How To Tell If Your Man Is Gay

You can nearly always tell by the facial expression.


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Just like the Christians to complicate simplicity. The simple way: wear a sexy negligee while you are watching 'Queer eye for the straight guy,' and if he doesn't attack you - nicely of course - in a split second, you know the answer.
Pro gay people will tell you that whatever you do, that is a gay indicator. That's just too much. It seems like there is social pressure to fit in with the crowd and accept gays.

Zukking Cawk is a gay indicator.
Packing Fudge is a gay indicator.

Nothing else. If you're a man and you don't do those things. Your not gay. Deal with it.

Interesting. :lol:

The way an acquaintance of mine found out her hubby was gay put her into therapy for years. As it surely would me. As the manager of the jewelry store across from the one I worked in, she was supposed to be in an hours long meeting, but around lunch time realized she had forgotten an important document she had left on her bedroom dresser and went home to get it. She opened the bedroom door to find her hubby in bed with! :eek: :eek: :eek:
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No one should be enticed into marriage with lies. I am very sad for your friend, Aqua Athena.

Thank you Madeline. You are very gracious. "If you truly loved yourself, you would never harm another?"
And the "tenth" sign? He as a boyfriend.

I try not to think about the sexuality of anyone I work with. It saves a lot of problems from happening and removes stress. Just treat everyone the same but do be aware that their are differences between men and woman.

A woman engineer was asked to take a customer to lunch. She asked me to go along because she wouldn't feel comfortable being married and having lunch with a man by herself. When I mentioned to my boss I was going, he asked, "Why?" and I explained. He said, "That's stupid, you don't need to go". I asked him, "If that were your wife, would you be so eager that she went to lunch alone with another man?" He said, "Oh I see, yea, go to lunch with her".

Now, there is an engineer who I thought was gay, even though I put it out of my mind. He was very thin, dressed "fashionable", had a kind of "lilting" speech. Had no seeming interest in anything "traditionally" male. We picked up a lab table to move it across the room. I'm 30 years older than this guy and after two steps, he dropped it. He said, "I couldn't hold it anymore, it was too heavy". In my mind, yep, he's gay because he was very "delicate" and all the other things. So he recently quit because his wife had a baby and he got a higher paying job. I didn't even know he was married. I never ask about the private lives of the people I work with. It keeps me away from their "shit".

When I was younger and in the military, I was hit on a couple of times by other soldiers during the years in active duty. And just like a girl who wasn't "interested", I said, "No thanks", and that was it. I didn't run away "screaming" with hands broken at the wrists, flapping in the wind. I never felt in "danger" of being "molested". Huh Sgt?
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Pro gay people will tell you that whatever you do, that is a gay indicator. That's just too much. It seems like there is social pressure to fit in with the crowd and accept gays.

Zukking Cawk is a gay indicator.
Packing Fudge is a gay indicator.

Nothing else. If you're a man and you don't do those things. Your not gay. Deal with it.

So is a progay site?


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