Huge Victory For The Marxists, Parasites And Assorted Vegetables


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA

Karl Marx

He is laughing in his grave

We are one step closer to completely destroying Health care and the Nation

Key Senate Committee Passes Sweeping US Health Care Reform Bill
By Cindy Saine
13 October 2009

My guess is you don't kow jackshit about the details of this plan and that you're opiinons are something you got from the media.

Show me I'm wrong.

Tell me WHY this proposed system won't work.

Be specific, now.

Wow us with your deep insights.
Contumacious is given a chance to demonstrate a knowledge of the subject and elects to go elsewhere instead. Just another wingnut mumbling in the corner with CG and others.
Contumacious is given a chance to demonstrate a knowledge of the subject and elects to go elsewhere instead. Just another wingnut mumbling in the corner with CG and others.

The Marxists are given a chance to demonstrate knowledge of Constitutional Law and elect to go elsewhere instead. Just another parasite mumbling in the corner.

FFS get over the Marxists. Even Marx declared late in his life that he wasn't a Marxist, he was so cheesed off with what was being done in his name. Marxist theory has progressed since Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848.

And he wrote a damn sight more than the Communist Manifesto. He died in 1883.

Most socialists, even those on the further reaches of the left, have moved on - Marxism is a useful form of analysis for many reasons but as a mature philosophy it has outstripped its founder and taken on different perspectives. Many anarcho-communists reject Marxism and in particular the Leninist tendency which saw the Bolsheviks morph into state capitalists in the USSR.

It's a shame Agna isn't around, he would give us a good rendition of the blue between the orthodox Marxists and the anarchists following Kropotkin.
FFS get over the Marxists. Even Marx declared late in his life that he wasn't a Marxist, he was so cheesed off with what was being done in his name. Marxist theory has progressed since Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848.

What specifically did he say?

That he was a demopublican?

It was in a letter to his son in law. There was an ideological dispute focused on the issue of how social change could be achieved. Marx was not fond of the Bakunist tendency.

Karl Marx

He is laughing in his grave

We are one step closer to completely destroying Health care and the Nation

Key Senate Committee Passes Sweeping US Health Care Reform Bill
By Cindy Saine
13 October 2009


So, who is your healthcare provider? Please don't say Medicare.


Medicare should be abolished.

The Federal Government has NO AUTHORITY whatsover to be in the health insuarnce business - but the marxists, parasites and assorted statists don't care.

Ladies and gentlemen. What we have here now is a prime example of a Bumbling Idiot. Starts a topic about something he knows exactly zero zip nada about and then just goes on and on like a broken record.

How boring.
Ladies and gentlemen. What we have here now is a prime example of a Bumbling Idiot. Starts a topic about something he knows exactly zero zip nada about and then just goes on and on like a broken record.

How boring.

Ladies and gentlemen. What we have here now is a prime example of a Bumbling Idiot. Wants to comment on a topic about something he knows exactly zero zip nada about .

How boring.

Ladies and gentlemen. What we have here now is a prime example of a Bumbling Idiot. Starts a topic about something he knows exactly zero zip nada about and then just goes on and on like a broken record.

How boring.

Ladies and gentlemen. What we have here now is a prime example of a Bumbling Idiot. Wants to comment on a topic about something he knows exactly zero zip nada about .

How boring.


How old are you, 13? You already did this with someone else's post - in this very thread.

Whatta joker.
I hate to feed the trolls.. But this moron is a real nut case..

First a quick lesson on government..

What is the primary task of government? What is it's mission and why do we have one??

The answer is simple.. To protect, hence the military, and care for the people it over sees.. That must also include health care.. That is the job of any government and it's mission.. Otherwise we have no CDC, and no flu shots..

Why is it so hard for some people to see the completely obvious? How can you be a patriot if you don't even know what your government is for..
I hate to feed the trolls.. But this moron is a real nut case.

I hate to feed the trolls.. But this moron is a real nut case.

First a quick lesson on government..

What is the primary task of government? What is it's mission and why do we have one??

"This Government is acknowledged by all to be one of enumerated powers." Marshall in McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat. 405. "The Government, then, of the United States can claim no powers which are not granted to it by the Constitution, and the powers actually granted must be such as are expressly given or given by necessary implication." Story in Martin v. Hunter's Lessee, 1 Wheat. 326. "The Government of the United States is one of delegated, limited, and enumerated powers." United States v. Harris, 106 U.S. 635

KANSAS v. COLORADO ET AL. DEFENDANTS, 27 S. Ct. 655, 206 U.S. 46 (U.S. 05/13/1907)

Why is it so hard for some people to see the completely obvious? How can you be a patriot if you don't even know what your government is for..
And the part about health care was where?? Or Social security or medicare? Building highways? Providing electricity? Building dams? What about the CDC, CIA, FBI?

Pretty colors but you are still a brainless moron!!

The government already does things that the constitution doesn't specifically say it can.. Doesn't say it can't either.. I also fail to see how providing health care through a system like medicare is claiming a power? You also havn't addressed my issue.. Which in itself is typical of a neotard..

But seriously.. Show me where it says the government can't build highways, an electrical grid, build dams, regulate the roads we drive on, provide a postal service, and many other things.. Grow a brain dude!!
And the part about health care was where?? !!


The Communist Manifesto


Hmmm?? So now we are communists??

Well?? I guess Canada, England, France, and many other nations around the world are all communist as they all have public health care.. Despite the fact that none of them are openly communist.. Except Cuba, which also has better health care for it's people than us.. A small little island can offer it's citezens better healthcare than the U.S. can?? Sad!! Very sad..

Not that you even care do you?? I mean after all, most of the nation that wants this are all communists..

Do you even know the meaning of the word or are you just following the rebuttlican play book for a debate you can't win?
And the part about health care was where?? !!


The Communist Manifesto


Hmmm?? So now we are communists??

Well?? I guess Canada, England, France, and many other nations around the world are all communist as they all have public health care.. Despite the fact that none of them are openly communist.. Except Cuba, which also has better health care for it's people than us.. A small little island can offer it's citezens better healthcare than the U.S. can?? Sad!! Very sad..

Not that you even care do you?? I mean after all, most of the nation that wants this are all communists..

Do you even know the meaning of the word or are you just following the rebuttlican play book for a debate you can't win?

Nothing prevents you and your ilk from moving to a communist paradise. Just don't ruin this country before you move.

Esther La Vista dude.


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