Hundreds of thousands protest against Macron´s refeudalization


Nov 14, 2012
Between 220.000 (government claim) and 400.000 (organizer [union CGT] claim) protesters went to the streets to protest Macron´s labor market reform. The reform does not only weaken the employees and strengthen the employers, it also attacks pensions, education and social welfare. "Macron, you are done, the bums are on the streets", read some placards.
Macron is a Rothschilds' puppet. Frenchmen should have not voting for him to begin with. Now they can protest as much as they want till the next election when they will probably vote again for another Globalists' puppet.
When you vote in an empty vessel someone else will fill it. Macron represented nothing but the status quo with a lineage and record of experience that showed just that. His platform was long on image, flash and promoted by the media. His selling point ultimately..."Not La Pen". Another 50 years and the Muslims will have gained enough of the popular vote to begin the official transition. THEN you will get some real change. Keep on at it!

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