How Will You Be Ringing In 2006?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Dinner at Outback. Coming home to make sure kids are going to somewhere safe or having friends over. Watching movies and champagne with a friend. Home by 1 to count heads here.
I've been invited to go somewhere, but haven't decided if I want to go or not. Chances are, I'll do tha same as I've done for the last several years and go to a friends house for the semi-traditional New Years Eve party. No champagne, but there will be plenty of beer! :beer:
So far, Manu has everyone here beat! Happy New Year!
We were invited to a party, but the hostess couldn't get a babysitter, so she rescheduled it for the 7th.

We will probably rent a couple of movies, and may or may not stay up until midnight.
mom4 said:
We were invited to a party, but the hostess couldn't get a babysitter, so she rescheduled it for the 7th.

We will probably rent a couple of movies, and may or may not stay up until midnight.

A New Year's Eve party on the 7th? :laugh: Now that's procrastination!
For the first time in as long as I can remember I will be spending the night at home. We have made no plans this year.
i'll be over at the in-laws' where their bi-monthly game of Dorks and Dweebs (aka dungeons & dragons - yes my in-laws are a bunch of nerds) will be going on. My best friend michelle and her huband nate and their 2 kids are friends of my in-laws so they will be there at least. usually we just go to get out of our house and be social, even if it is with people i just don't understand.

michelle & nate and us usually play board games and card games. No drinking really, because i am pregnant, Tim's not really into it anymore since his last episode with being drunk ended badly (major hangover!), nate doesn't drink, but michelle will probably have a glass of wine or two. plus with 5 kids there under 5 yrs old, it probably isn't wise.
We are planning on riding our snow machines, out to the river and lighting a bon fire and setting off firework's galore(since we can't set them off for the forth of July, because it's twenty four hrs. of daylight then, and you really can't see them. Hopefully the temps. will be on our side. So far, it's only -10 below. This is warm for us.......
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE......... May the New year be wonderful and Happy..... :thewave:
College basketball game at 6 p.m., dinner out afterwards. Should be home in time to watch part of Dick Clark's program and see the crystal ball ring in the new year on Times Square. Also like to watch the televised celebrations from around the world.

Happy New Year everyone! Let's hope 2006 is better than 2005. And I hope we get to see the sun again sometime soon. It's been cold, rainy and dreary here for about the last week. It even snowed on Christmas Day, and that was not supposed to happen.
I have to admit, I'm a stick in the mud

Each year, my son and I put a log in the fireplace, order a pizza, and watch movies (oftentimes silent films, but not always)

We wait for midnight, watch the ball drop, wish each other a Happy New Year, then go to bed.
nothing interresting. My parents might come over and play cards.

My husband is on call at the hosp. so we arn't going anywhere and hopefully all the drunks get home safely so he doesn't have to go in. :alco:

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