I believe the federal government should legalize POT.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I believe the federal government should legalize POT.

Arguments for
-The government can tax it
-It takes away the profit for the drug cartels!
-People should have the right to do it
-We could release millions of people that were imprisoned for stupid reasons.

Arguments against
-Same as drinking!

Any questions?
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I completely agree.

In fact Alcohol is actually much worse than pot.

I would imagine we could put a nice cut in the deficit if they made it legal and taxed it!!
I am certain that the tide is turning in a big way and will welcome it becoming legal in this country, although my pot smoking days are years in the past I might even light some up to celebrate the day I can do it without getting arrested like some criminal.
I'm all for it - freedom! Freedom to smoke pot or to shove handfulls of gravel up your ass - as long as there is no victum, or you are not putting anyone in harms way - there is really no crime! Arn't we given the right to face our accusers ?
I fear it will take some time for the feds to come around. After all, they have built a monster who now needs to be fed - no pun intended. If half the federal inmates are in for pot, the reduction of judges, lawyers, police etc. etc. would be radical , and very heavy opposition would exist. However, the inertia has been broken which is wonderful! :D:clap2:

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