I don't agree with all of them but I liked some of the things these presidents did


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Lincoln- Freed slaves
Teddy Roosevelt- War hero, advocate for national parks
FDR- Led American through an economic depression, led America through a global war, social programs that reduced elder poverty
Eisenhower- War hero, desegregation, started NASA, warned against military industrial complex
JFK- War Hero, put America on the Moon, really inspiring
Carter- Passionate about human rights and humanitarianism
Reagan- Beat Soviets militarily and economically
Clinton- Kept the budget in good shape but don't agree with mass incarceration
JFK a war hero? He was reassigned from Pearl Harbor because of his affair with a Russian agent, then got his PT Boat run over by a Japanese Destroyer. He was going to be court-martialed for dereliction of duty until his daddy had it quashed.

In addition to running the White House like a bordello, he caved in to Krushchev during the "Cuban Missile Crisis" by secretly agreeing to remove our missiles from Turkey. Like Obama, he was a pretty boy with no substance who could read speeches (and books) written by others.

"Camelot" was invented by Jackie and Ted Sorenson after his assassination to restore his tattered credibility. Do you still believe in fairy tales?
FDR led America through an economic depression. Yea, that was one of the big problems with him.

Now Trump - that guy's leading us through an economic boom.

Big difference.
You can continue to rely on 8th grade cliches or you can deal with history. The Country split apart under Lincoln's watch The emancipation proclamation freed nobody. FDR turned a recession into a man killing depression in his first two terms. It took WW2 to get the U.S. out of the depression. Ike was a war hero but JFK was the commander of the only P.T. boat ever run over by the enemy. The Navy was ready to court martial him before daddy pulled some strings. Carter's administration was so bad that the usually doting media created a "misery index"

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