How Will Sen. McCain Make You Wealthy?


Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
By lowering taxes for big corporations? How will that make you rich?

By lowering taxes for the wealthy 1%? How will that make you rich?

Someone please explain to me McCain's plans to make us all wealthy.

And someone show me how Sen. Obama's plans will keep us from acquiring wealth. It seems to me that providing better opportunities for health care, education, and cutting taxes for most people and small businesses not only allows for more opportunities to gain wealth, but allows the middle classes a chance to avoid poverty. Doesn't that provided financial security and stability, in the end, allow for more spending, which will grow the economy, which will raise profits, which will expand businesses, which will increase hiring, which will allow more people the opportunity to gain wealth as well as making the wealthy richer, and so on and so forth ad infinitum?
He, nor any government politician will "make me wealthy"

If/when I become truly wealthy, it will be because of my efforts, my labors, my investments, my choices

All that any prez and government can do is take away from my wealth thru the taxation that is supposed to be used to run this country.... McCain won't make me wealthy and he will certainly take some of my earnings in taxes, but not as much as Obama will with his increased entitlements and wish for redistribution of wealth thru tax 'breaks' coming back to those who already don't pay taxes, his wish at healthcare funding of those who 'cannot afford it' at the expense of those of us who do earn more... Not to mention a lot of the other funny and phony math behind the Obama economic plan, being there poised to take even more from true earners
Who Pays Income Taxes? See Who Pays What

Who doesn't pay income taxes? According to this website by the National Taxpayers Union, most people make less than $64k. Why shouldn't they, who work for the top 25% and who don't get paid much by the top 25%, receive help from the government that is supposed to represent them, the majority. The wealthiest elite in this country also benefit from many tax loopholes, and from what all those taxes pay for i.e. the Dept. of Interior, the Treasury, DOD, Dept. of Justice, etc. etc. Obama isn't giving any handouts, anymore than McCain is. Your argument is flawed and you've been fooled into thinking that somehow when Republicans tax you less you'll have more opportunities to get rich. How? Working for already wealthy people? They sure do like to pay a lot, don't they, those already wealthy people. They employ hundreds or even thousands of employees but only 10% of them make over $60k. No matter how hard you work, or how smart you are, only a few highly paid employees retire each year opening up only a few positions that pay well. Will you get rich starting a small business? Good luck starting and running a small business with trickle down economics, let alone having a business that is successful enough to make you wealthy. You're best bet for getting rich is winning the lotto. The chances of getting wealthy are mighty slim and wouldn't life be better used to do what makes you happy than what makes other people wealthier?
Funny.... already broken your mold..

Sorry... I also do not support loopholes for anyone, just as I do not support entitlement handouts for anyone.... and Obama is certainly not going to get us ANY CLOSER to eliminating those things

You play the lotto... I'll continue to advance, earn more, and grow my wealth as I have done my entire career
What are you talking about? He keeps saying in all of his speeches that he's going to create wealth for ALL Americans!

Even his own supporters know he is full of shit. Just like he said he would wipe out the national debt in 4 years, What a fricken joke, nobody will knock out the debt in 4 years and for him to lie to the public like he did shows he will say anything to get elected because some dumbasses out there actually believe him.
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If a man's reach cannot exceed his grasp, then what's an Ayn Rand for?

Even his own supporters know he is full of shit. Just like he said he would wipe out the national debt in 4 years, What a fricken joke, nobody will knock out the debt in 4 years and for him to lie to the public like he did shows he will say anything to get elected because some dumbasses out there actually believe him.

But... but... Joe the Plumber said that McCain will make him wealthy!
Funny.... already broken your mold..

Sorry... I also do not support loopholes for anyone, just as I do not support entitlement handouts for anyone.... and Obama is certainly not going to get us ANY CLOSER to eliminating those things

You play the lotto... I'll continue to advance, earn more, and grow my wealth as I have done my entire career

I don't play the lottery, I work. But, despite getting educated, I only make $30k because my field isn't high paying. I pay taxes. I work for already wealthy people because I can't afford to start my own business. Luckily I have the VA for my health care, because I served in the USMC, but what about those vets who live hundreds of miles away from the nearest VAMC? What about their dependents? What about those people who don't make enough to buy insurance, like me, and still pay for college loans, dental insurance, auto insurance, rent or mortgage, gas, rising heating bills? I don't have credit cards and its a challenge to save. I don't have a 401k because I can't afford it. 50% of the population of this nation make less than I do and why do you think that is? Because they're lazy?

But I'm not so scared to take risks. And McCain is safely Bush and the same old Republican policies. I'll take a risk with Obama, even though I'm not a Democrat. And how have you broken my mold, so to speak? How is McCain going to close tax loopholes for the rich? And please tell me what these handouts are. Welfare? How about no bid contracts to Halliburton. How about $700 billion in corporate welfare. How about oil and gas subsidies. Who gets the handouts? 1% of the population: disenfranchised people and single mothers on welfare. Yeah, I don't want them to sit on their asses and not work, but there will always be lazy people. Those aren't the only people receiving welfare. There are people who receive governmental aid who happen to have just fallen on hard times, are made poor by medical costs (because they got cancer or had a child with medical problems), or because their jobs were shipped over sees, or because they were laid off, or many many other reasons. A small percentage of them live on the tiny amount of money that welfare pays, and the rest quickly find other jobs, finish their education, or whatever they're doing and pursue their ambitions.

And how wealthy are you now Dave?
Ask yourself how many other companies provide the same services at the same level as Haliburton... The same haliburton that won no bid contracts under the last DEM president as well

As for what people earn... if they want more, they have the opportunity to make the choices necessary to earn more... nobody says they have to work in a certain field... nobody says they cannot learn or come up with a skill that is demand and commands more compensation...

As for handouts... I have stated so many times that I am not for handouts or welfare for corporations, just as I am not for handouts to individuals who are perfectly capable of working to support themselves.. and yes, the majority CAN do more to take care of themselves, they simply choose NOT to... there is a difference between CANNOT and WILL NOT in terms of taking care of yourself

As for how wealthy I am.. I make in the top 10%... saving... paying extra on my mortgage.. not living beyond my means, buying 50K cars or whatever... paying for vacations by saving for them and not buying things on credit that I cannot pay off... and all this from a person who was raised below the poverty line, with no help or no assistance... collecting cans to have meat money, working from the earliest age possible to add to the household budget... busting my hump and learning the whole way, thru school, thru the military, and on my own in my advancing career

Nobody is owed anything by anyone... we are the only ones responsible for our own earnings, our own needs, our own well being.. and we need to do whatever we have to to provide for ourselves and our families... I don't care if I have to work 3 jobs, slinging drinks, scrubbing urinals, or whatever else... and those of us who have had some level of success, should VOLUNTARILY help supporting charities we believe in to VOLUNTARILY help those who need a leg up... BUT that is not the job of government to force that action... and if some individuals choose not to for whatever beliefs they have, that is their right in this free society based on liberty
So, why exactly are you voting for McCain?

I was actually a Thompson supporter... I liked McCain more in 2000 than I do now... I am more voting against Obama and his policies, than I am voting for McCain and his policies... but all in all, I agree with more of McCain's policies and stances, than I agree with Obama's... which is how I choose who to vote for in any election
I was actually a Thompson supporter... I liked McCain more in 2000 than I do now... I am more voting against Obama and his policies, than I am voting for McCain and his policies... but all in all, I agree with more of McCain's policies and stances, than I agree with Obama's... which is how I choose who to vote for in any election

Can you be more specific? Which policies of McCain's do you agree with? Which policies of Obama's do you disagree with?
By lowering taxes for big corporations? How will that make you rich?

By lowering taxes for the wealthy 1%? How will that make you rich?

Someone please explain to me McCain's plans to make us all wealthy.

And someone show me how Sen. Obama's plans will keep us from acquiring wealth. It seems to me that providing better opportunities for health care, education, and cutting taxes for most people and small businesses not only allows for more opportunities to gain wealth, but allows the middle classes a chance to avoid poverty. Doesn't that provided financial security and stability, in the end, allow for more spending, which will grow the economy, which will raise profits, which will expand businesses, which will increase hiring, which will allow more people the opportunity to gain wealth as well as making the wealthy richer, and so on and so forth ad infinitum?

politicians and government do not make people rich.

Every tax dollar taken by the government is one less dollar that cannot be used to start a business, build a house, buy a car etc.

You have fallen for a classic economic fallacy.

The broken window fallacy is one where for example a brick is tossed through a bakery window. People gather around and are sympathetic to the baker but someone mentions that this broken window will be good news as it will give a glazier some work that he wouldn't have had if the window was not broken.

But what the crowd of onlookers failed to see was the money that the baker must now use to repair his window was money that he was going to use to buy a new suit. Now the tailor that would have made the suit does not but a new washing machine for his wife etc etc.

The idea that taxation will create wealth is a fallacy as well. A "rich" person might lose 20K in new taxes for you to get maybe a few hundred dollars more a year, but that 20K could have been invested in expanding a business that would have provided a person a job paying 60k per year. Therefore taxation just cost someone a new job. And not only one job but every other thing that money would have allowed that person to do. buy a house, a car, a new suit, a new chair all so you could have a couple hundred dollars more in your tax return. Doesn't sound like such a good deal to the guy, or maybe you, who won't get that new job does it.
"As for handouts... I have stated so many times that I am not for handouts or welfare for corporations, just as I am not for handouts to individuals who are perfectly capable of working to support themselves.. and yes, the majority CAN do more to take care of themselves, they simply choose NOT to... there is a difference between CANNOT and WILL NOT in terms of taking care of yourself"

Are you saying that the majority of Americans choose not to take care of themselves? You think there are millions of Americans, sitting at home on the couch watching tv who vote every two to four years just waiting for the government hand out? C'mon! When has America every displayed that its citizens are that way?! That is simply what the Republican party has told you, Dave. They've fooled you and made you fear some nebulous mass of beggars who live off welfare and vote Democrat.

Who benefits more from the government: the few people who receive welfare (many of them because they work jobs that pay minimum wage (an issue that has come to a Republican stand-off) but its all they can get in their area, or because they have kids and the father abandoned them, or because of medical bills or disabilities) or huge corporations ($700billion)?
Can you be more specific? Which policies of McCain's do you agree with? Which policies of Obama's do you disagree with?

I disagree with Obama's appeasement foreign policy.. I disagree with a timetable withdraw from any military action that is announced publicly... I disagree with government subsidized additional healthcare at the expense of other taxpayers... I disagree with Obama's voting record on educational matters in the past, including curriculum choices... I disagree with an even more graduated punishment tax table.. I disagree that people paying no income taxes should receive tax payments back from the government at the expense of others.. I disagree with Obama's support of late term abortions.. I disagree with the thought of more liberal justices that could be appointed to the supreme court... I disagree with alternatives as the only solution to energy independence, and fully believe that it should be done in combination with using more of our oil and natural gas resources as well as the advancement of nuke plant use... I do not believe Obama in relation to his associations with highly questionable persons that range from flat our racists to unrepentant terrorists....

I believe in McCain's wish to attack earmark spending.. I believe in McCain's approach to Iraq, as a vet I believe this to be the more correct approach... I agree with McCain on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds... I agree with his vote on requiring photo ID for voting in elections... I agree with McCain that Gitmo terrorist detainees are not afforded the same honorable rights as US citizens or enemy military combatants... I agree with McCain on eliminating the "marriage penalty" and eliminating the "death tax"...

I could go on.. but those are just some of the reasons off the top of my head while eating a turkey sandwich and sipping on an iced tea at my desk
"As for handouts... I have stated so many times that I am not for handouts or welfare for corporations, just as I am not for handouts to individuals who are perfectly capable of working to support themselves.. and yes, the majority CAN do more to take care of themselves, they simply choose NOT to... there is a difference between CANNOT and WILL NOT in terms of taking care of yourself"

Are you saying that the majority of Americans choose not to take care of themselves? You think there are millions of Americans, sitting at home on the couch watching tv who vote every two to four years just waiting for the government hand out? C'mon! When has America every displayed that its citizens are that way?! That is simply what the Republican party has told you, Dave. They've fooled you and made you fear some nebulous mass of beggars who live off welfare and vote Democrat.

Who benefits more from the government: the few people who receive welfare (many of them because they work jobs that pay minimum wage (an issue that has come to a Republican stand-off) but its all they can get in their area, or because they have kids and the father abandoned them, or because of medical bills or disabilities) or huge corporations ($700billion)?

I am saying that MANY Americans complain about not having what they want or need.. and do not do the extra it takes to get to that level... whether it be a second or third job.. learning on their own time... advancing in their job... and I am saying that too many Americans think that those things they believe they need, are owed to them by others or the government

If I have a family emergency.. I do whatever the fuck it takes... work day and night.. borrow... sell my house.. whatever... but it is not someone else's responsibility to take care of my personal needs or the needs of my children... I do not believe in welfare and the forced redistribution of tax income for welfare programs.. I believe in charity, the voluntary help of people who feel the wish to help situations and charities set up for special needs...
politicians and government do not make people rich.

Every tax dollar taken by the government is one less dollar that cannot be used to start a business, build a house, buy a car etc.

You have fallen for a classic economic fallacy.

The broken window fallacy is one where for example a brick is tossed through a bakery window. People gather around and are sympathetic to the baker but someone mentions that this broken window will be good news as it will give a glazier some work that he wouldn't have had if the window was not broken.

But what the crowd of onlookers failed to see was the money that the baker must now use to repair his window was money that he was going to use to buy a new suit. Now the tailor that would have made the suit does not but a new washing machine for his wife etc etc.

The idea that taxation will create wealth is a fallacy as well. A "rich" person might lose 20K in new taxes for you to get maybe a few hundred dollars more a year, but that 20K could have been invested in expanding a business that would have provided a person a job paying 60k per year. Therefore taxation just cost someone a new job. And not only one job but every other thing that money would have allowed that person to do. buy a house, a car, a new suit, a new chair all so you could have a couple hundred dollars more in your tax return. Doesn't sound like such a good deal to the guy, or maybe you, who won't get that new job does it.

Um, Obama is taxing the rich. They already have suits, cars, businesses, houses. And I, personally, won't see any tax money from the Federal Government. What I want to see is the elderly being better care for, education improved, opportunities for average people to earn better or start a small business, stability and security for the middle classes, veterans being properly cared for because they deserve it ( the VA is something the Republicans have historically cut funding to), and those classes of disenfranchised people feeling (and then acting) as though they aren't oppressed because they no longer will be.

Quit spouting Republican propranda and think for yourself.
Ask yourself how many other companies provide the same services at the same level as Haliburton...

So far Haliburton has not proved to be able to deliver the highest quality service. That was the argument made initially to give them these jobs. Didn't work out. Electrical shorts in your shower. Dirty water for the troops. Serving spoiled food.

We were sold a bill of goods that didn't pan out except for the Haliburtons who got the money.

Privatizing so many functions has not saved US money.

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