How to make a cat go away?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
That is gentle method, but it gets the picture to GO AWAY?

Cat next door is so skinny..I felt bad for it. I know I not feed it. Well, I did. Not much and not often. Last time I fed it was last week. Owner stopped by to chat and I told her her cat was visiting and she laughed and said Max (the cats name) is pulling the "I'm starving" schtick on me and I said yes..he is. Which was fine but I didn't plan to make a habit of it. And I haven't.

However, all day today since this morning, the cat has been on the front porch. I go out there to have a cig and there is the cat. Rubbing my legs, wanting attention. So I pet it then ignore it. But today it was different. It stayed. And stayed. And is still out there. All day, and probably all night too now. And it is getting more aggressive. When I pet it, it claws me, not retracted claws either. And it bites. Hard. I now have a hole in my hand. Small, but still a hole.

I think the cat has claimed us here, and the house as well. So what is the next move? Ignoring it? Shooing it? A mist bottle of water? Kills me to do this but I also don't want a cat, don't want to be tripped, don't want to be clawed on my legs or my feet bit.

I plan on telling the neighbor she needs to keep her cat at home but...a cat is a cat. I think it will probably fall on to me to make the cat decide to go home and stay there. But..what is the best method that will not harm the cat?
Just go say "shoo-shoo, go home" and wave your arms around and scare it away. You have to be the alpha cat. Lol. Don't pet it anymore either. You are just encouraging it when you pet it.

MrG, Housemate and I all agree to SHOO and no stopping to pet. Time for it to go to its real home. I shouldn't have started the petting to begin with, but...I miss my own furkids so much and have been lonely. However, not lonely enough to be bit.

I also have a mist bottle by the front door. Every time I go out there, we will mist it (water) or its general direction. Tomorrow, I will speak to the neighbor, not that she can or will do anything since its an outdoor cat.
Some cats will totally try to take advantage of you if you are a softy with them. You have to be firm with some of them and let them know that YOU are the boss. If you are good enough, you can have him come over only when you call him over to you and he will be less of a nuisance. Have you ever seen that show about the guy who trains cats? He is like the Dog Whisperer but for cats. He is pretty amazing, I must say. I've seen the show several times, and I've never known anyone to have such a great understanding of cats and their habits. They are weird critters. Lol. Cute though! :)
Some cats will totally try to take advantage of you if you are a softy with them. You have to be firm with some of them and let them know that YOU are the boss. If you are good enough, you can have him come over only when you call him over to you and he will be less of a nuisance. Have you ever seen that show about the guy who trains cats? He is like the Dog Whisperer but for cats. He is pretty amazing, I must say. I've seen the show several times, and I've never known anyone to have such a great understanding of cats and their habits. They are weird critters. Lol. Cute though! :)
I'm not much of a cat person. Never really have been. And the few I have had, weren't like this one. This one belongs to the lady that has 4 dogs, two cockatoos and I think the one cat. It doesn't get much attention but it is NOT starving. I don't want another cat. Especially this one. Too prickly. And I want to sit outside without it staring at me to be petted. Makes me feel bad.

Maybe I will borrow Casey tomorrow. The cat is used to dogs, but not strange dogs. Having Casey over might give it the drift it needs to go away. Permanently at its own home.
Try a broom. You can push it without actually injuring the cat.
I went out earlier and there it was. I had my mist bottle and that seemed to do the trick. For now, anyway. If we all keep doing that, I think kitty will go home and stay home. I hope.
Just don't harm the cat or euthanized him you won't I know

But then I love cats too
But to kill a pet or an animal because you have to travel or because is a nuisance to you or anything like that

burn in hell.
I know kind hearted people in this forum would never do it.
Cat that bites and claws me will be awarded a long trip off the end of my foot.
I would never harm an animal. Or kick them or hurt them. I am just...really missing my own. A lot. Sometimes I am doing ok...most of the time I am a sobbing heap of tears. This sucks. First time in forever I have been furkidless. :(
This cat was fine to pet now and then but now it wants to claim us..and be harmful. I already took a tumble on my own, I don't need a cat to make me tumble when it claws at my feet or rubs against my legs as I try to move around. And, I have no immune system so I can't take an infection from a bite or scratch. This cat tends to do both.

So, I will hope the spray bottle works.
Wok your cat

Spray bottle or last ditch effort the hose if you want it gone. Just light squirt with the hose. Use something loud like a newspaper slapping your hand.
If the mister doesn't work...I will borrow Casey for the whole day. Last time Casey was here visiting, kitty came running over, skidded to a stop, ran back home and I didn't see it for a week. :)
Casey loves kitties. But kitty didn't know that. Glad, too. Maybe kitty will get the bigger hint with Casey hanging out with me in front.
Looks to me like the cat has claimed you and your yard as it's territory.
Short of killing it , Idk what you can do.

Spray some kinda critter urine around the corners of your property, maybe.

I had to kill one feral cat that came around my yard. It was going to kill the oldest cat.

I won't say how it happened, but it wasn't pretty. My neighbor and friend still remember that day, me too.

That was a bad cat, though. I couldn't kill a nice cat.
either adopt the cat..since you feed it or take it to a no kill shelter....stop fucking with the are going to make it unadoptable.....

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