Huntsville Times front page: Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Will they reject Roy Moore? Alabamian women largely will - Men think he's the "cock of the walk" - Tribalism bay-bee .. Stay in the kitchen beotch and blow me when i issue the command. It's us against the world! :rolleyes-41:


Every day new allegations arise that illustrate a pattern of a man in his 30s strutting through town like the cock of the walk, courting and preying on young women and girls. And though Roy Moore has denied the accusations of these women, his own platform and record is hostile to so many Alabamians.

Unlike the national party, the Alabama Republican establishment has chosen to stand by him, attacking and belittling the brave women who have come forward.

As a news organization, we have independently investigated stories of several Alabama woman who have spoken to us and the Washington Post about the abuse they say they suffered at the hands of Roy Moore decades ago.

A vote for Roy Moore sends the worst kind of message to Alabamians struggling with abuse: "if you ever do tell your story, Alabama won't believe you."

Or, worse, we'll believe you but we just won't care.​


Our view: Alabama voters must reject Roy Moore; we endorse Doug Jones for U.S. Senate

as a practical matter it is best for Alabama voters to vote for MOORE the republican over the democrat . And then consider that all allegations against MOORE are UNPROVED and are about 40 years old .
"A vote for Roy Moore sends the worst kind of message to Alabamians struggling with abuse: "if you ever do tell your story, Alabama won't believe you."

Haha....poor warped and twisted Loons.
In the real world people can't give two shits about anyone "telling a story"....PROVE your shit or STFU!
The pastors are already starting to pull together behind Moore. Anyone can see that these ancient stories are just Democrat lies.
"A vote for Roy Moore sends the worst kind of message to Alabamians struggling with abuse: "if you ever do tell your story, Alabama won't believe you."

Haha....poor warped and twisted Loons.
In the real world people can't give two shits about anyone "telling a story"....PROVE your shit or STFU!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- yep , 'innocent till proven guilty' a concept that pretty much only applies in Western law and it is being sh1tcanned as we go the way of the third world where a person is 'guilty until proven innocent' .
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

Oh? Looks like we got work to to.

It’s Legal for 14-Year-Olds to Marry. Should It Be?

ALBANY — For nearly 90 years, an uncelebrated New York State law has largely escaped attention, allowing what would seem to be unfathomable in this day and age, and particularly in this state: child marriages, by the thousands.

Since 1929, New York has allowed children as young as 14 to marry; 14- and 15-year-olds can do so with judicial and parental approval, and 16- and 17-year-olds can marry with mere parental consent.

New York is hardly alone: Most states allow 16- and 17-year-olds to marry, and more than two dozen other states have no statutory minimum age at all
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.
Still the troll has no proof.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

What's funny is no one is buying the bullshit coming from the Left...It's fun to watch the filthy Left act concerned about children being preyed upon by adults...nothing is out of bounds for LefTards and everybody knows it...we all know damn good and well that "P" will soon be added to your disgusting acronym....haha
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.
Still the troll has no proof.

Yeah, he is an ignorant fuck. Alabama is actually more strict then New York when it comes to old ass men marrying 14 year olds.
as a practical matter it is best for Alabama voters to vote for MOORE the republican over the democrat . And then consider that all allegations against MOORE are UNPROVED and are about 40 years old .

So the word of a cop who said that everybody in town knew about Creepy Roy's charming habit of badgering high school girls at the mall not good enough for ya eh?

as a practical matter it is best for Alabama voters to vote for MOORE the republican over the democrat . And then consider that all allegations against MOORE are UNPROVED and are about 40 years old .

So the word of a cop who said that everybody in town knew about Roy's charming habit of badgering high school girls at the mall not enough for ya eh?

Notice how when it suits the troll he agrees with the police.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.
Still the troll has no proof.
Do I need any, as Moore won’t deny that he dated teenagers as a creepy 30+ year old pervert?
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

Oh Gawd - I saw this interview yesterday. She's just creepy as hell.



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