Hundreds of thousands protest US troop presence in Iraq.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Iraqis must be the most patient people on the planet if it's taken them this long to
kick us out.

Updated 9:22 AM ET, Fri January 24, 2020
Iraq: Hundreds of thousands in Baghdad protest US troop presence - CNN

BAGHDAD — Thousands rallied in Baghdad on Friday to demand that American troops leave the country, though their numbers fell short of the “million-man” march called for by an influential Shiite cleric. The rally came amid heightened anti-U.S. sentiment after a U.S. drone strike earlier this month killed a top Iranian general in the Iraqi capital.

Thousands protest in Iraq calling for U.S. troops to leave country

From 2 weeks ago.
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Trump should jump at the chance to pull our ground troops out of there. Regime change was a bad idea, sold by misguides officials for many reasons (mostly bad ones), not understanding the U.S. costs or the chaos it would unleash in the region. It has not and will not be worth remaining there.
More like Iran is protesting for us to leave.
We should had split that country into three long ago.
BAGHDAD — Sunni Iraqi leaders who spearheaded a bloody insurgency against the 2003 US-led invasion are now the most nervous about a possible withdrawal of American troops, considered a counterweight to Iran.

Tensions between Washington and Tehran have boiled over onto Iraqi soil this month, with the US killing top Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad and Iran striking back at an Iraqi base hosting American soldiers.
Iraq Sunni leaders spooked by US troop pullout
It seems like we do things to ensure perma wars over there. And people die.
Iraqis must be the most patient people on the planet if it's taken them this long to
kick us out.

Updated 9:22 AM ET, Fri January 24, 2020
Iraq: Hundreds of thousands in Baghdad protest US troop presence - CNN

BAGHDAD — Thousands rallied in Baghdad on Friday to demand that American troops leave the country, though their numbers fell short of the “million-man” march called for by an influential Shiite cleric. The rally came amid heightened anti-U.S. sentiment after a U.S. drone strike earlier this month killed a top Iranian general in the Iraqi capital.

Thousands protest in Iraq calling for U.S. troops to leave country

From 2 weeks ago.

Iraqis must be the most patient people on the planet if it's taken them this long to
kick us out.

Updated 9:22 AM ET, Fri January 24, 2020
Iraq: Hundreds of thousands in Baghdad protest US troop presence - CNN

BAGHDAD — Thousands rallied in Baghdad on Friday to demand that American troops leave the country, though their numbers fell short of the “million-man” march called for by an influential Shiite cleric. The rally came amid heightened anti-U.S. sentiment after a U.S. drone strike earlier this month killed a top Iranian general in the Iraqi capital.

Thousands protest in Iraq calling for U.S. troops to leave country

From 2 weeks ago.

These are just the pro Iranian Iraqis who are protesting, but if this were really a representative sample of all the Iraqi people, they would have to be called the stupidest people on Earth since the last time the US withdrew, they lost half their country to ISIS.
Iraqis must be the most patient people on the planet if it's taken them this long to
kick us out.

Updated 9:22 AM ET, Fri January 24, 2020
Iraq: Hundreds of thousands in Baghdad protest US troop presence - CNN

BAGHDAD — Thousands rallied in Baghdad on Friday to demand that American troops leave the country, though their numbers fell short of the “million-man” march called for by an influential Shiite cleric. The rally came amid heightened anti-U.S. sentiment after a U.S. drone strike earlier this month killed a top Iranian general in the Iraqi capital.

Thousands protest in Iraq calling for U.S. troops to leave country

From 2 weeks ago.

We SHOULD leave.

No free shit, no financial aid.

Let's see how long it takes before they beg for our return.
These are just the pro Iranian Iraqis who are protesting, but if this were really a representative sample of all the Iraqi people, they would have to be called the stupidest people on Earth since the last time the US withdrew, they lost half their country to ISIS.
The entire Iraqi parliament was chanting "Death to America!" 2 weeks ago.
This has nothing to do with Iran.
Iraqis must be the most patient people on the planet if it's taken them this long to
kick us out.

Updated 9:22 AM ET, Fri January 24, 2020
Iraq: Hundreds of thousands in Baghdad protest US troop presence - CNN

BAGHDAD — Thousands rallied in Baghdad on Friday to demand that American troops leave the country, though their numbers fell short of the “million-man” march called for by an influential Shiite cleric. The rally came amid heightened anti-U.S. sentiment after a U.S. drone strike earlier this month killed a top Iranian general in the Iraqi capital.

Thousands protest in Iraq calling for U.S. troops to leave country

From 2 weeks ago.

These are just the pro Iranian Iraqis who are protesting, but if this were really a representative sample of all the Iraqi people, they would have to be called the stupidest people on Earth since the last time the US withdrew, they lost half their country to ISIS.

ISIS was not in Iraq though before GWB and his lapdog Tony Blair invaded Iraq, actually in the history of Iraq they had never even had one suicide bombing before GWB and Tony Blair invaded Iraq, fucked Iraq over and left a vacuum post-Saddam Hussein ISIS began to fill and also ditto the same situation in Libya years later when Obama with his lapdogs David Cameron and the ugly dwarf Nicolas Sarkozy decided to fuck over Libya and left a vacuum post-Muammar Gadaffi, yes Saddam and Gadaffi both both crazy but the West for MANY years SUPPORTED BOTH and at least they kept the Islamic Fundamentalists under lock and key, the invasion of Iraq and the fucking up of Libya REMOVED that key and RELEASED the Islamic Fundamentalists who then joined forces with others and ISIS was born.

The US Occupation of Iraq should have ended a long time ago, actually it NEVER should have began because there was NO legitimate reason to invade Iraq, the WMD horsecrap was shown to be horsecrap YEARS ago and Iraq had ZERO to do with September 11, 2001 also.

Saddam had announced he was going to STOP selling Iraq's oil using the PetroDollar system and that's why Iraq was invaded ditto the same with Libya as Gaddafi had also announced he was going to STOP selling Libya's oil using the PetroDollar they BOTH had to be invaded and Regime Changed.
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After we deposed Saddam Hussein, we should have picked one of his friends to take over and then leave.
These are just the pro Iranian Iraqis who are protesting, but if this were really a representative sample of all the Iraqi people, they would have to be called the stupidest people on Earth since the last time the US withdrew, they lost half their country to ISIS.
How can someone who's been a member of this (or any) politics and news forum for over 10 years be as misinformed as you are about Iraq ?
These are just the pro Iranian Iraqis who are protesting, but if this were really a representative sample of all the Iraqi people, they would have to be called the stupidest people on Earth since the last time the US withdrew, they lost half their country to ISIS.
The entire Iraqi parliament was chanting "Death to America!" 2 weeks ago.
This has nothing to do with Iran.
It is entirely about Iran. The Shi'ites make up the majority of Iraqis and a large number of them are loyal to Iran. This was Soleimani's main mission, to subvert the Iraqi Shi'ites to fight for Iran in order to keep the land bridge to Syria and Lebanon open for arms shipments. Iran controlled the Iraqi parliament back in 2012, too, and when the US withdrew, Iraq quickly lost half the country to ISIS.
After we deposed Saddam Hussein, we should have picked one of his friends to take over and then leave.

That actually would have been the more sensible option, but that was NEVER the option because the goal has NEVER been to allow stability in Iraq, Washington DC on orders of it's Globalist Masters has to keep in place a system of either near-chaos or total-chaos in order to justify the continuing Occupation of the Sovereign nation of Iraq and that nation has been Occupied for what nearly 18 years now, so obviously that suggests that Washington DCs Globalist Masters have told them to make it a Permanent Occupation or else....because the general goal is for Permanent War, they are NOT about peace, they have NO interest in either keeping the peace OR making peace, they are Warmongers and what they WANT is Permanent War.
Iraqis must be the most patient people on the planet if it's taken them this long to
kick us out.

Updated 9:22 AM ET, Fri January 24, 2020
Iraq: Hundreds of thousands in Baghdad protest US troop presence - CNN

BAGHDAD — Thousands rallied in Baghdad on Friday to demand that American troops leave the country, though their numbers fell short of the “million-man” march called for by an influential Shiite cleric. The rally came amid heightened anti-U.S. sentiment after a U.S. drone strike earlier this month killed a top Iranian general in the Iraqi capital.

Thousands protest in Iraq calling for U.S. troops to leave country

From 2 weeks ago.

These are just the pro Iranian Iraqis who are protesting, but if this were really a representative sample of all the Iraqi people, they would have to be called the stupidest people on Earth since the last time the US withdrew, they lost half their country to ISIS.

ISIS was not in Iraq though before GWB and his lapdog Tony Blair invaded Iraq, actually in the history of Iraq they had never even had one suicide bombing before GWB and Tony Blair invaded Iraq, fucked Iraq over and left a vacuum post-Saddam Hussein ISIS began to fill and also ditto the same situation in Libya years later when Obama with his lapdogs David Cameron and the ugly dwarf Nicolas Sarkozy decided to fuck over Libya and left a vacuum post-Muammar Gadaffi, yes Saddam and Gadaffi both both crazy but the West for MANY years SUPPORTED BOTH and at least they kept the Islamic Fundamentalists under lock and key, the invasion of Iraq and the fucking up of Libya REMOVED that key and RELEASED the Islamic Fundamentalists who then joined forces with others and ISIS was born.

The US Occupation of Iraq should have ended a long time ago, actually it NEVER should have began because there was NO legitimate reason to invade Iraq, the WMD horsecrap was shown to be horsecrap YEARS ago and Iraq had ZERO to do with September 11, 2001 also.

Saddam had announced he was going to STOP selling Iraq's oil using the PetroDollar system and that's why Iraq was invaded ditto the same with Libya as Gaddafi had also announced he was going to STOP selling Libya's oil using the PetroDollar they BOTH had to be invaded and Regime Changed.

The bottom line is that when Bush left office, there was no ISIS and al Qaeda had been reduced to nothing more than a nuisance, but when Obama withdrew US troops to enhance his reelection prospects, al Qaeda regained its strength and morphed into ISIS which then promptly conquered half of Iraq, and ISIS was only defeated when US forces returned to Iraq.

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