CDZ How would Pence govern if he were president?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
First let me be clear, as if most of you on here don't know this already, I respect the Will of the American voters, as I do any free democracy and they have spoken loud and clear, and they want Donald J Trump to be president. They received their wish.

However, if Pence were president would Pence follow the same economic path Trump has taken, by renegotiating NAFTA, confronting trade abusers, remaining loyal to "America First", or would he be more of an Establish GOP?

My argument is that he would be forced to remain loyal to Trump in regards to the America First mantra with some level of patriotic populism. Not just because it is absolutely necessary to reign in those nations who are abusing America and American workers, which is a danger for the sustainability of the U.S going forward if not addressed. Also, if he doesn't remain loyal to those voters who took a change on Trump, the Democrats turn a hard left and regain back all the states that Trump flipped from the Democrats, especially the Rust Belt states and probably regain full control of government and fairly quickly.

Thoughts on how you all believe he would govern?
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First let me be clear, as if most of you on here don't know this already, I respect the Will of the American voters, as I do any free democracy and they have spoken loud and clear, and they want Donald J Trump to be president. They received their wish.

However, if Pence were president would Pence follow the same economic path Trump has taken, by renegotiating NAFTA, confronting trade abusers, remaining loyal to "America First", or would he be more of an Establish GOP?

My argument is that he would be forced to remain loyal to Trump in regards to the America First mantra with some level of patriotic populism. Not just because it is absolutely necessary to reign in those nations who are abusing America and American workers, which is a danger for the sustainability of the U.S going forward if not addressed. Also, if he doesn't remain loyal to those voters who took a change on Trump, the Democrats turn a hard left and regain back all the states that Trump flipped from the Democrats, especially the Rust Belt states and probably regain full control of government and fairly quickly.

Thoughts on how you all believe he would govern?

He was establishment before, no reason to believe he'll change.
First let me be clear, as if most of you on here don't know this already, I respect the Will of the American voters, as I do any free democracy and they have spoken loud and clear, and they want Donald J Trump to be president. They received their wish.

However, if Pence were president would Pence follow the same economic path Trump has taken, by renegotiating NAFTA, confronting trade abusers, remaining loyal to "America First", or would he be more of an Establish GOP?

My argument is that he would be forced to remain loyal to Trump in regards to the America First mantra with some level of patriotic populism. Not just because it is absolutely necessary to reign in those nations who are abusing America and American workers, which is a danger for the sustainability of the U.S going forward if not addressed. Also, if he doesn't remain loyal to those voters who took a change on Trump, the Democrats turn a hard left and regain back all the states that Trump flipped from the Democrats, especially the Rust Belt states and probably regain full control of government and fairly quickly.

Thoughts on how you all believe he would govern?

He would be AMAZING!!!
We will find out when he's elected after Trump's two terms. All Presidents have different styles of leadership, except Obama, who had none, so yes it will be different.
Check his record. He's sharia law all the way. Completely against the US Constitution and against personal freedom and rights.

IOW, perfect for the rabid right.

And make no mistake, there are plenty in the R congress who would love to see basic rights taken from Americans. Watch closely. They'll make a lot of noise about non-issues while making any end run around the big stuff.

Just as they did with gorsuch. That's how the RWNJs have made sure that Big Money continues to control our elections. The US has seen its very last honest election and you can thank the trump voters for that. You'll have to ask them why they wanted that.
a President Pence would make the left of center very, very unhappy.

The other 75% would probably like him excepting the neo-cons and the white solidarity folks.
don't know for sure but i believe that Pence is Pro Gun , Pro strong military , Pro American Sovereignty , Pro Deportation but i don't know for sure . Good question , i hope to see more answers SCanadian .
oh man , i like it , my friend V.P. Mike Pence looks alright [chuckle] !! --- Think Trump Is Scary? Check Out Mike Pence On The Issues. | HuffPost --- you bonehead anti Trumpers better tell birdbrain ' maxine waters' to shut the heck up !!

I agree.

Pence would love to end the first Amendment. He has said it as often as trump has.

Neither of them would protect the constitution.

That's why trumpkins voted for the two of them - they believed they could get their dictator, their daddy, owner, boss, someone who would take care of them.
back up what you say , i don't believe that Pence is against Free Speech or Christianity Luddley . If he is , lets see some links Luddley !! :afro:
Trump is a mostly insecure act, a rich boy who never held a real job, Pence is a religious bigot who signed the religious freedom to discriminate act. Of course the question becomes which is worse in reality. Reality could be tough on the average America should Pence get the reins. It may actually be Pence is the worse choice, ideologues and especially religious ideologues do crazy thing. At least Trump preaches America worker support, of course that may be a smoke screen too. Trump also has no deep religious feelings or any deep feelings for that matter. The funny thing is the people got their man and nothing seems to ever change. The elites still rule and the working person stands at the stage still hopeful.

Mike Pence on the Issues

Trump in training: Mike Pence doesn’t like black people

This Wasn’t a Debate. This Was a National Gaslighting.

Who Is Mike Pence? - The Daily Show with Trevor Noah | Comedy Central

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken
Pence might be a problem for the sexual deviant , pervert , baby killers , anti americans but normal Americans would be fine same as they were in the State that Pence governed . I don't remember his States citizens running away , screaming and yelling about Gov. Mike Pence MidCan !!
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back up what you say , i don't believe that Pence is against Free Speech or Christianity Luddley . If he is , lets see some links Luddley !! :afro:

Look at his record. He believes in fundie religion taking the place of the constitution. He has said that and trump has said he wants to gut the constitution.
Pence might be a problem for the sexual deviant , pervert , baby killers , anti americans but normal Americans would be fine same as they were in the State that Pence governed . I don't remember his States citizens running away , screaming and yelling about Gov. Mike Pence MidCan !!

IOW, pence is against the constitution.

That's what I said.

And no, he's not welcome in Indiana.

Try reading his record. He's a monster and a pervert.
back up what you say , i don't believe that Pence is against Free Speech or Christianity Luddley . If he is , lets see some links Luddley !! :afro:

Look at his record. He believes in fundie religion taking the place of the constitution. He has said that and trump has said he wants to gut the constitution.
-------------------------------------------------------------- as i said , i believe that Pence supports Freedom of Speech and Christianity / religion and thats the 1st amendent Luddley !!
Pence might be a problem for the sexual deviant , pervert , baby killers , anti americans but normal Americans would be fine same as they were in the State that Pence governed . I don't remember his States citizens running away , screaming and yelling about Gov. Mike Pence MidCan !!

IOW, pence is against the constitution.

That's what I said.

And no, he's not welcome in Indiana.

Try reading his record. He's a monster and a pervert.
------------------------------------------ Pence was elected by the citizens of the State that he governed wasn't he Luddley .
Pence would squint at everyone, his hair would get whiter which, I know doesn't seem at all possible, and he'd set out to make life miserable for anyone that isn't old white male and squinty-eyed.
maybe they oughta move , after all , majority rules when Pence won his election Issac !!

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