How to reduce 16-24 yr unemployment by 50% and reduce inflation..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In 2010, the unemployment rate for workers age 16-24 was 18.4%—the worst on record in the 60 years that this data has been tracked.

Eliminate Minimum wage up to age 25.
After all what do this age group have to spend money for?
1) most staying with parents.
2) NOT working means they are spending money they didn't earn!
3) Are NOT working and learning then good work habits.

In addition as most of these are menial jobs the employer can
a) make more profits to pay more taxes
b) hire more people
c) more people working paying payroll taxes
d) More people working means more money in circulation!

All by eliminating minimum wage for up to 25!
ah but that's not the issue... they are on unemployment so not a big deal!

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