Hurrican Count 2009


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2009
This might be a tad premature, but the hurrican count for 2009 is well below the average established over the last 30 years.

Please recall that the forcast from the years of the Bush Administration from those who claimed to know was that hurricanes would be more severe, greater in number and more damaging due to the ill effects of Man' Activities infusing the atmosphere with CO2.

One might imagine that the folks who were spreading the word on the impending doom might now be trumpeting the relief which has surely risen from the actions that they have encouraged.

Perhaps this trumpeting will be sent by email? | Ryan Maue's Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Activity Update : PhD Candidate Meteorology

The Raw Data -- Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) valid November 24, 2009 18Z
The current ACE represents the tropical cyclone activity from January 1, 2009 until the date indicated. This is readily compared to the YEARLY value which is the previous 30-year average from Jan 1 - Dec 31 or the calendar year. The values for 2008 and 2007 are included for reference as well. There is considerable year-to-year variability across the basins, of which understanding motivates the updating and maintainance of this site.

BASIN 2009 CURRENT 30-YR AVG 2008 2007
N Hemisphere 415 563 431 386
N Atlantic 52 106 144 72
W Pacific 230 309 185 215
E Pacific + CPAC 127 132 82 53
N Indian 6 17 20 53
S Hemisphere 13 204 190 176

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