How the Weiner Job Could Have Been Pulled Off?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
You need:
-A decent guess as to what someone's e-mail account is (the one they used to sign up at twitter)
-An e-mail dialer
-A photo

The question I had, then, was how difficult it was to know someone else's secret e-mail account. It turns out yfrog had already reserved an account for me by virtue of the fact that I have a Twitter account. Logging into the account with your Twitter login provides you with an automatically generated secret e-mail address. From the general discussion of the theory we've learned that the format is TwitterName.***** - with the ***** being some combination of randomly generated letters (sometimes five, sometimes more). Try as I might with my own example, I couldn't find any external indication of that random combination of letters.
But of course, generating random letter combinations with a little computer program is pretty elemental - something Friend-Of-Maddow-Show @Sarking pointed out as she watched me scratching my virtual head. And sending e-mails with randomly generated characters.... well, ever heard of spam?
Minutes later...


She figured out other Friend-Of-Maddow-Show @roomerholmes's yfrog e-mail name and Weinered him. Or is it Weinered me? Aaaanyway, you get the idea. Not too hard.

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