians).

Just because people fight over a candy bar doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. If the US invades Iraq, someone writes a news story about it and then three people argue about it… one says Bush did it to get oil while another says Bush did it to remove the Taliban and the other says it didn’t even happen… Does this mean that the news story is just a story? Or is it what it is regardless of what everyone else’s “opinions” are. Truth is absolute. It does not rely on you or me to exist. Opinions on the other hand are like assholes; everyone has one.

Nope, try again. Currently, in the KJV it is just a story book.

Just sayn'..........

I don't care what man tries to do to the Bible in an effort to pervert it or change it to better suit his/her own fancy. What I care is that the same Word that created the heavens, earth, and everything in it including you and me, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What he promises to us, he fulfills. that it is indeed the infallible Word of the living God. Many have in will try to discount God's Word

There is only one who could do that and the one is Him who laid down his covenant with the Father of the Jewish people. That same God sent his only begotten son, who yet again, fulfilled countless prophesies en route to dying for the sins of you and me alike. Sins and sickness of us all, past present and future. Why? Because he loved us so much that he made a way to reconcile us back to himself.

If you are going to believe in something that is not absolute, what is there to hold on to?

Yes, it is a story. It is a story about a father who loved his children so much that He bore their sickness and grief so that they could receive his full unconditional love and mercy. What's better is that it is real.
You know, arguing over whose religion is "right" or "better" is a lot like arguing over which pixel of your television screen is "better".

They all contribute to the picture. If you take out all the pixels of just one color, you have an incomplete picture.

Kinda like Christianity in it's current incarnation. They ignore anything that isn't "Christian" and "Jesus approved".

No, multiple religions is like bringing several televisions into one room and turning them all on to a different channel and saying they all contribute to the whole. Y....ee...ah .. but "the whole" gives me a headache and I'm not to fond of that.:lol:
You do realize that there are an awful lot of similarities between what Buddha taught, and what Yeshua (Jesus) taught, right?

You also realize that India claims that Yeshua visited there after He left Israel?

No........if you look for the similarities rather than screaming your way is the only way, you'll get a lot farther.

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