Howard Dean Quote


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
Here's Howard Dean at the debate last night:

"You know, to listen to Senator Lieberman, Senator Kerry, Representative Gephardt, I'm anti-Israel, I'm anti-trade, I'm anti-Medicare and I'm anti-Social Security," he said. "I wonder how I ended up in the Democratic Party."

Am I the only one who finds this ironic? The Dems have consistently been pro-Palestian and anti-Israeli ever since i was paying attention to politics (i.e. the last eleven or twleve years). The Dems were also the ones I heard railing against NAFTA and other such trade agreements, and are always complaining about 'globalization' and how terrible it all is.

I wonder how the Dems can justify calling themselves pro-Israel and pro-trade.
Dean would've been president if he'd had sense enough to journey south and learn how to holler.

A piss-poor holler is a sad thing

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