How to solve the growing fresh water-shortage crisis.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
I can name that tune in one note.

In southern California and the drought-stricken desert SW, for example we need to have at least 2 or 3 sea water desalination plants asap because the main source Lake Mead cannot do it alone much longer. Possibly share the cost with Mexico in the Gulf of California and then others on the Pacific coast, running on renewable energy and operating environment-friendly by hauling off the salt and so on.

i think its still pricey(the actual process ) ...if the California state government will be involved its gonna get pricey to build:20:

i know japan and the Saudis use em ...ah crap i think japan
i think its still pricey(the actual process ) ...if the California state government will be involved its gonna get pricey to build:20:

i know japan and the Saudis use em ...ah crap i think japan
Make it federal - FDR style. This country will be in big trouble without some of California's resources, considering Silicon Valley, the agriculture, all that good weed they grow....
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Nuclear powered desalination.....if you're serious about it.

Then let enough terrorists sneak over the border and blow them all up. Nevertheless, it is a viable option.
And stopping this would be a step in the right direction:

Apr 10, 2018 - “Between 2005 and 2016, Nestlé has taken over 4 billion gallons of our water for pennies and sold it back to us for huge profits...
The permit cost them $200.00.
Nestle Makes Millions in Profits Bottling Water Pumped from Disenfranchised Communities - Validated Independent News

We have lost our minds. While WE should be profiting off of our water, ( if we want to sell it instead of preserving it) we are instead paying top dollar for it. OUR OWN WATER.
Our dwindling water supply
Our Uranium mines
What else should we let global help themselves to?
Then let enough terrorists sneak over the border and blow them all up. Nevertheless, it is a viable option.

Out of the 60 we already have, how many have been blown up so far?

Oh, right, none, so you can stop with the ridiculous hysterics
I can name that tune in one note.

In southern California and the drought-stricken desert SW, for example we need to have at least 2 or 3 sea water desalination plants asap because the main source Lake Mead cannot do it alone much longer. Possibly share the cost with Mexico in the Gulf of California and then others on the Pacific coast, running on renewable energy and operating environment-friendly by hauling off the salt and so on.

And ruin the ocean view of rich Leftards? You crazy?
Nuclear powered desalination.....if you're serious about it.
I have a Pelican Water Filtration System that not only softens the water without Salt, but purifies it to 99.9% chemical free. It does cost a few thousand dollars, but in the long term, if the water goes bad, at the tap, mine will still be clean...
Then let enough terrorists sneak over the border and blow them all up. Nevertheless, it is a viable option.

Out of the 60 we already have, how many have been blown up so far?

Oh, right, none, so you can stop with the ridiculous hysterics

We're hemorrhaging at our border. You don't think a few might sneak in among the hoards and say, take some flying lessons ? Do you want to live down wind of one?
You are incredibly naive.
NEVERTHELESS, it is a viable option. For California, especially.:113:
Save water close down golf courses and car washes...
How are going to save the planet without more courses to pump desalinated ocean water on and stop oceans from drowning us
I say pump salt water and let the grass die
then you'll have desert golf with dune buggies -
much more entertaining.

Here's how you get to the 18th at the Grand Canyon Classic in Arizona...

golf gif.gif
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