How to Tell the Difference Between an Open-Carry Patriot and a Deranged Killer

John Marston

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2014
Relevant as never


Or maybe white hats for good guys, black hats for bad guys. And problem solved :laugh:
Personally I don't agree with open carry of modern sporting rifles...I think it does much more harm than good. You can make the same political statement with a Kentucky Long Rifle.

BUT, it is not a concern to me. I am armed. If a bad guy wishes overtly bring himself to my attention in such a manner, that's all the better.
You will know them by the trail of dead.

Killers leave behind bodies. Open Carry types don't.

It's that simple.
While open carry is legal in my state, I don't practice it. A person wearing a visible sidearm loses his element of surprise, if a threat did develop. It makes him not only a target for the bad guy, but a target for every anti-gun loon out there who thinks he or she is on a "mission". Open carry seems to incite some people to do irrational things. Situational awareness is crucial if one intends to survive something like a holdup or a car-jacking, but I don't like having to worry about what the person in line behind me is thinking. I prefer to carry concealed.
While open carry is legal in my state, I don't practice it. A person wearing a visible sidearm loses his element of surprise, if a threat did develop. It makes him not only a target for the bad guy, but a target for every anti-gun loon out there who thinks he or she is on a "mission". Open carry seems to incite some people to do irrational things. Situational awareness is crucial if one intends to survive something like a holdup or a car-jacking, but I don't like having to worry about what the person in line behind me is thinking. I prefer to carry concealed.
a gun is like a knife-a mope shouldn't see it until after you have shot or cut him
While open carry is legal in my state, I don't practice it. A person wearing a visible sidearm loses his element of surprise, if a threat did develop. It makes him not only a target for the bad guy, but a target for every anti-gun loon out there who thinks he or she is on a "mission". Open carry seems to incite some people to do irrational things. Situational awareness is crucial if one intends to survive something like a holdup or a car-jacking, but I don't like having to worry about what the person in line behind me is thinking. I prefer to carry concealed.

The thing you're conveniently ignoring is that said bad guy will hesitate to act when everyone in the establishment is openly armed.

1 gun against 1-2 others? Sure, maybe the element of surprise will help the bad guy... but 1 gun against a dozen armed citizens? Oh hells no.
While open carry is legal in my state, I don't practice it. A person wearing a visible sidearm loses his element of surprise, if a threat did develop. It makes him not only a target for the bad guy, but a target for every anti-gun loon out there who thinks he or she is on a "mission". Open carry seems to incite some people to do irrational things. Situational awareness is crucial if one intends to survive something like a holdup or a car-jacking, but I don't like having to worry about what the person in line behind me is thinking. I prefer to carry concealed.

Do you feel the same way about others open carrying a knife? Why or why not?
While open carry is legal in my state, I don't practice it. A person wearing a visible sidearm loses his element of surprise, if a threat did develop. It makes him not only a target for the bad guy, but a target for every anti-gun loon out there who thinks he or she is on a "mission". Open carry seems to incite some people to do irrational things. Situational awareness is crucial if one intends to survive something like a holdup or a car-jacking, but I don't like having to worry about what the person in line behind me is thinking. I prefer to carry concealed.

Do you feel the same way about others open carrying a knife? Why or why not?

I have no problem with the open carry of a blade, although you tend to lose your advantage of surprise. I carry two of them, a folding blade in my pocket and a vintage 6" German-made stiletto in my boot.

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