Hugo Chavez said to be critical in Cuban hosp.


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Apparently Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez underwent abdominal surgery in a hospital in Cuba around June 10. Rumors indicate that he is in critical condition. For some reason the A.P. choses not to print the story. What does the situation indicate? The medical treatment in socialist Venezuela is so bad that the president doesn't risk surgery in his own country. Radical communist Cuba and Venezuela are closely alligned. Left wing radicalism is so important to a dying man that he would not ask for treatment in the greatest Country in the world. The A.P. refuses to discuss the issue because they don't want to open a can 'O political worms that might connect Obama to Chavez.
He'll do great in tha Cuban Hospital.

Michael Moore says that the Cuban HC system is the best in the world.

Wonder where we can send the flowers for his funeral????
Well, he couldnt go to a hospital in his own country. They would kill him. He is after all a totalitarian and they could do it without anyone being the wiser. Make it look like an accident.

But Cuba? Man, that just makes me feel sorry for the man. And it takes alot for me to feel sorry for dictators. But we are taking about Cuba medicine.
I told Sean Penn and all these American Leftists to get their big noses out of Chavez's butthole. Look what all that Penn/Leftist Butt-Sniffing got ole Chavez? Now he gots the Butthole Cancer and all they gots is their brown noses. Poor poor ignoramuses.
I wonder if rich hollywood types like Michael Moore, Sean Penn and Danny Glover would risk surgery in Cuba? They said it was the best while they were campaining for Barry Obama. Democrats gave Hugo Chavez rousing round of applause when he called the then president George Bush satan during a speech before the UN. Maybe Hillary and Nancy Pelosi should go to Cuba for their next round of plastic surgery just to set an example..
I wonder if Obama will attend the state funeral for that left-wing, Marxist shit bag?

My bet is yes, he will attend.
Apparently Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez underwent abdominal surgery in a hospital in Cuba around June 10. Rumors indicate that he is in critical condition. For some reason the A.P. choses not to print the story. What does the situation indicate? The medical treatment in socialist Venezuela is so bad that the president doesn't risk surgery in his own country. Radical communist Cuba and Venezuela are closely alligned. Left wing radicalism is so important to a dying man that he would not ask for treatment in the greatest Country in the world. The A.P. refuses to discuss the issue because they don't want to open a can 'O political worms that might connect Obama to Chavez.

credible link? cause racist rightwingnut rants don't exactly scream credible.
Apparently Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez underwent abdominal surgery in a hospital in Cuba around June 10. Rumors indicate that he is in critical condition. For some reason the A.P. choses not to print the story. What does the situation indicate? The medical treatment in socialist Venezuela is so bad that the president doesn't risk surgery in his own country. Radical communist Cuba and Venezuela are closely alligned. Left wing radicalism is so important to a dying man that he would not ask for treatment in the greatest Country in the world. The A.P. refuses to discuss the issue because they don't want to open a can 'O political worms that might connect Obama to Chavez.

credible link? cause racist rightwingnut rants don't exactly scream credible.

Considering he is in Cuba, not exactly a basiton of press freedom, hard information is difficult to come by. What is known is that he is not appearing in public, he is still in Cuba, and no offical Venezualan news feed is answering questions with much authority or veracity.

From the times, not exactly a right wing paper:
Venezuela tells foes stop dreaming of Chavez death | Reuters

"President Chavez is recovering well from his surgery. His enemies should stop dreaming and his friends should stop worrying," Vice Foreign Minister Temir Porras said on the social networking site Twitter late on Saturday.

"The only thing that has metastasized is the cancer of the Miami Herald and the rest of the right-wing press."​
[ame=]YouTube - ‪King Juan Carlos to Chávez: "Shut up" (ENGLISH SUBTITLES)‬‏[/ame]

Dont piss off the King.
Venezuela tells foes stop dreaming of Chavez death | Reuters

"President Chavez is recovering well from his surgery. His enemies should stop dreaming and his friends should stop worrying," Vice Foreign Minister Temir Porras said on the social networking site Twitter late on Saturday.

"The only thing that has metastasized is the cancer of the Miami Herald and the rest of the right-wing press."​

Bummer. I was kinda hoping for better news.... like an Obit. Oh well, we can wait.

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