I believe in an interstellar future for humanity!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I believe in a strong military, the right to self defense, freedom, democracy, and the advancement of science and technology. I believe the worlds depicted in TV shows and video games like Star Trek, Babylon 5, and Mass Effect are futures worth fighting for. I believe in a united humanity that is united under freedom, democracy, justice, and human rights!



If the other nations reject these ideals then it should be America, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, Japan, and South Korea who should colonize the galaxy!

Protected by a vast fleet and millions of fighter pilots and space marines, freedom loving humanity should be a shining light for all oppressed sentient life in the galaxy!
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Millions of fighter pilots and space marines? To fight whom exactly?
You are being mocked, but actually make sense. It is so amusing to watch the current crop of humanity harp on conserving resources while denying funding for space exploration. Conserving means making resources last longer, but not forever. By the time they realize we must leave this planet to obtain new resources it will probably be too late. But they make themselves feel better by mocking others.
Space exploration to the degree of interstellar relocation is a pipe dream until we can realize FTL travel
Don't hold your breath on that one
Space exploration to the degree of interstellar relocation is a pipe dream until we can realize FTL travel
Don't hold your breath on that one

That reminds me of the old saying “get a horse” when the first cars drove by. It ranks up there with “if man were meant to fly he would have been born with wings” or “we'll never go to the moon because we can't make it back.”
There was a time when space exploration was a possibility. During the moon program we came together as a country to explore another world. We dreamed of a future of space travel for the common man.

Now America has no manned space program and a space agency that is more concerned with fabricating a case for carbon trading schemes than exploring the cosmos.

Our dreams of space travel now exist only in high-budget action movies and TV shows.

The only way any American will go into space in the next decade is from his sofa.

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Space exploration to the degree of interstellar relocation is a pipe dream until we can realize FTL travel
Don't hold your breath on that one

That reminds me of the old saying “get a horse” when the first cars drove by. It ranks up there with “if man were meant to fly he would have been born with wings” or “we'll never go to the moon because we can't make it back.”

Well since I never said it couldn't be done I guess your post is meaningless

It will take many many many lifetimes before we even get close if we ever do at all

It seems far more pragmatic to me to worry about our current problems right here and to set our mind to those before we start worrying and spending untold trillions on interstellar space travel
What if the elites and the Deep State already have the technology to go anywhere in the galaxy that humanity could possibly wish?

What if we, as a species, have shown to the galactic federation that we aren't mature enough to be allowed off of this planet? We destroy each other, we don't know how to live in peace. We value material comforts over familial, educational, and spiritual pursuits.

Money and power are what humans crave, not a thirst for knowledge, exploration, growth, creativity and love.

Most folks, given unlimited resources, would not content themselves with a bike, a thousand square feet to live in, and modest meals. Look at our leaders. There is a psychic sickness the pervades the planet. These are not beings that the galactic federation will allow off the planet until they have matured as a civilization.

Perhaps we are under the illusion that we are in control of our own destiny? Strange forces may exist, manipulating all that goes on behind the scenes. . . :tinfoil:
What if the elites and the Deep State already have the technology to go anywhere in the galaxy that humanity could possibly wish?

What if we, as a species, have shown to the galactic federation that we aren't mature enough to be allowed off of this planet? We destroy each other, we don't know how to live in peace. We value material comforts over familial, educational, and spiritual pursuits.

Money and power are what humans crave, not a thirst for knowledge, exploration, growth, creativity and love.

Most folks, given unlimited resources, would not content themselves with a bike, a thousand square feet to live in, and modest meals. Look at our leaders. There is a psychic sickness the pervades the planet. These are not beings that the galactic federation will allow off the planet until they have matured as a civilization.

Perhaps we are under the illusion that we are in control of our own destiny? Strange forces may exist, manipulating all that goes on behind the scenes. . . :tinfoil:
Why do you assume any alien race is peaceful?

I think it's safer to assume an advanced culture of spacers are more likely to be hostile

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