Hypo Nixon-LBJ election in 1968


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
if LBJ had not quit.

Would have been interesting.

So would Nixon against RFK.

Nixon wins against LBJ - loses against RFK.

what might have been.............................
I was only 15 -but I would have voted for Nixon in either scenerio.

LBJ was the pits.

RFK was an opportunist. Changed his spots as it suit him. Was counsel for Joe McCarthy.

Then became a civil rights hero.
Nixon didtn't have to do Watergate.

In his first term - he was a smashingly successfull president.

Good economy, was dealing with LBJs mess in Nam that he inherited, THE MOON LANDINGS, opened up detente with Red China (ping-pong diplomacy) and the Soviets.

A 3rd rate burglary ruined what might have been a Mt Rushmore presidency.
Nixon didtn't have to do Watergate.

In his first term - he was a smashingly successfull president.

Good economy, was dealing with LBJs mess in Nam that he inherited, THE MOON LANDINGS, opened up detente with Red China (ping-pong diplomacy) and the Soviets.

A 3rd rate burglary ruined what might have been a Mt Rushmore presidency.

Not sure about Mt. Rushmore presidency, but Nixon did have a lot of positives. He was an idiot to cover up the break-in. All he had to do was let the chips fall and he would have been fine. Unfortunately, his biggest fault was that he was paranoid, so he felt some need to cover up the break-in, which he did not authorize.
He was too freaking loyal to Hans and Fritz.

(Hadleman and Ehrlichman)

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