Hustler CEO Larry Flynt Calls Trig Palin A 'Brain Dead Virtual Vegetable'


May 29, 2010
The liberal mindset is pathetic. This latest example is terrible. Sarah has got to be furious about this. Flynt should apologize immediately. This man is a grown individual but he has absolutely no moral values. Down Syndrome people are not retarded and can live healthy lives and I hope Trig lives a long time and has the last laugh when it comes down to this.

Larry Flynt Calls Trig Palin "Brain Dead Virtual Vegetable" |

Sarah Palin’s son Trig is in the news again following the liberal blog Wonkette bashing her and saying her son, who has Down Syndrome, is “retarded” and “somewhat alive.” Now Hustler published Larry Flynt has gotten in on the attacks.

Flynt is no stranger to controversial comments over the years as the head of the soft-cord pornographic magazine and a free speech advocate, but his comments about Sarah Palin’s son may be some of the most over-the-top remarks he’s made to date.

In a new interview with the London Independent newspaper, Flynt rambled from topic to topic until he settled on Palin, who is considering whether to run for the Republican nomination for president this year.

“Sarah Palin is the dumbest thing. But I made a fortune off of her. [He made a porn film called Nailin' Palin, based on her],” he said.

Then, he went after Trig, saying, “She did a disservice to every woman in America. She knew from the first month of pregnancy that kid was going to be Down’s Syndrome. It’s brain dead. A virtual vegetable.”

In its attack on Palin and her disabled son, the Wonkette post commented on his birthday and said, “What’s he dreaming about? Nothing. He’s retarded. His mom went to a lot of trouble to leak amniotic fluid over 8 states to make sure that he arrived in this world somewhat alive.
The fact that you even care what a low life like Larry Flint thinks says a lot about you. He's as useless as a piece of used toilet paper.

Anyone that puts down children of any kind are the lowest scum possible.

You just gave him another voice by posting this thread, instead of ignoring the asshole.
The liberal mindset is pathetic. This latest example is terrible.

What evidence do you have this represents ‘the liberal mindset’? One liberal blog? Don’t conservatives object to the ol’ Broad Brush when one conservative blog/site does something stupid?

Why would this be any different?
The liberal mindset is pathetic. This latest example is terrible.

What evidence do you have this represents ‘the liberal mindset’? One liberal blog? Don’t conservatives object to the ol’ Broad Brush when one conservative blog/site does something stupid?

Why would this be any different?

Because that's what some on here, and in life, do. Broad Brush everyone instead of looking at people as individuals.

An asshole is an asshole, their political party has nothing to do with it, their character does.
The liberal mindset is pathetic. This latest example is terrible. Sarah has got to be furious about this. Flynt should apologize immediately. This man is a grown individual but he has absolutely no moral values. Down Syndrome people are not retarded and can live healthy lives and I hope Trig lives a long time and has the last laugh when it comes down to this.

Larry Flynt Calls Trig Palin "Brain Dead Virtual Vegetable" |

Sarah Palin’s son Trig is in the news again following the liberal blog Wonkette bashing her and saying her son, who has Down Syndrome, is “retarded” and “somewhat alive.” Now Hustler published Larry Flynt has gotten in on the attacks.

Flynt is no stranger to controversial comments over the years as the head of the soft-cord pornographic magazine and a free speech advocate, but his comments about Sarah Palin’s son may be some of the most over-the-top remarks he’s made to date.

In a new interview with the London Independent newspaper, Flynt rambled from topic to topic until he settled on Palin, who is considering whether to run for the Republican nomination for president this year.

“Sarah Palin is the dumbest thing. But I made a fortune off of her. [He made a porn film called Nailin' Palin, based on her],” he said.

Then, he went after Trig, saying, “She did a disservice to every woman in America. She knew from the first month of pregnancy that kid was going to be Down’s Syndrome. It’s brain dead. A virtual vegetable.”

In its attack on Palin and her disabled son, the Wonkette post commented on his birthday and said, “What’s he dreaming about? Nothing. He’s retarded. His mom went to a lot of trouble to leak amniotic fluid over 8 states to make sure that he arrived in this world somewhat alive.

Typical liberal PIG.
The liberal mindset is pathetic. This latest example is terrible.

What evidence do you have this represents ‘the liberal mindset’? One liberal blog? Don’t conservatives object to the ol’ Broad Brush when one conservative blog/site does something stupid?

Why would this be any different?

"Liberal mindset" is derieved from the idea that Mrs. Palin didn't have an abortion in the liberal tradition.
It is understandable that Flynt would identify with 'virtual vegetables'. He's been one since he took a bullet and had a subsequent stroke.
The liberal mindset is pathetic. This latest example is terrible.

What evidence do you have this represents ‘the liberal mindset’? One liberal blog? Don’t conservatives object to the ol’ Broad Brush when one conservative blog/site does something stupid?

Why would this be any different?

Because that's what some on here, and in life, do. Broad Brush everyone instead of looking at people as individuals.

An asshole is an asshole, their political party has nothing to do with it, their character does.

To be fair, there was some atrocious shit printed about Trig Palin, and the left wing media (and, yea, there really is a left wing media) were vitriolic about Sarah Palin's decision to proceed with the pregnancy.

I'm confident that, should the situation have been reversed, the right wing media - namely Rush and his ilk - would have been equally vitriolic.

That doesn't excuse it. It's just not acceptable - at least, it shouldn't be. Unfortunately, freedom of speech also means that some people will sink to any level in the pursuit of the glorious publicity. Sick freaks.
“She did a disservice to every woman in America. She knew from the first month of pregnancy that kid was going to be Down’s Syndrome. It’s brain dead. A virtual vegetable.”[/I]

Flynt is projecting his own self-loathing and impotence. The good news?? He has to live with himself!!
sorry, but anything Larry Flint say's, I could give a shit less about.

the man SHOULD TALK, he EXPLOITS women for a living.
This is why I read Swank and not Hustler :lol:

But seriously, Flynt is a fucktard. Anyone that makes indecent and classless comments like that is a lowlife.

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