I am voting for Bush.

Feb 15, 2004
I called the polls, they are open at 0700 (where I live anyway). First thing Tuesday I am voting.
I will be nervous all day long, checking the polls every minuet of the day...

I find, as posted by Bonnie, that democrats or Kerry supporters are a bit on the angry side. I don't know if this is a Kerry supporter thing or a democrat way of thinking these days...either way...I am not impressed with how any of them handle reality.

I live in a democratic state - Massachusettes. I am surrounded by Kerry supporters who have nothing pro Kerry only anti Bush....it is as if nothing can be said about Kerry other than the fact he is a d and not related to Bush.

Another woman today said she is voting for 'the green man' .... I was thinking of greenpeace?? I asked who the hell is 'the green man?'...she said she didn't know but he is on the ballet. hmm. American really appriciates its freedom of choice, so much so that someone can actually vote for a 'green man' and not know his name or what he stands for....

I am not too sure what the great anger towards Bush is but I can tell you this if Kerry wins - and mark my words - HE WILL NOT WITHDRAW TROOPS FROM IRAQ.
Think back to hey hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today? Remember - by reading a history book that he too promised an end to the Vietnam war? Did he end that war?

So when you go to the polls and you are voting against Bush for that sole reason think of your kids - think of someone like Kerry who never keeps his word and consistancy means nothing - hence the nickname flip flopper. Think of his vp Edwards who, should anything happen to Kerry, would then take charge of this country. Edwards.

I am voting for Bush.
I hope Bush wins.
I am not voting for Bush because I am anti Kerry - I have yet to figure that man out.
I am not a lover of Bush nor an avid fan but he is the best choice to lead this country.
There is no going back.

WC has spoken.
Dont be intimidated. Every vote counts. I think we can win even Massachusetts if we get out the vote. (Okay so im a real optimists)
Bush take Massachusettes?


Even if I never voted and never understood what was going on - with all the Kerry/Edwards signs around - forget it.

This is a democratic state. Remember, these people voted for Michael Dukakis - I won't say anything more about that.

Of course one never knows....but realisitcally it wouldn't happen but in a dream. Some states are dedicated to democrats and some are pure republican.
I guess that would like Kerry taking on Texas which would also never happen.

But I am voting for Bush of course and Dr. Gail Lese.

I am voting R all the way.
winston churchi said:
I am voting R all the way.

I've decided I'm voting Republican for everything except Railroad Commissioner, which I'm voting Libertarian. One reason for this is I've never voted straight party and want to keep that intact, even if it's just for myself. The reason it's that particular office I'm voting Libertarian is because it is probably the most useless in the state. There are no responsibilities for Railroad Commissioner that couldn't easily be taken on by other offices. The Libertarian candidate promises the first thing they will do is work to banish the office.

Right now, I'm considering staying up a couple of hours later than usual so I can be at the polls as soon as they open.
Jimmyeatworld said:
I've decided I'm voting Republican for everything except Railroad Commissioner, which I'm voting Libertarian. One reason for this is I've never voted straight party and want to keep that intact, even if it's just for myself. The reason it's that particular office I'm voting Libertarian is because it is probably the most useless in the state. There are no responsibilities for Railroad Commissioner that couldn't easily be taken on by other offices. The Libertarian candidate promises the first thing they will do is work to banish the office.

Right now, I'm considering staying up a couple of hours later than usual so I can be at the polls as soon as they open.

And that is why I belong to the Libertarian Party. But I will be voting almost Straight Republican as well. But alas, My vote and my wife's will be a mere statistical raindrop in massachussetts. Well maybe it'll make the diff between Kerry getting 80% and 79.5 % of the vote.
I voted early for the first time and it was still crowded. While most of Texas is going Bush, Austin in a liberal Mecca. After I looked at the ballot, I proudly voted a straight Repubican ticket for the first time in my life. Nary a single Dem in the bunch worth my vote. Go George! :mm:
Good to see my friends here in Mass going to vote for the President. I am headed off to vote for Bush. While I agree Mass is totally Dem. we do have a Rep Gov. so the chance is there.
dilloduck said:
I voted early for the first time and it was still crowded. While most of Texas is going Bush, Austin in a liberal Mecca. After I looked at the ballot, I proudly voted a straight Repubican ticket for the first time in my life. Nary a single Dem in the bunch worth my vote. Go George! :mm:

What was your ballot like? I didn't see the ballot here before I went to vote and was a little surprised there weren't more choices listed. The only options they had for President were President Bush, Kerry, Badnarik, and a write in space. No Nader, no Peroutka, no Cobb.

Not that I'm disappointed. For me they could have put Bush/Cheney and left it at that. I've just never seen a ballot so skimpy on candidates and was just wondering if it was like that everywhere in the state.

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