Hungarian Border Fence So Effective Illegal Immigrants Are Now At Pre Migrant-Crisis Levels


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
For the idiots who claim walls/fences don't work:

Hungarian Border Fence So Effective Illegal Immigrants Are Now At Pre Migrant-Crisis Levels

The Hungarian border fence has been a remarkable success, according to new figures made public by Viktor Orban’s homeland security chief this week.

The new border fences, which closed off Hungary from Serbia in September and continued around the border, finally cutting the country off from unwanted incursions from Croatia earlier this month have been so successful the number of illegal migrants has dropped off the charts.

While last month up to 10,000 migrants a day illegally crossed into Hungary, now border controls have been fully implemented, that number has fallen to dozens per day. Dr. Gyorgy Bakondi, chief adviser for homeland security to prime minister Viktor Orban was on hand to give viewers of a popular Hungarian evening television chat show this week a low down of just how successful the fence had been last night.
Hungarians learnt it from the soviets. Those border walls were brutal.
Here's the graph from the article showing the number of illegals arriving per month:

I must also say, that Hungary was only a transit route, Germany was the target, and the illegals simply rerouted themselves. The USA is more difficult, because it is not just a transit country but the target itself.

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