HR 3200, Section 440. Government Home Visitation Provision

Gee, another cool way to create at do nothing beaurcracy! Thousands of trees will die and more folks will be more poor, but deserving democrats will have very good paying jobs.
Under this section:

‘‘Subtitle A—Prevention and Wellness Trust
‘‘Sec. 3111. Prevention and Wellness Trust.
‘‘Subtitle B—National Prevention and Wellness Strategy
‘‘Sec. 3121. National Prevention and Wellness Strategy.
&#8216;&#8216;Subtitle C&#8212;Prevention Task Forces <---- lays out the "volunteer program"
&#8216;&#8216;Sec. 3131. Task Force on Clinical Preventive Services.
&#8216;&#8216;Sec. 3132. Task Force on Community Preventive Services. <---- Talks about door to door weighing, wellness check.
&#8216;&#8216;Subtitle D&#8212;Prevention and Wellness Research
&#8216;&#8216;Sec. 3141. Prevention and wellness research activity coordination. <---- "Activity coordination" sets up the bureaucracy to handle the "community organizers" for this.
&#8216;&#8216;Sec. 3142. Community prevention and wellness research grants. <----- How ACORN and others get paid for this.

They visit your home, weigh you, check your fridge and interview you about your dietary habits.... Money for this goes to ACORN. The "wellness police."

It's little wonder they wanted to push this bill through before anyone could read it.
:thup:Looks like 2 people are for removing this from the bill :thup:
The crickets are quite telling....

I'm surprised some of the more liberal, pro HR 3200 people, haven't come in here and also joined us.

I know you guys hated the patriot act for its stepping on our freedoms, this is doing the same an we should ALL join together to get these provisions removed.

And maybe allow some tort reform too?
I believe it's worth mentioning when you look at this section of the bill what the intent here of the overall bill is. It supposes that it's the Govt's responsiblity to setup programs and Wellness Strategy for every single person in the nation. In fact, other than keeping community organizers and other social organizations employed this section(s) only purpose is to lay the foundation for standards. Which I was under the impression that prevention, wellness , eating habits and alike were the choice that parents, and individuals made for themselves. What those that support the bill will tell you is this, " oh this is innocent, it's just meant to help those and control costs". What they don't seem to understand is that our Govt. is not empowered to take that leap into the private lives of it's citizens. If this bill were truley meant to control costs then it would direct its efforts at doing so, rather than attempting to control the very people it claims to try and help.
There is another bill out there that is proposing millions to study behavior and ways to modify behavior.

I was saving that thread for another day though.....

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