I am Embarrassed to be an American Today


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

David Coughlin

Barack Obama is not my president, not by a long shot, but unfortunately he is the president of my country. I am embarrassed to be an American today where so many people are oblivious to the damage being done to the fabric of our country and who voted for four more years of his destruction.

I cannot understand how so many people know so little about this man, and when they find out the facts about his background, choose to ignore his anti-American influences, his checkered past, his hidden records, and his lack of any accomplishment other than being elected to political office. I cannot understand how these same people see Obama's economic policies that failed to address the underlying problems and served to stagnate and lengthen the economic recovery. I cannot understand how these same people can watch Obama's foreign-policy tactics and not see America's reputation and influence degrade before their eyes. It is said that there are now two Americas that are not on speaking terms. I certainly do not understand this other America.

We have finally finished the most divisive and negative presidential campaign where Obama ran away from his record and instead attacked his challenger as his only campaign strategy. Again voters elected a president with no defined agenda, other than a continuation of the failed policies of his first term. His biggest electoral advantage was the mainstream media who "came out of the closet" to openly embrace their liberal icon President. I will not stand by quietly and watch this administration do further damage to my country.


Read more: Blog: I am Embarrassed to be an American Today
I know how you feel; I had exactly the same response the morning I awoke to see Reagan had won in 1980.
Naive people!


Do you really believe you choose people who GOVERN you???!!!!! :badgrin:
I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

I do not think anyone gives a shit. Obama is President for another 4 years, deal with it like a man and not a girl.
I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

David Coughlin

Barack Obama is not my president, not by a long shot, but unfortunately he is the president of my country. I am embarrassed to be an American today where so many people are oblivious to the damage being done to the fabric of our country and who voted for four more years of his destruction.

I cannot understand how so many people know so little about this man, and when they find out the facts about his background, choose to ignore his anti-American influences, his checkered past, his hidden records, and his lack of any accomplishment other than being elected to political office. I cannot understand how these same people see Obama's economic policies that failed to address the underlying problems and served to stagnate and lengthen the economic recovery. I cannot understand how these same people can watch Obama's foreign-policy tactics and not see America's reputation and influence degrade before their eyes. It is said that there are now two Americas that are not on speaking terms. I certainly do not understand this other America.

We have finally finished the most divisive and negative presidential campaign where Obama ran away from his record and instead attacked his challenger as his only campaign strategy. Again voters elected a president with no defined agenda, other than a continuation of the failed policies of his first term. His biggest electoral advantage was the mainstream media who "came out of the closet" to openly embrace their liberal icon President. I will not stand by quietly and watch this administration do further damage to my country.


Read more: Blog: I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

I live in Europe, and over here there was a collective sigh of relief Wednesday morning. You have no idea what you are talking about.
When I was younger and stupid when Clinton was in office, I once said within earshot of my mother that I am embarrassed to be an American because of Clinton.

She read me the riot act, as mom's can do quite well to their children. She asked me what I have learned about the Founding Fathers - about the type of government we have and why we do not have kings or why we have three branches. I answered her correctly, of course.

Then she very sternly asked me if our Founders ever intended for a single man to be able to break the country or the American spirit. I thought for a half of a second, and saw her point.

So, I say to anyone who is embarrassed about being an American to consider what my wise mother said to me.

I just don't get this attitude.
I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

David Coughlin

Barack Obama is not my president, not by a long shot, but unfortunately he is the president of my country. I am embarrassed to be an American today where so many people are oblivious to the damage being done to the fabric of our country and who voted for four more years of his destruction.

I cannot understand how so many people know so little about this man, and when they find out the facts about his background, choose to ignore his anti-American influences, his checkered past, his hidden records, and his lack of any accomplishment other than being elected to political office. I cannot understand how these same people see Obama's economic policies that failed to address the underlying problems and served to stagnate and lengthen the economic recovery. I cannot understand how these same people can watch Obama's foreign-policy tactics and not see America's reputation and influence degrade before their eyes. It is said that there are now two Americas that are not on speaking terms. I certainly do not understand this other America.

We have finally finished the most divisive and negative presidential campaign where Obama ran away from his record and instead attacked his challenger as his only campaign strategy. Again voters elected a president with no defined agenda, other than a continuation of the failed policies of his first term. His biggest electoral advantage was the mainstream media who "came out of the closet" to openly embrace their liberal icon President. I will not stand by quietly and watch this administration do further damage to my country.


Read more: Blog: I am Embarrassed to be an American Today
Obama's not a liberal, asshole!

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