Huffington Post is a joke (Trump related)


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Aug 30, 2011
Donald Trump is number one in the republican polls, yet the Huffington Post refuses to cover him in their politics section, relegating all Trump coverage to it's celebrity section. Like Trump or not, he's number one in the polls and for a professional media outlet to dismiss his candidacy the way the Huffington Post has is beyond your typical political bias. So lefties can bitch about FOX NEWS all they want, but FOX has never stooped this low.

Huffington Post, unmoved by polls, keeps Trump in celeb section
To be honest, Trump is just about entertainment. Why shouldn't they do this? Trump is a joke so they treat him as such.

I mean, he's insulted loads of people, he's said he'd change things as president that a president can't change.
To be honest, Trump is just about entertainment. Why shouldn't they do this? Trump is a joke so they treat him as such.

I mean, he's insulted loads of people, he's said he'd change things as president that a president can't change.

They're choosing to not cover him simply because they don't like him or agree with his brand of politics. It's not because he's not a serious candidate, he's number one in the polls - if the polls don't speak to who is a serious candidate then what does?
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To be honest, Trump is just about entertainment. Why shouldn't they do this? Trump is a joke so they treat him as such.

I mean, he's insulted loads of people, he's said he'd change things as president that a president can't change.

They're choosing to not cover him simply because they don't like him or agree with his brand of politics. It's not because he's not a serious candidate, he's number one in the polls - if the polls don't speak to who is a serious candidate then what does?

Just because you're popular, doesn't mean you're serious. It just seems to show the level of "don't care" in society.

But then again you're free to not read their news. I mean, they're a private company. I think most people don't agree with Trump's Reality TVing up the political process.
The Hufferfluffers thought they were being kind of cute when they so designated Trump coverage a few weeks back, swallowing the lefty conventional wisdom that he'd be a flash in the pan and gone soon. Now they look like the village idiots as Trump's support grows while Hillary's crumbles. Too funny!
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Wow! Watching the Morning Joe crew on MSNBC rip the HufferP to shreads this morning over their Trump coverage. The lefties are being exceptionally brutal to some Arianna butt boy named Danny Shea. Mika and Eugene Robinson of all people are slicing and dicing away like he's really Danny Shea Bush.

Shea got a bit tired of it at one point and jabbed back - trying to defend their "Trumps only a celebrity" position - that when Trump appears on Moning Joe their (abysmal) ratings spike, which Joey didn't like.

It might not be too late to catch the festivitie as there's still an hour left in the show and they frequently rerun previous segments in later ones. It's worth seeing.
With their antics over Trump, they've shown they are EVEN less of a Reputable place for any POLITICAL news. shun that site and don't give them any of your support by going there

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