How would you feel about a mixed energy policie?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
By mixed we give the republicans half of what they want and the democrats half of theirs!

We give the republicans
-Drilling off the Atlantic coast-no red tape
-Build the pipe line from canada to the gulf!
-full driling in the gulf
-Fast approve 4 nuclear power plants with no red tape
-10 billion dollar of extra tax breaks on big oil
-Lower the corperate tax to 20 percent

We give the democrats
-40 gw of wind turbine(wind farms)
-20 gw of that has to be offshore that's further then 8 nmi off the coast, so people don't have to look at them!
-2 to 4 gw of solar
-The same 10 or so billion in tax breaks for clean energy
-a billion to develop better(research) electric cars
Reenforce the grid within the next decade

If Obama came out tomarrow and asked both sides to vote on such bill! Would you support it.
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You do whatever you want. From where I sit, and studying wind and ocean currents, the only possible ill that could reach us is some contaminated migrating birds and sea life.
Have fun !
I think managment by compromise in issues of such importance is a mistake.

I think each issue need to be judged on its own merits -- NOT on idealogical beliefs, but on real science and real economics.
i would be supportive of responsible and appropriate energy extraction and transport..if

they would clean up their messes instead of hiring fleets of lawyers when they destroy eco systems and kill people. but they dont...bp is a fine destroyed eco systems and now years later it is still there and they are doing anything and everything possible not to pay for it.

fracking..if it so damn safe then be transparent and honest about the chemicals you use..and when you have polluted the water supply with your undisclosed checmicals own it and pay up and fix it.

they dont have such a good track record.

if the regulations were better and the accountability was improved then yes in areas that are not environmentally sensitive.

we should have our domestic energy. i dont like it and i think it is destructive. we should move away from this stuff for sure..but it isnt going to happen for a long time so is best to make it as safe as possible.

but stuff like tar they are killing wildlife and destroying water and air quality. if it was for domestic use they wouldnt need port access for ye that is a huge lie...
By mixed we give the republicans half of what they want and the democrats half of theirs!

We give the republicans
-Drilling off the Atlantic coast-no red tape
-Build the pipe line from canada to the gulf!
-full driling in the gulf
-Fast approve 4 nuclear power plants with no red tape
-10 billion dollar of extra tax breaks on big oil
-Lower the corperate tax to 20 percent

We give the democrats
-40 gw of wind turbine(wind farms)
-20 gw of that has to be offshore that's further then 8 nmi off the coast, so people don't have to look at them!
-2 to 4 gw of solar
-The same 10 or so billion in tax breaks for clean energy
-a billion to develop better(research) electric cars
Reenforce the grid within the next decade

If Obama came out tomarrow and asked both sides to vote on such bill! Would you support it.


but I'd support this;

We give the republicans
-Drilling off the Atlantic coast-no red tape
-Build the pipe line from canada to the gulf!
-full driling in the gulf
-Fast approve for any nuclear power plants with no red tape
-Lower the corperate tax to 20 percent

We give the democrats
-40 gw of wind turbine(wind farms)
-20 gw of that has to be offshore that's further then 8 nmi off the coast, so people don't have to look at them!
-2 to 4 gw of solar
-Lower the corperate tax to 20 percent

they are private industries. sink or swim w/o my tax money
Almost any energy policy is better than what we have now which is no energy policy at all

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