How to actually deal with "corrupt" businesses


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
All businesses are associations of people, much like families or other communities - the business or its methodologies mean nothing outside of its arbitrary association - if a business is built on "corrupt" principles, the principles of the business are meaningless unless one is in association with it. - No people participating in that association, no business - much as if players of a sport simply stopped playing, the sport would cease to exist.

Therefore, any and all "corrupt" business models could be deconstructed if people chose to opt out of it - in practice many won't, given that businesses stereotyped as "corrupt", whether mass media, processed food industries, cigarette and alcohol companies, porn companies, or otherwise.

Many won't, because of the vices they enable, but in theory, it could happen if people decided to - Rome wasn't built in a day, nor were the great pyramids, nor was any institution which we take for granted.

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