How would eliminating oil subsidies lower gas prices

They are not "subsidies" they are right offs for the costs of doing business, just like any business gets right offs that’s it

It's Write offs not right offs
And if oil companies get tax write offs that other companies don't it's the same as a government subsidy

Archived-Articles: About Those Oil Subsidies

You see oil companies get special consideration on some of their write offs that other businesses, like mine for example, don't get.

Oil in the ground is treated as capital equipment (that's special treatment under the law that other businesses don't get)

Oil companies get to take 100% depreciation of the cost of drilling equipment in the first year. All other businesses have to follow depreciation schedules. That is special treatment under the law.

All companies, businesses and people for that matter should be treated exactly the same under the law and that clearly is not happening.

oop sorry...they are still write offs, doesn't matter, we don't send them money as the liberals would have us believe. The government still makes far more off the oil companies then they actually make themselves

Different treatment under the law that allows a business to pay less in taxes is the same as a subsidy.
The Oil companies are making $4 a gallon off us and you want to send them billions of dollars?

The fucking government makes more off a gallon of gas than oil comp[anies and you want them to take more.

Yes given that the real cost of gasoline is around 15 dollars once you take into effect negative health and environmental effects.

Is the Real Price of Gasoline as High as $15 Per Gallon? | Hybrid Cars
^Gas costs as Much as $15 per gallon

Not to mention that for every $1 increase in gas costs it results in $0.7 dollars in less health costs

Economist's View: The Benefits of a Gas Tax
^For every $1 increase in gas prices .70 cents are gained via lowered health costs.
The Oil companies are making $4 a gallon off us and you want to send them billions of dollars?

The fucking government makes more off a gallon of gas than oil comp[anies and you want them to take more.

Yes given that the real cost of gasoline is around 15 dollars once you take into effect negative health and environmental effects.

Is the Real Price of Gasoline as High as $15 Per Gallon? | Hybrid Cars
^Gas costs as Much as $15 per gallon

Not to mention that for every $1 increase in gas costs it results in $0.7 dollars in less health costs

Economist's View: The Benefits of a Gas Tax
^For every $1 increase in gas prices .70 cents are gained via lowered health costs.

Bull....Shall we go back to horse and buggy? The environmental and sanitary conditions before the discovery of oil were horrible. Oil brought us into the modern day and the benefits of it have been innumerable… Get a clue idiot

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