I don't believe it - Democrats let illegal alien speak at convention


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
WTF is going on here? Now the democrats are honoring foreigners who illegally invade america to steal jobs, govt benefits, and IDs from the citizens!!! This is treason - giving aid to our enemy.

Illegal Alien Benita Veliz Speaks at DNC Convention: What’s Next? An Illegal President? | Maggie's Notebook

September 6, 2012
By Maggie

WOW. Benita Veliz, an illegal alien brought to the U.S. by her illegal alien parents when she was 8 years old spoke at the DNC on Wednesday, September 5th. Ms. Veliz was stopped by police for failing to yield at a stop sign three years ago. She escaped deportation through the mercy of an administration which has no respect for the Rule of Law. Comparing Ms. Veliz to the most deserving of deportees might put her at the bottom of the list, but she is here illegally. She is not undocumented because she has documentation in American schools, and now in the DNC spotlight. She is an illegal alien. Our laws fail and wane by the minute.
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Why don't they honor bank robbers and all the other criminals while they're at it??. This is truly insane and i predict will backfire on obozo.
WTF is going on here? Now the democrats are honoring foreigners who illegally invade america to steal jobs, govt benefits, and IDs from the citizens!!! This is treason - giving aid to our enemy.

Illegal Alien Benita Veliz Speaks at DNC Convention: What’s Next? An Illegal President? | Maggie's Notebook

September 6, 2012
By Maggie

WOW. Benita Veliz, an illegal alien brought to the U.S. by her illegal alien parents when she was 8 years old spoke at the DNC on Wednesday, September 5th. Ms. Veliz was stopped by police for failing to yield at a stop sign three years ago. She escaped deportation through the mercy of an administration which has no respect for the Rule of Law. Comparing Ms. Veliz to the most deserving of deportees might put her at the bottom of the list, but she is here illegally. She is not undocumented because she has documentation in American schools, and now in the DNC spotlight. She is an illegal alien. Our laws fail and wane by the minute.

Why not? An illegal alien is better represented in Washington that most of America's citizens.

Most Democrats are lawyers. Like typical lawyers, they choose people to represent and treat all others like the enemy. Unfortunately for the average American, Obama didn't choose us as his 'clients.' Obama's first 4 years have been nothing but a case to him; Illegal Aliens, Muslims, Anti-Capitalists, Communists, Socialists and Government Dependents vs the rest of America. In defending his clients, he has vilified American values, freedom, capitalism and our liberties. He see those things almost as crimes. It's clear what change he is offering and it would be the death of our country.
WTF is going on here? Now the democrats are honoring foreigners who illegally invade america to steal jobs, govt benefits, and IDs from the citizens!!! This is treason - giving aid to our enemy.

Illegal Alien Benita Veliz Speaks at DNC Convention: What’s Next? An Illegal President? | Maggie's Notebook

September 6, 2012
By Maggie

WOW. Benita Veliz, an illegal alien brought to the U.S. by her illegal alien parents when she was 8 years old spoke at the DNC on Wednesday, September 5th. Ms. Veliz was stopped by police for failing to yield at a stop sign three years ago. She escaped deportation through the mercy of an administration which has no respect for the Rule of Law. Comparing Ms. Veliz to the most deserving of deportees might put her at the bottom of the list, but she is here illegally. She is not undocumented because she has documentation in American schools, and now in the DNC spotlight. She is an illegal alien. Our laws fail and wane by the minute.

She came to the United States when she was a mere child. Her parents were at fault for bringing her in without permission. She shouldn't be punished for what happened when she was younger.

Yes, when she turned 18 she should have notified the proper authorities, but she was probably afraid she would be sent home, so kept quiet.
That is why I stopped wanting to become a lawyer. Just too many in the USA, and they extended the time it takes to get a law degree from 8 years to 10.
Why don't they honor bank robbers and all the other criminals while they're at it??. This is truly insane and i predict will backfire on obozo.

Yes, lets compare bank robbers to someone who may be illegal, but has not been in any other trouble with the law, apart from a mere driving violation.
Let's see, Tax Cheat as Sec Tres, The architect of the Failed Stimulus stole $1.2Billion from his customers and the AG should be charged as an accessory in the murder of Brian Terry, so letting an Illegal speak at their convention is not a surprise
Why don't they honor bank robbers and all the other criminals while they're at it??. This is truly insane and i predict will backfire on obozo.

Yes, lets compare bank robbers to someone who may be illegal, but has not been in any other trouble with the law, apart from a mere driving violation.

So, bank robbers who haven't been in any other trouble with the law aside from bank robbing should be honored?
She came to the United States when she was a mere child. Her parents were at fault for bringing her in without permission. She shouldn't be punished for what happened when she was younger.

Yes, when she turned 18 she should have notified the proper authorities, but she was probably afraid she would be sent home, so kept quiet.

So, should we let convicted felons out of prison because their kids shouldn't be punished for something their father did?

Your argument is idiotic.
My thought on it... If it's a law you enforce it. If it's not... You don't. Picking and choosing what laws you enforce *sometimes* isn't assuring equal individual rights. It's screams that there really isn't any.
Why don't they honor bank robbers and all the other criminals while they're at it??. This is truly insane and i predict will backfire on obozo.

Yes, lets compare bank robbers to someone who may be illegal, but has not been in any other trouble with the law, apart from a mere driving violation.

So, bank robbers who haven't been in any other trouble with the law aside from bank robbing should be honored?

Misunderstanding my point was probably deliberate on your part.
Why don't they honor bank robbers and all the other criminals while they're at it??. This is truly insane and i predict will backfire on obozo.

Yes, lets compare bank robbers to someone who may be illegal, but has not been in any other trouble with the law, apart from a mere driving violation.

if they did get in trouble do you think that would make any difference

75000 ice employees have signed petitions protesting the catch and release of those breaking immigration laws

She came to the United States when she was a mere child. Her parents were at fault for bringing her in without permission. She shouldn't be punished for what happened when she was younger.


All these illegals have learned to claim they came here as a kid and there is never any evidence. Forged school documents can be bought on any street corner.
My thought on it... If it's a law you enforce it. If it's not... You don't. Picking and choosing what laws you enforce *sometimes* isn't assuring equal individual rights. It's screams that there really isn't any.

Our policy should be to deport all known illegals - no exceptions. But obozo won't even deport illegals who are convicted drunk drivers like his uncle!!!
Yes, lets compare bank robbers to someone who may be illegal, but has not been in any other trouble with the law, apart from a mere driving violation.

Oh stop with that nonsense about how illegals are "good criminals".

And BTW, there is no such thing as a mere driving violation. Reckless drivers are killers and maimers. Deport this criminal now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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