Trump I am afraid us Trump supporters have all been duped.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I am afraid all the Trump supporters me being one of them who thought he would be like JFK,our last real president we had thinking that he was a loose cannon same as him and also would not do the bidding of the establishment that every president since Lyndon Johnson has,be their willing puppet for the puppet masters as every president since LBJ has,have all been duped. That he is no different than any of them. read below.:(

didn't just hear, but also witness with my eyes watching Trump on 60 Minutes make the statement that when it comes to appointing a "Special Prosecutor" to look into the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Trump made this statement "I Don't Want To Hurt Them," These Are Good People" speaking to Hillary and the Clinton's! Just what the hell did we put him in office for if not to see we were to have conservative SCOTUS and to have no one above the law. Have the little man, the common man be on the same level as the Established Elite, such as Hillary Clinton.

Folks have we been duped again, as Trump is showing he is not really for the little and common man when it comes to the law, but he is one of them, the Established and Elite himself. He talked a good game and we were taken in, but it appears it going to be the "Same Old", "Same Old"...What a Disappointment.

He also if I remember correctly,has reversed his stance on Obamacare and is now behind it.:mad:
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You just now figured this out? I figured it out during the campaign when I heard his unhinged rants that he called campaign speeches.
I am afraid all the Trump supporters me being one of them who thought he would be like JFK,our last real president we had thinking that he was a loose cannon same as him and also would not do the bidding of the establishment that every president since Lyndon Johnson has,be their willing puppet for the puppet masters as every president since LBJ has,have all been duped. That he is no different than any of them. read below.:(

didn't just hear, but also witness with my eyes watching Trump on 60 Minutes make the statement that when it comes to appointing a "Special Prosecutor" to look into the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Trump made this statement "I Don't Want To Hurt Them," These Are Good People" speaking to Hillary and the Clinton's! Just what the hell did we put him in office for if not to see we were to have conservative SCOTUS and to have no one above the law. Have the little man, the common man be on the same level as the Established Elite, such as Hillary Clinton.

Folks have we been duped again, as Trump is showing he is not really for the little and common man when it comes to the law, but he is one of them, the Established and Elite himself. He talked a good game and we were taken in, but it appears it going to be the "Same Old", "Same Old"...What a Disappointment.

He also if I remember correctly,has reversed his stance on Obamacare and is now behind it.:mad:

This crap already has been discussed for the last week and a half here. Glad you didn't tell us it was breaking news.......:lol:.
I am afraid all the Trump supporters me being one of them who thought he would be like JFK,our last real president we had thinking that he was a loose cannon same as him and also would not do the bidding of the establishment that every president since Lyndon Johnson has,be their willing puppet for the puppet masters as every president since LBJ has,have all been duped. That he is no different than any of them. read below.:(

didn't just hear, but also witness with my eyes watching Trump on 60 Minutes make the statement that when it comes to appointing a "Special Prosecutor" to look into the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Trump made this statement "I Don't Want To Hurt Them," These Are Good People" speaking to Hillary and the Clinton's! Just what the hell did we put him in office for if not to see we were to have conservative SCOTUS and to have no one above the law. Have the little man, the common man be on the same level as the Established Elite, such as Hillary Clinton.

Folks have we been duped again, as Trump is showing he is not really for the little and common man when it comes to the law, but he is one of them, the Established and Elite himself. He talked a good game and we were taken in, but it appears it going to be the "Same Old", "Same Old"...What a Disappointment.

He also if I remember correctly,has reversed his stance on Obamacare and is now behind it.:mad:

This crap already has been discussed for the last week and a half here. Glad you didn't tell us it was breaking news.......:lol:.
Cut him some slack, it's football season.

Incidentally. . . . The Cubs winning the world series? Trump winning the Presidency? Oh hell yeah, this bodes really well for the Lions!

I am afraid all the Trump supporters me being one of them who thought he would be like JFK,our last real president we had thinking that he was a loose cannon same as him and also would not do the bidding of the establishment that every president since Lyndon Johnson has,be their willing puppet for the puppet masters as every president since LBJ has,have all been duped. That he is no different than any of them. read below.:(

didn't just hear, but also witness with my eyes watching Trump on 60 Minutes make the statement that when it comes to appointing a "Special Prosecutor" to look into the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Trump made this statement "I Don't Want To Hurt Them," These Are Good People" speaking to Hillary and the Clinton's! Just what the hell did we put him in office for if not to see we were to have conservative SCOTUS and to have no one above the law. Have the little man, the common man be on the same level as the Established Elite, such as Hillary Clinton.

Folks have we been duped again, as Trump is showing he is not really for the little and common man when it comes to the law, but he is one of them, the Established and Elite himself. He talked a good game and we were taken in, but it appears it going to be the "Same Old", "Same Old"...What a Disappointment.

He also if I remember correctly,has reversed his stance on Obamacare and is now behind it.:mad:

I think he is trying to unite Capitol Hill. And he is wise to do so. He is extending an olive branch. Hillary just got the shit kicked out of her. Piling on more misery would make him look vindictive. Other investigations ( Wiener ) may warrant investigation of her as well. Trump ended her career. He wants the 2 parties to move forward, because he doesn't want any obstruction to his plans. Going after her would split this country down the middle, and the hatred would be palatable.
He just announced yesterday that he was going to repeal and replace OBcare. Things are about to get better for America. The UN is mourning the demise of the prospect of Hemisphere 1. We will remain The United States of America.
Trump won't get it all right, but he'll get most of it right. He isn't even in Washington yet. Give him a year and see if the country isn't in better shape than he found it. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised
It's not like I never tried to warn ya. . .
Yeah I know but I just wanted to believe he was different.I just wanted to be wrong so I just didn't see it coming..Should have seen it though because something I did not think about was come on,is a politician REALLY going to prosecute another high ranking politician? get serious.when has that ever happened?

Doesn't really surprise me though when I think about it I guess because there WERE a lot of questions with him unlike ron paul.Ron Paul I DID trust.I did say that I did not trust Trump so when I think about it,it really doesn't surprise me too much. with Ron Paul you knew things would change,with Trump there were questions so it really isn't suprising now that I think about it. I was just thinking he might be different because he wasn't connected to the CFR,trilateral commission of Bilderbergers as the Clintons,Bushs,Obama,Romney,Mccain, Cruz and so many others are.

He is secretly connected to SOME evil organization though that we don't know about. Which is no surprise really because you don't get that high up to be one of the two finalists for the office of the president UNLESS you have special connections to evil government organizations of course.That is why Ron Paul who WOULD have turned the country around,never had a prayer like Trump
It's not like I never tried to warn ya. . .
Yeah I know but I just wanted to believe he was different.I just wanted to be wrong so I just didn't see it coming..Should have seen it though because something I did not think about was come on,is a politician REALLY going to prosecute another high ranking politician? get serious.when has that ever happened?

Doesn't really surprise me though when I think about it I guess because there WERE a lot of questions with him unlike ron paul.Ron Paul I DID trust.I did say that I did not trust Trump so when I think about it,it really doesn't surprise me too much. with Ron Paul you knew things would change,with Trump there were questions so it really isn't suprising now that I think about it. I was just thinking he might be different because he wasn't connected to the CFR,trilateral commission of Bilderbergers as the Clintons,Bushs,Obama,Romney,Mccain, Cruz and so many others are.

He is secretly connected to SOME evil organization though that we don't know about. Which is no surprise really because you don't get that high up to be one of the two finalists for the office of the president UNLESS you have special connections to evil government organizations of course.That is why Ron Paul who WOULD have turned the country around,never had a prayer like Trump

No, he isn't "secretly" connected to some evil organization. He is a business man, and not a politician.

He has been held at arms length, outside of the political establishment all his life. None the less, he has been a player, not an insider, but still, a major player.

Once he was elected, he immediately was given the keys to the kingdom, IOW, now he is an insider. This means, he is now privy to all the inside information that the corrupt establishment has had for a century. He has found out how little he really did know.

He probably knew less than you did about how the Deep State functioned. At that point, he had two choices, stand with everyday, ordinary Americans, or continue the operations of the Deep State. He chose the latter.

I think you are and had overestimated the actual power of any one person to affect change on the entrenched leviathan that is the Deep State, (Including Ron Paul.) It is, after all, the civil war within the Deep State that caused him to be elected in the first place. If it hadn't released the damaging information to Wikileaks about Hillary Clinton, chances are, he would have never won.

See this thread; The truth about why Comey reversed course.

Pay particularly close attention to this article within that thread;

No Matter Who Wins The Presidency, The ‘Deep State’ Will Run Things
No Matter Who Wins The Presidency, The ‘Deep State’ Will Run Things

As to your hope that he would be different? At the time of the campaign, it was not particularly misplaced. At the time of the campaign, Mr. Trump knew that corruption existed with in the nexus of government and Wall-street. I don't think he ever understood why. That is the whole point. He was perceptive enough not to be fooled by the MSM. We saw this. It is on record.

Was it foolish to hope against hope that he would do something about it? Perhaps. But we had a record, a known history of the Deep State corruption with the Clinton's power base. There was no alternative to those who believe that voting is the only way out of this nightmare.
I am afraid all the Trump supporters me being one of them who thought he would be like JFK,our last real president we had thinking that he was a loose cannon same as him and also would not do the bidding of the establishment that every president since Lyndon Johnson has,be their willing puppet for the puppet masters as every president since LBJ has,have all been duped. That he is no different than any of them. read below.:(

didn't just hear, but also witness with my eyes watching Trump on 60 Minutes make the statement that when it comes to appointing a "Special Prosecutor" to look into the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Trump made this statement "I Don't Want To Hurt Them," These Are Good People" speaking to Hillary and the Clinton's! Just what the hell did we put him in office for if not to see we were to have conservative SCOTUS and to have no one above the law. Have the little man, the common man be on the same level as the Established Elite, such as Hillary Clinton.

Folks have we been duped again, as Trump is showing he is not really for the little and common man when it comes to the law, but he is one of them, the Established and Elite himself. He talked a good game and we were taken in, but it appears it going to be the "Same Old", "Same Old"...What a Disappointment.

He also if I remember correctly,has reversed his stance on Obamacare and is now behind it.:mad:

This crap already has been discussed for the last week and a half here. Glad you didn't tell us it was breaking news.......:lol:.
Cut him some slack, it's football season.

Incidentally. . . . The Cubs winning the world series? Trump winning the Presidency? Oh hell yeah, this bodes really well for the Lions!

I am afraid all the Trump supporters me being one of them who thought he would be like JFK,our last real president we had thinking that he was a loose cannon same as him and also would not do the bidding of the establishment that every president since Lyndon Johnson has,be their willing puppet for the puppet masters as every president since LBJ has,have all been duped. That he is no different than any of them. read below.:(

didn't just hear, but also witness with my eyes watching Trump on 60 Minutes make the statement that when it comes to appointing a "Special Prosecutor" to look into the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Trump made this statement "I Don't Want To Hurt Them," These Are Good People" speaking to Hillary and the Clinton's! Just what the hell did we put him in office for if not to see we were to have conservative SCOTUS and to have no one above the law. Have the little man, the common man be on the same level as the Established Elite, such as Hillary Clinton.

Folks have we been duped again, as Trump is showing he is not really for the little and common man when it comes to the law, but he is one of them, the Established and Elite himself. He talked a good game and we were taken in, but it appears it going to be the "Same Old", "Same Old"...What a Disappointment.

He also if I remember correctly,has reversed his stance on Obamacare and is now behind it.:mad:

This crap already has been discussed for the last week and a half here. Glad you didn't tell us it was breaking news.......:lol:.

Like he said,cut me a little slack here cause after all this year HAS had the two biggest sports storys of the century in ONE YEAR no less.loll.The Rams moving back to LA of course and the Chicago Cubs winning the world series so yeah,I was kinda caught up in all that.In any other year i would not have been so behind.:biggrin:

9/11 Inside Nutjob thinks he's been duped!

Couldn't see that coming!

That's a logical position. There is a lot of compelling evidence that we were told a bunch of lies. Also, the only real evidence that it happened the way the government and media says it did is fiat.

Don't know if it was an inside job or not. I am not going to take someone else's word for it though.
LA RAM FAN is demonstrating a lot of courage by admitting he was a tool. The hardest lessons ring the truest.

Everyone involved in politics is full of shit. There are no exceptions to the rule.
I am afraid all the Trump supporters me being one of them who thought he would be like JFK,our last real president we had thinking that he was a loose cannon same as him and also would not do the bidding of the establishment that every president since Lyndon Johnson has,be their willing puppet for the puppet masters as every president since LBJ has,have all been duped. That he is no different than any of them. read below.:(

didn't just hear, but also witness with my eyes watching Trump on 60 Minutes make the statement that when it comes to appointing a "Special Prosecutor" to look into the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Trump made this statement "I Don't Want To Hurt Them," These Are Good People" speaking to Hillary and the Clinton's! Just what the hell did we put him in office for if not to see we were to have conservative SCOTUS and to have no one above the law. Have the little man, the common man be on the same level as the Established Elite, such as Hillary Clinton.

Folks have we been duped again, as Trump is showing he is not really for the little and common man when it comes to the law, but he is one of them, the Established and Elite himself. He talked a good game and we were taken in, but it appears it going to be the "Same Old", "Same Old"...What a Disappointment.

He also if I remember correctly,has reversed his stance on Obamacare and is now behind it.:mad:

I think he is trying to unite Capitol Hill. And he is wise to do so. He is extending an olive branch. Hillary just got the shit kicked out of her. Piling on more misery would make him look vindictive. Other investigations ( Wiener ) may warrant investigation of her as well. Trump ended her career. He wants the 2 parties to move forward, because he doesn't want any obstruction to his plans. Going after her would split this country down the middle, and the hatred would be palatable.
He just announced yesterday that he was going to repeal and replace OBcare. Things are about to get better for America. The UN is mourning the demise of the prospect of Hemisphere 1. We will remain The United States of America.
Trump won't get it all right, but he'll get most of it right. He isn't even in Washington yet. Give him a year and see if the country isn't in better shape than he found it. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised

Give him a break? Doesnt sound like you have heard this news?

Exclusive: Face-to-face with Edward Snowden in Moscow on Trump, Putin and dwindling hopes of a presidential pardon

It talks about how Trump has appointed hardliners who are asking for the death penatly on him.If trump was any different than Bush or Obama,he would get rid of those appointees of his.

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