Hurrry up Nov 3rd !!


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
I'm not sure if we will know who's president by then but if we don't at least it will be in the hands of the lawyers. While this is disgusting also, I will be relieved to know that that all these anti-Bush talking points will abate because the dems don't even believe in them. Watch them disappear and a whole NEW batch of BS arise. We actually may be able to debate something ELSE instead of the same old dead horses !!!!!!!! Maybe we get to switch to election fraud and have some new "facts" to knock around !! :dance:
I'm ready for Nov. 3rd too. I may have to take a long break from politics. This election is killing me!!
Watch them disappear and a whole NEW batch of BS arise. We actually may be able to debate something ELSE instead of the same old dead horses !!!!!!!! Maybe we get to switch to election fraud and have some new "facts" to knock around !!
Yeah, at least it will be some new bogus arguments instead of the same ones we've heard for months.
Im looking for a good bomb shelter to hang out in till after we actually have a president in office. Till then Im watching, comedy, animals, sci-fi, and ghost stuff. And saying a few extra rosarys' :eek2:
nov. 3rd would be great... then i can have "quality time" with my girl again (she has to fly out here of course), haven't had nothing for 2 months because of this me liking bush/her liking kerry crap

if bush wins, i can play the role of the great consoler
if kerry wins, i can play the role of the hurt puppy type, and that will temper her gloating and weaken her defenses
if bush wins, i can play the role of the great consoler
if kerry wins, i can play the role of the hurt puppy type, and that will temper her gloating and weaken her defenses

Nothing like a having a plan !! :cof:
So question??????? What is the plan if things don't go our way??? How do we console eachother?????? :wine: ?????? :firing: :kiss2: :puke3: :chains: :beer: :boohoo: :chillpill :bang3: :sleep: ????????/whats the plan??
Bonnie said:
So question??????? What is the plan if things don't go our way??? How do we console eachother?????? :wine: ?????? :firing: :kiss2: :puke3: :chains: :beer: :boohoo: :chillpill :bang3: :sleep: ????????/whats the plan??

i'm too good in the sack with her to be shut out for too much longer. its taken her every ounce of liberal will to not come out here.

seriously though, open communication, tolerance and similarities on other issues and interests will compensate well enough if the plan fails.
Bonnie said:
So question??????? What is the plan if things don't go our way??? How do we console eachother?????? :wine: ?????? :firing: :kiss2: :puke3: :chains: :beer: :boohoo: :chillpill :bang3: :sleep: ????????/whats the plan??

Move on...(NO pun intended) and deal with it.
I can tell ya one thing for sure...
I won't being filing any law suite.

*excuse me while I clean my guns* I hear someone speaking ARABIC at my door!
Or is that French?
Mr. P said:
Move on...(NO pun intended) and deal with it.
I can tell ya one thing for sure...
I won't being filing any law suite.

*excuse me while I clean my guns* I hear someone speaking ARABIC at my door!
Or is that French?

Maybe Ill just drown my sorrows at the mall!! :thup:
NATO AIR said:
no you'd be better to save your money for the coming recession if kerry gets elected... sorta, sorta j/k

You guys are not helping!!!!!!!!! And Burka, Im not wearing no stinking Burka :terror:

Of course the flip side is Bush wins by a good 5 points and most of us do this :banana: and this :kiss2: and and this :funnyface making this whole conversation mute? (mut sp)?!!
Bonnie said:
You guys are not helping!!!!!!!!! And Burka, Im not wearing no stinking Burka :terror:

The stakes are high, aren't they...Kerry= Globle test.
How do we pass the test? Invite the world to run the USA?..Get used to the BURKA.
Or then again, there's always the public stoning.
Mr. P said:
"moot", not mute, a common mistake.
Thanks I knew it didn't look right.

Yeah flat Burka hair will be the least of our problems. Along with public stoning, theres the time honored tradition of being shot in the back into a ditch, and the wonderful beheadings for wearing lipstick....... :eek:
They just LOVE women so much !!!!!! It's so heart warming!!!!
Bonnie said:
Thanks I knew it didn't look right.

Yeah flat Burka hair will be the least of our problems. Along with public stoning, theres the time honored tradition of being shot in the back into a ditch, and the wonderful beheadings for wearing lipstick....... :eek:
They just LOVE women so much !!!!!! It's so heart warming!!!!

Survey says ....."Bush wins, lawyers sue". I doubt that Kerry will win, but hey, I could be wrong.

If Bush wins, we'll be treated to the second part of the Great Liberal Temper Tantrum sponsored by George Soros, Warren Buffet, most of Hollywood, the NOW, the ACLU, etc. etc. etc.

But if Kerry wins .... we can say goodbye to the American Century....

1. We start to lose the war on terror. He won't pull the troops out right away, but he'll screw things up sufficiently over the next four years to guarantee another Vietnam like situation (long protracted conflict, lots of casualties, no will to win, finally a no-win situation...)

2. The Supreme Court goes ultra-liberal. We'll see gay marriage for sure, partial birth abortion will win the day, "Under God" will be taken out of the Pledge, more assaults on free speech and the First Amendment right to worship.

3. The rise of socialized medicine.

4. There goes the economy....goodbye tax cuts, more regulations, tort reform becomes a non sequitar...

5. Hillary will have to wait until 2012. Well....that's one good thing about a Kerry win
KarlMarx said:
Survey says ....."Bush wins, lawyers sue". I doubt that Kerry will win, but hey, I could be wrong.

If Bush wins, we'll be treated to the second part of the Great Liberal Temper Tantrum sponsored by George Soros, Warren Buffet, most of Hollywood, the NOW, the ACLU, etc. etc. etc.

But if Kerry wins .... we can say goodbye to the American Century....

1. We start to lose the war on terror. He won't pull the troops out right away, but he'll screw things up sufficiently over the next four years to guarantee another Vietnam like situation (long protracted conflict, lots of casualties, no will to win, finally a no-win situation...)

2. The Supreme Court goes ultra-liberal. We'll see gay marriage for sure, partial birth abortion will win the day, "Under God" will be taken out of the Pledge, more assaults on free speech and the First Amendment right to worship.

3. The rise of socialized medicine.

4. There goes the economy....goodbye tax cuts, more regulations, tort reform becomes a non sequitar...

5. Hillary will have to wait until 2012. Well....that's one good thing about a Kerry win

Another brilliant but scary post becasue it's so true.

However on a lighter note....Alan Coomes seems to think Bush will win by five, which seems to be the mantra on predictions.........Bush wins by 5 points and gets 300 electoral votes.
Alan Colmes? Alan Colmes the lib on H&C? The guy who keeps saying "X more days 'till John Kerry is elected?"
Or is Alan Coomes a guy I just don't know?

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