How to protect children at school


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Not by arming teachers and principals who have the job of teaching children and not patrolling schools. Teachers and principals cannot be at entrances of school but trained armed guard at the entrance and a back up guard in case a shooter gets past the first guard which should always be at the entrance. The school should be a fortress and classrooms doors that cannot be penetrated by intruders like in airplane cockpits. But doors should be easy access for children to exit. Airports and courtrooms are protected against shooters but not our schools??

No one, even a parent, should get passed and school entrance without identifying themselves and go through a metal detector. Children has to be protected against other children as well. There have been incidents where elementary school children have bought firearms to school.

I live in a senior complex that has more security than our schools. Anyone passing the front door as to identify themselves and sign in and name the person they are visiting.
Shall we put bars on windows too? Cuz that's how the Newtown shooter got it - he shot out a window.

Of course, that would mean the kids would be trapped inside in case of a fire...
Columbine had armed guards.

VA Tech had a police force and a freaking SWAT team.

Did them a lot of good.

You have to stop the culture of violence, whose logical conclusion is an ever-escalating, technology-fueled race for better guns. This is the only place it can go. Because throughout human history, it's the only place it's ever gone.

Get more and better weapons than the other guy.

We NEVER learn.

A guy got killed waiting to pick up a pizza at Little Caesar's. How twisted has this society become? You need a GUN with you to go pick up dinner?

See what I mean ....................................... if this continues, we will destroy ourselves. It seems to be our nature.
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Shall we put bars on windows too? Cuz that's how the Newtown shooter got it - he shot out a window.

Of course, that would mean the kids would be trapped inside in case of a fire...

what ever it takes. Bars on windows in home can be released from the inside but not from the outside.
Burglar bars and window burglar bar emergency release

Yes, put bars on windows if needed.
He shot out a window and got in? Why didn't the children run out the door?:confused:
Source please.
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Columbine had armed guards.

VA Tech had a police force and a freaking SWAT team.Did them a lot of good.

After the fact.

You have to stop the culture of violence, whose logical conclusion is an ever-escalating, technology-fueled race for better guns. This is the only place it can go. Because throughout human history, it's the only place it's ever gone.

Get more and better weapons than the other guy.

We NEVER learn.

A guy got killed waiting to pick up a pizza at Little Caesar's. How twisted has this society become? You need a GUN with you to go pick up dinner?

See what I mean ....................................... if this continues, we will destroy ourselves. It seems to be our nature.

How often does something like that happen? More likely to kill a family member over the last piece of pizza.:D

Then make the classrooms safe because guns don't keep us safe.
Violence began with cain and abel and has continued. Cannot stop a violent mind set.
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Columbine had armed guards.

VA Tech had a police force and a freaking SWAT team.Did them a lot of good.

After the fact.

You have to stop the culture of violence, whose logical conclusion is an ever-escalating, technology-fueled race for better guns. This is the only place it can go. Because throughout human history, it's the only place it's ever gone.

Get more and better weapons than the other guy.

We NEVER learn.

A guy got killed waiting to pick up a pizza at Little Caesar's. How twisted has this society become? You need a GUN with you to go pick up dinner?

See what I mean ....................................... if this continues, we will destroy ourselves. It seems to be our nature.

How often does something like that happen? More likely to kill a family member over the last piece of pizza.:D

Then make the classrooms safe because guns don't keep us safe.
Violence began with cain and abel and has continued. Cannot stop a violent mind set.

You are contradicting yourself. If "guns don't keep us safe", then why are you advocating for "trained armed guards" at the entrances of schools and "backup guards"?

Guns keep law-abiding citizens safer from the CRIMINALS who have guns and want to shoot the law-abiding citizens. Why is that so difficult to understand?
Columbine had armed guards.

VA Tech had a police force and a freaking SWAT team.

Did them a lot of good.

You have to stop the culture of violence, whose logical conclusion is an ever-escalating, technology-fueled race for better guns. This is the only place it can go. Because throughout human history, it's the only place it's ever gone.

Get more and better weapons than the other guy.

We NEVER learn.

A guy got killed waiting to pick up a pizza at Little Caesar's. How twisted has this society become? You need a GUN with you to go pick up dinner?

See what I mean ....................................... if this continues, we will destroy ourselves. It seems to be our nature.


Bingo and Boom, and hear hear. Finally somebody gets it.
Bob Costas said this a month ago and got his words twisted and they called for his firing. I've been saying this here and elsewhere and getting jumped on too. Not only is the underlying motivation the conversation we have to have, but it's one that gets consistently stifled by the gun culture. Actually I call them gun fetishists.

It's not the number of guns around (although there are too many) and it's not enough gun control (although there isn't enough) that's going to get us away from this sorry disgrace of national character-- it's eliminating the wild west mentality that makes it happen in the first place. Treat the disease, not just the symptom.

Guns don't kill people -- assholes with guns kill people. Fewer guns may help a little; fewer assholes will turn the corner.

Well said here. Keep it up. This ^ is what it's all about.
Just tossing this out--

I once taught in a school that had a very open design. Breezeways were used to connect the wings of the building and the classrooms could have been entered directly. They had no windows, fwiw.

That should be interesting--designing a security plan for such buildings. There would be no problem to just walk onto the school grounds and make a quick exit.

Where the $ will be found to implement these plans is a good question.
Columbine had armed guards.

VA Tech had a police force and a freaking SWAT team.Did them a lot of good.

After the fact.

You have to stop the culture of violence, whose logical conclusion is an ever-escalating, technology-fueled race for better guns. This is the only place it can go. Because throughout human history, it's the only place it's ever gone.

Get more and better weapons than the other guy.

We NEVER learn.

A guy got killed waiting to pick up a pizza at Little Caesar's. How twisted has this society become? You need a GUN with you to go pick up dinner?

See what I mean ....................................... if this continues, we will destroy ourselves. It seems to be our nature.

How often does something like that happen? More likely to kill a family member over the last piece of pizza.:D

Then make the classrooms safe because guns don't keep us safe.
Violence began with cain and abel and has continued. Cannot stop a violent mind set.

You are contradicting yourself. If "guns don't keep us safe", then why are you advocating for "trained armed guards" at the entrances of schools and "backup guards"?

Guns keep law-abiding citizens safer from the CRIMINALS who have guns and want to shoot the law-abiding citizens. Why is that so difficult to understand?

I keep telling the OlBat to lay off the fire water.

She started this thread at 5:20pm yesterday, advocating trained armed guards for schools. Then 4+ hours later starts a thread ranting that guns don't keep us safe.

Wonder why lots of folks in here think you're nuts, OlLady?
Granny says dey oughta cremate his sorry butt an' throw the ashes inna town dump...
Final resting place of Newtown gunman a mystery
December 31, 2012 — The body of the man who massacred 26 people at a Connecticut elementary school was claimed by his father, a family spokesman said Monday, but the public may never know what happened with the remains.
Like families of other mass killers, Adam Lanza's father has to balance his own mourning with consideration for the victims, intense media scrutiny and the risk that a public gravesite could be desecrated. "I know it's very sensitive for the family. They have many, many concerns and it's a very sad time for them," said Kingston, N.H. Police Chief Donald Briggs, a family acquaintance who helped the Lanzas coordinate services for Lanza's slain mother. Lanza shot and killed his mother, Nancy, inside their Newtown home on Dec. 14 before driving to Sandy Hook Elementary School, shooting his way in and gunning down 20 first-graders and six school employees. He committed suicide as police arrived. The massacre claimed more lives that any school shooting in U.S. history, except for the 2007 Virginia Tech rampage that left 33 people dead.

Lanza's father, Peter Lanza, of Stamford, Conn., claimed his son's body Thursday, and there were "private arrangements" over the weekend, according to the family spokesman. He would not elaborate on what those arrangements were. For some in Newtown, it would be just fine to not have any public reminder of Adam Lanza. "People are sad enough around here," said Robin Houser, 52, who was working at a center coordinating Newtown volunteers. "I would have donated his body to science and let them see what made him tick inside. And then have them take care of it." A private service was held earlier this month at an undisclosed location in New Hampshire for Nancy Lanza, who was divorced from Peter Lanza. Briggs said a public memorial service is also planned for her sometime in the spring.

Authorities have not offered a motive for the killings. State police say they have been exploring all aspects of Adam Lanza's life including his education, family history and medical treatment for clues. Authorities have said it could take months to produce a final report on their investigation. The state's chief medical examiner has sought help from the University of Connecticut genetics department to study Lanza's DNA and determine if there is any identifiable disease associated with his behavior.


See also:

The Location of Adam Lanza's Body, Like Most Mass Shooters, Is Unknown
Dec. 31, 2012 - The body of Adam Lanza, who carried out the Newtown, Conn., school massacre, has been claimed but the whereabouts of the corpse remains unknown.
The body was claimed by Lanza's father, Peter Lanza, according to a family spokesperson. Adam Lanza, 20, killed himself after he shot his mother and then slaughtered 20 first graders and six school staffers at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14 in one of the worst school shootings in American history. The funeral home wants to remain anonymous and geneticists at the University of Connecticut have agreed to a request from the state medical examiner to study his DNA in what seems to be a first of its kind study. But like many of the mass murderers before Lanza, what happens to his body will likely be unknown.

James Fox, a professor of criminology at Northeastern University and a mass shooting expert said in these types of cases "the grave is not marked because the family is afraid the grave will be defaced." "When there is a funeral for the perpetrator it is private," Fox said. "Press is not kept apprised of when it is or where it is for the same reason." Fox said it's often also because the "families don't want the attention." "Families are often blamed," Fox said. "If they didn't have a role in creating the dysfunction, people feel they should have seen something and intervened. It's not fair to blame them. They are not to blame, but it's the truth."

That is reportedly what happened to the two who were the first to become infamous for a school attack: Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris who committed the Columbine High School shooting. At the time, U.S. News and World Report covered Klebold's funeral. "Only a handful of people came to say goodbye to Dylan Klebold," the magazine reported in May 1999. "His long, skinny body fit awkwardly into the cardboard casket where it would lie until cremation. His hands were folded on his chest, and stuffed animals surrounded him." The article said that the stories told from those attending made it seem as though his "life had ended at age 12, not five years later in a murderous rampage."

The Roanoke Times reported at the time that the Virginia Tech Shooter Sueng-Hui Cho's body was released to his family and he is reportedly buried in Fairfax, Va., but no other details of his burial were ever made public. Recent confessed serial killer Israel Keyes' family held a funeral for him earlier this month in the small Washington town of Deer Park, according to the Associated Press. He killed himself in his Anchorage, Alaska, jail cell after confessing to murdering eight people. His immediate family attended, but his burial was also in an undisclosed location in Washington State. Like rampage shooters, serial killers are often buried in unmarked gravesites. At the time, the Associated Press reported that Ted Bundy requested in his will for his body to be cremated and his ashes scattered over Washington State's Cascade Mountains in an undisclosed location.

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Not by arming teachers and principals who have the job of teaching children and not patrolling schools. Teachers and principals cannot be at entrances of school but trained armed guard at the entrance and a back up guard in case a shooter gets past the first guard which should always be at the entrance. The school should be a fortress and classrooms doors that cannot be penetrated by intruders like in airplane cockpits. But doors should be easy access for children to exit. Airports and courtrooms are protected against shooters but not our schools??

No one, even a parent, should get passed and school entrance without identifying themselves and go through a metal detector. Children has to be protected against other children as well. There have been incidents where elementary school children have bought firearms to school.

I live in a senior complex that has more security than our schools. Anyone passing the front door as to identify themselves and sign in and name the person they are visiting.

The schools need to do what psych hospitals have been doing for decades - teaching their employees how to predict violence. There are companies that do just that:

Workplace Violence Training Programs | CPI

The people who run the schools are just so damned stupid they would never think of it. Anyone, really, should have some understanding of when things are amiss. A really good writing for lay people is The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker. I used to have my nursing students read a chapter a week as part of their clinical experience.


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