How was your BM today?

p kirkes

VIP Member
Feb 26, 2006
NW Louisiana
My first missive in this forum will be about BM's. Yes, that necessary bodily function that most of us take for granted.

When you attain a certain age, in my case mid-seventies, this function can become supremely important. You have to be acutely aware of the subtle urges your body emanates in order to geographically position yourself near a toilet thus avoiding an embarrassing event.

Situational awareness is paramount, that is, what you ate or eating, time of day that your movement usually occurs and of course a mental picture of where and how far facilities are located. One must recognize that your body's muscles have their own agenda that is beyond your will to control. Timing is everything.

Your Golden years, however, can be less fraught with unintended consequences with a little planning. So, to preclude a hurried trot through the lobby of McDonald's pay strict attention to natures warning signals.

I wish you all a regular and uneventful BM.

Shouldn't this really go in Health and Lifestyles?

Anyhow, at 74 [going on 75] I've learned how good Metamucil and Colace can be.
Considering all that whiskey I consumed last night, I'm surprised I've not made a visit to the throne today. I always take my iPhone with me. It's better than a newspaper and takes my mind off the task at hand. Around here, we refer to it as "pondering".
Shouldn't this really go in Health and Lifestyles?

Anyhow, at 74 [going on 75] I've learned how good Metamucil and Colace can be.

No. It's just a particular topic being discussed in the lounge. Are you suggesting we should limit discussions in the lounge to discussions of the lounge? :eek:

I try to stay away from medicines. Eat a lot of yogurt and fish. Take note of which foods make me go fast. (A Hardee's Steak Bisquit works in MINUTES!)
Considering all that whiskey I consumed last night, I'm surprised I've not made a visit to the throne today. I always take my iPhone with me. It's better than a newspaper and takes my mind off the task at hand. Around here, we refer to it as "pondering".

Excess whiskey will slow down "the system"...I've noticed over the years. Could even lead to impaction.

Try a Hardee's Steak Biscuit!
Considering all that whiskey I consumed last night, I'm surprised I've not made a visit to the throne today. I always take my iPhone with me. It's better than a newspaper and takes my mind off the task at hand. Around here, we refer to it as "pondering".

Excess whiskey will slow down "the system"...I've noticed over the years. Could even lead to impaction.

Try a Hardee's Steak Biscuit!

impaction ???

My first missive in this forum will be about BM's. Yes, that necessary bodily function that most of us take for granted.

When you attain a certain age, in my case mid-seventies, this function can become supremely important. You have to be acutely aware of the subtle urges your body emanates in order to geographically position yourself near a toilet thus avoiding an embarrassing event.

Situational awareness is paramount, that is, what you ate or eating, time of day that your movement usually occurs and of course a mental picture of where and how far facilities are located. One must recognize that your body's muscles have their own agenda that is beyond your will to control. Timing is everything.

Your Golden years, however, can be less fraught with unintended consequences with a little planning. So, to preclude a hurried trot through the lobby of McDonald's pay strict attention to natures warning signals.

I wish you all a regular and uneventful BM.


I hereby bestow you with the Indian name

Chief squat n leave it.
As one with many medical professionals in my family I've learned, it's all about the poop.
Considering all that whiskey I consumed last night, I'm surprised I've not made a visit to the throne today. I always take my iPhone with me. It's better than a newspaper and takes my mind off the task at hand. Around here, we refer to it as "pondering".

Excess whiskey will slow down "the system"...I've noticed over the years. Could even lead to impaction.

Try a Hardee's Steak Biscuit!

Or a ton of water and maybe some oatmeal.
I have always been very fortunate to have regularity! I eat lots of salads and they certainly help!
A healthy diet including lots of vegetables is the key. Lots of fiber. I use a fiber supplement like Benefiber, mix a heaping spoon of it in my green tea every day. But the main reason I do that is not for the bowels, but because Benefiber has soluble fiber, which can help lower bad cholesterol.

Anyway, I've found that a healthy diet high in fiber with low fat, lots of whole grains, vegetable and fruits is the secret to regular, quick, clean bowel movements. I start straying from that healthy diet and things start to change. :(

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