How would YOU cut the deficit?

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
What do you think is an 'acceptable' deficit?
The FY2009 deficit was $1413B - what will you cut to get down to that 'acceptable' deficit?

Note that to asnwer the 2nd question, you must include dollar amounts and explain where those figures came from.
That is:
Specify what programs you'd cut/taxes you'd raise, how much they would save/generate, and how you know.
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I'd cut 1.5 trillion across the board, including any unneccary and unconstitutional spending.
A deficit is not acceptable, no dollar amount is OK. If Texas needs roads, police, you name it let them fund it.

When I go to the store if I have no money in my pocket then I don't get to buy anything.

It is not hard math. Congress is so busy selling them selves and owe so much to so many special interest groups that they are killing us. Add "0" leadership at the top and the voters are in deep dodo
Another example, why are we in any of the countries in the middle east spending billions of dollars with nothing to show for it. We are shooting $1,000,000+ tomahawks in Libya to blow up a $3,000 pick up, it just doesn't make sense.
Abolish the military and threaten any nation that tries you with a flat "nuclear annihilation policy".Then you'll have another 15 million meatheads wandering around looking for work ( or robbing banks).
Your masters won't allow for that. The only export that's profitable to them is arming nations and then bombing the shit out of them......on your dime, of course.
What do you think is an 'acceptable' deficit?
The FY2009 deficit was $1413B - what will you cut to get down to that 'acceptable' deficit?

Note that to asnwer the 2nd question, you must include dollar amounts and explain where those figures came from.

1) Change the way we collect taxes, it would be like Florida/Texas, or a flat tax and everyone would pay. The IRS would go away except as a enforcement
2) legalize pot, Tax it
3) drug test welfare recipients young enough to work, all of them
3) Medicare would be on a slide scale, It would not be 100% free
4) Social Security would become like a 401K. It would be run by private firms who would be paid by the amount of wealth they create for those who would receive it, it would be on a slide scale for availability and to use to borrow against it after 20 years like a 401k (50%)
5) Crude/Shale oil would become available on public land. It would be sold with the tax payer getting a portion of the profit, It would be heavily regulated like Palin did in Alaska
6) close the border, do a one time illegal alien roll up, deport them, use the military to enforce the rest
I'd start me a big old fight with Congress over the age old notion of impoundment. Just flat stop spending appropriated funds. Give the Attorney General's office something to do.

Where would I start? I dunno. The tea party's list of hits just scratches the surface. The left has some notions on savings in the pentagon. About half of the career chair polishers there need to go earn an honest living. No more checks for a whole lot of federally subsidised programs from ethanol to the dept.s of education and energy.
No deficit is acceptable, to me

1) Equalize tax rates and bring back into the fold those who pay zero in income taxes currently
2) Streamline tax codes for individual and corporate to trim the need for a huge agency like the IRS
3) Lower corporate taxes to an acceptable and reasonable equal rate for all corporations... Introduce a higher rate for US corporations participating in outsourcing where any high % (to be determined) of employees are housed overseas...
4) Increase tariffs on foreign manufactured goods
5) Eliminate ALL (and I do mean all) federal subsidies and entitlement programs, individual and corporate
6) Eliminate any and all foreign aid until such time as our national debt is gone
7) Audit governmental holdings and sell off unused and unnecessary holdings such as unused properties, etc
8) Audit all government contracts and contractors, with any ones in breech of contract being cut off from any payment
9) Audit governmental processes and agencies to eliminate redundant and overlapping agencies
10) Amend the Constitution to have an iron clad and air tight balanced budget amendment

There's a 10 item good start
keep taxes where they are and slash spending across the board.

After all our bills are paid lower taxes even more and reduce size of government to only what can be funded on 20% of GDP.
What do you think is an 'acceptable' deficit?
The FY2009 deficit was $1413B - what will you cut to get down to that 'acceptable' deficit?

Note that to asnwer the 2nd question, you must include dollar amounts and explain where those figures came from.
That is:
Specify what programs you'd cut/taxes you'd raise, how much they would save/generate, and how you know.

Given the Train wreak we are facing

30% across all Budgetary Items, 0 spending on discretionary items. We do this for two years and find out where we are in terms of spending and adjust from there.

There is no reason or justification for tax increase unless there are plans of bring the bottom 40% who pay no federal tax's into the fold. The so called "Rich" are taxed enough as is the middle class. IMO
What do you think is an 'acceptable' deficit?
The FY2009 deficit was $1413B - what will you cut to get down to that 'acceptable' deficit?

Note that to asnwer the 2nd question, you must include dollar amounts and explain where those figures came from.
That is:
Specify what programs you'd cut/taxes you'd raise, how much they would save/generate, and how you know.
Given the Train wreak we are facing
30% across all Budgetary Items, 0 spending on discretionary items. We do this for two years and find out where we are in terms of spending and adjust from there.
How much would that save?

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