I believe in campagin finance reform, do you?

Good, we've now moved from the name calling stage to an actual discussion on the issue of money and politics. As I suggested, most of us agree that there exists a systemic problem which puts the ideal of a democratric republic at risk.
The next problem is how to convince those who benefit from a broken system to fix it, when they control the power to make law?
Nice moving of the goalposts from "Members of Congress accept bribes. Does anyone doubt this premise?" to "most of us agree that there exists a systemic problem".

I bet you give your analyst fits. :lol:

Thanks for sharing dude.
How else do you influence someone??
Let's take one industry, maybe construction. There are some measures that will be harmful to construction interests. Some measures that will help construction interests. A politician who naturally sees the positives of construction will favor the pro legislation. And the industry will naturally support him. And the best way they can support him, meaning to help him get elected and stay in office is campaign contributions.
Do you see anything wrong with this? I sure don't.

Some measures which help the construction industry maybe not benefit those a member of congress represents.

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