Huntington's chorea


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
Hmmm, that's odd...
Huntington's disease 'lowers' cancer risk
11 April 2012 - Huntington's is genetic brain disorder that slowly impairs a person's ability to walk, think and talk.
People with Huntington's disease, a debilitating brain condition, appear have a "protection" from cancer, according to a study in Sweden. Nearly 40 years of medical records showed patients with Huntington's had half the normal expected risk of developing tumours. Researchers, writing in The Lancet Oncology, said the reason was unclear. Cancer Research UK said the findings presented another avenue to explore in tackling cancer. Academics at Lund University analysed Swedish hospital data from 1969 to 2008. They found 1,510 patients with Huntington's disease.

During the study period, 91 of those patients subsequently developed cancer. The authors said that was 53% lower than the levels expected for the general population. Huntington's is one of a group of illnesses called "polyglutamine diseases". Data from other polyglutamine diseases also showed lower levels of cancer. The authors said: "We found that the incidence of cancer was significantly lower among patients with polyglutamine diseases than in the general population. "The mechanisms behind the protective effects against cancer are unclear and further research is warranted."

Eleanor Barrie, senior science information officer at Cancer Research UK, said: "These are interesting results. It's not clear how the genetic changes that cause Huntington's and other similar diseases could protect against cancer, and research in the lab will help to find out more. "Scientists at Cancer Research UK and around the world are probing the genetic faults that contribute to cancer in their quest to beat the disease, and this is another potential avenue to explore."

BBC News - Huntington's disease 'lowers' cancer risk
Maybe people who are unable to walk, talk and think don't engage in the "risky" behavior that sometimes results in cancer. When you look at these "studies" you might get the feeling that a government that controls your health care might think it's prudent for you to behave as though you had a brain disorder just to save money..
Huntington’s breakthrough may stop disease...

Huntington’s breakthrough may stop disease
11 Dec.`17 - The defect that causes the neurodegenerative disease Huntington's has been corrected in patients for the first time, the BBC has learned.
An experimental drug, injected into spinal fluid, safely lowered levels of toxic proteins in the brain. The research team, at University College London, say there is now hope the deadly disease can be stopped. Experts say it could be the biggest breakthrough in neurodegenerative diseases for 50 years. Huntington's is one of the most devastating diseases. Some patients described it as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and motor neurone disease rolled into one.


Peter Allen, 51, is in the early stages of Huntington's and took part in the trial: "You end up in almost a vegetative state, it's a horrible end." Huntington's blights families. Peter has seen his mum Stephanie, uncle Keith and grandmother Olive die from it. Tests show his sister Sandy and brother Frank will develop the disease. The three siblings have eight children - all young adults, each of whom has a 50-50 chance of developing the disease.


The unstoppable death of brain cells in Huntington's leaves patients in permanent decline, affecting their movement, behaviour, memory and ability to think clearly. Peter, from Essex, told me: "It's so difficult to have that degenerative thing in you. "You know the last day was better than the next one's going to be."

* Huntington's generally affects people in their prime - in their 30s and 40s
* Patients die around 10 to 20 years after symptoms start
* About 8,500 people in the UK have Huntington's and a further 25,000 will develop it when they are older

Huntington's is caused by an error in a section of DNA called the huntingtin gene. Normally this contains the instructions for making a protein, called huntingtin, which is vital for brain development. But a genetic error corrupts the protein and turns it into a killer of brain cells. The treatment is designed to silence the gene.


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