Hunter:Romney wants to be President of Caucasia-Stan’


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Black liberal and obviously seriously anti white racist MSNBC contributor Karen Hunter plays not only "the race card" but the full freaking "race deck of cards" on this one.

They start off discussing a new advertisement by Romney.

The ad includes a line from Romney to the effect of, “This time we’ll get it right.” Or, as Hunter mockingly put it, “Did he say, ‘This time we’ll get it white’?”

Continuing on in this vein, Hunter accused Romney of trying to run to be President of a country without anybody who isn’t white.

“Maybe he’s not running for the presidency of the United States, maybe he’s running for the presidency of ‘Caucasia-stan’ or some place that doesn’t have anyone of color in it,” Hunter sneered.

What a racist douche bag. MSNBC is really hitting rock bottom with their guests and their programming.


This is “Caucasia-stan?” It looks more like the United States.

Rest of article here:

MSNBC‘s Karen Hunter Accuses Romney of Wanting to Rule ’Caucasia-Stan’ Rather than America Because There Are No Minorities In His First Web Ad | Video |
That's SO fucking wrong.

The Bishop Vampire wants to be President of Mormonstan.

And after you die..he will drink your soul and send you to the planet Kolob..

Along with Nazis and Jews.
[ame=]Mormon Mitt Romney on Blacks & Priesthood - YouTube[/ame]

The Bishop Vampire..wept.
She's an idiot, obviously.

Plus not a racist (white people still hold majority in the country so by def impossible), just a bigot.
Like anyone should be surprised at this kind of stuff from a struggling cable news channel that airs Al Sharpton on weeknights? And then offers up another of their prominently lowly rated show hosts who not only got a thrill up his leg just listening to Barry speak, but also thought it profound enough to actually tell the viewing audience about it. Kinda like young guys bragging about erections in grade school.

As for this kind of race card stuff this is only the beginning. Expect more from them and probably much worse. It fires the hell out of that segment of their base, but they've no clue how others perceive it. Others who then see few if any Dimocrats condemn her and her words, yet are expected to support the party and its incumbent candidate.
What else do they have? Really, what else do they have? This is why they are failing so badly, why they are just turning the public off.
This coming from a racist, who is racist because of the fact that she belongs to a party that supports the idea of group that defines itself as "BLACK Congressional Caucus" which, btw, has no room for conservative black Congress people.
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That's SO fucking wrong.

The Bishop Vampire wants to be President of Mormonstan.

And after you die..he will drink your soul and send you to the planet Kolob..

Along with Nazis and Jews.

man, you are especially insane lately

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