How The Media Contols You Perceive Your World.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
There are two main ways the main stream corporate media controls your mind.

The first is in WHAT they choose to cover. Last year, they chose to cover a black man in Ferguson getting gunned down in Ferguson. Yet the same thing happened to a white man, in an even more suspect way. Did anyone hear of this incident?

Now that the full video has been released, it's disturbingly clear that nothing about this police shooting was justified. Nothing at all.

At 0:17, Officer Bron Cruz gets out of his vehicle. You will notice people confused by his presence.

At 0:22, Officer Cruz walks past two men who were friends with Dillon Taylor.

At 0:24, Officer Cruz walks behind Taylor, who has on a white T-shirt and is listening to music.

At 0:33, we see the officer has his gun drawn and is yelling at Taylor, who's holding his sagging pants up and does not appear to hear Cruz.

At 0:36, the officer shoots Taylor. It would be fatal.

Starting at 0:41, you will notice the headphone cord coming out of Taylor's pocket.

At 0:48, you will see that the headphones were clearly going up to Taylor's ears.

At 0:52, the officer asks Dillon to "give me your hands," but Taylor is already near death. His friends begin screaming and crying in the background.

At 1:03, the officer handcuffs Taylor.

At 1:48, the officer turns Taylor over, the headphones are visible, and the officer states "it's clear"—meaning that Taylor was actually unarmed.

At 2:54, the officer turns Taylor completely over, keeping him handcuffed, and begins talking to him and trying to get him to talk. Taylor appears nearly dead and is completely covered in blood.

At 4:56, the officer is rummaging through Taylor's pockets instead of providing any first aid.
Shocking new video shows unarmed Utah man was listening to headphones when killed by police

Brutal Body Cam Video Shows Police Kill Unarmed Man With Headphones On

The second way the media manipulates it's viewers is to create news, that is, it uses terms and hires actors to lie about what is really going on.

Recently, a friend posted this video for me.

While knowing something about the icon of Baphomet, I recognized right away that this was a propaganda piece. I did a little research and found out that the person that appeared in this video has been featured in other YouTube videos.

As it turns out, he's a professional actor.

Andrew Bowser - IMDb

So, then, the question you need to ask your self is, if the media manipulates your mind by purposely choosing specific stories to manipulate the feelings of the masses, and then it hires actors instead of interviewing and gathering real facts, how reliable is your media?
"How The Media Contols You Perceive Your World."


'The media' are only interested in controlling how to make a profit.

Each individual is solely responsible for how he perceives the world, to not take anything at face value, to question, to research, and seek out other sources of information to confirm what is accurate and determine what is false.
"How The Media Contols You Perceive Your World."


'The media' are only interested in controlling how to make a profit.

Each individual is solely responsible for how he perceives the world, to not take anything at face value, to question, to research, and seek out other sources of information to confirm what is accurate and determine what is false.
There are two main ways the main stream corporate media controls your mind.

The first is in WHAT they choose to cover. Last year, they chose to cover a black man in Ferguson getting gunned down in Ferguson. Yet the same thing happened to a white man, in an even more suspect way. Did anyone hear of this incident?

Now that the full video has been released, it's disturbingly clear that nothing about this police shooting was justified. Nothing at all.

At 0:17, Officer Bron Cruz gets out of his vehicle. You will notice people confused by his presence.

At 0:22, Officer Cruz walks past two men who were friends with Dillon Taylor.

At 0:24, Officer Cruz walks behind Taylor, who has on a white T-shirt and is listening to music.

At 0:33, we see the officer has his gun drawn and is yelling at Taylor, who's holding his sagging pants up and does not appear to hear Cruz.

At 0:36, the officer shoots Taylor. It would be fatal.

Starting at 0:41, you will notice the headphone cord coming out of Taylor's pocket.

At 0:48, you will see that the headphones were clearly going up to Taylor's ears.

At 0:52, the officer asks Dillon to "give me your hands," but Taylor is already near death. His friends begin screaming and crying in the background.

At 1:03, the officer handcuffs Taylor.

At 1:48, the officer turns Taylor over, the headphones are visible, and the officer states "it's clear"—meaning that Taylor was actually unarmed.

At 2:54, the officer turns Taylor completely over, keeping him handcuffed, and begins talking to him and trying to get him to talk. Taylor appears nearly dead and is completely covered in blood.

At 4:56, the officer is rummaging through Taylor's pockets instead of providing any first aid.
Shocking new video shows unarmed Utah man was listening to headphones when killed by police

Brutal Body Cam Video Shows Police Kill Unarmed Man With Headphones On

The second way the media manipulates it's viewers is to create news, that is, it uses terms and hires actors to lie about what is really going on.

Recently, a friend posted this video for me.

While knowing something about the icon of Baphomet, I recognized right away that this was a propaganda piece. I did a little research and found out that the person that appeared in this video has been featured in other YouTube videos.

As it turns out, he's a professional actor.

Andrew Bowser - IMDb

So, then, the question you need to ask your self is, if the media manipulates your mind by purposely choosing specific stories to manipulate the feelings of the masses, and then it hires actors instead of interviewing and gathering real facts, how reliable is your media?


Bravo! Well said.
And there's more. Thanks to corporate consolidation, the effectively ENTIRE spectrum of media is controlled by a half-dozen bloated corporate hydraheaded monsters. And these heads involve everything needed to mutually feed themselves. This goes back to the OP's note about exactly what Big Media chooses to cover -- and what it chooses to ignore. When your monster has enough heads, you can literally decide -- on a corporate level -- what the news is, and what it isn't.

The story of a Fox channel telling its reporters "we will tell you what the news is -- the news is what we say it is" when another corporate hydramonster (Monsanto) pressured it, is well known and documented. That's a case of declaring what the news isn't. But as far as creating what the news IS, ever wondered why there's a buzz about some movie actor, "celebrity" you've never heard of, or book author out of nowhere?

Simple. When you own a TV news network, but you also own movie production companies, but you also own book publishers, but you also own record companies, but you also own newspapers, and magazines, you simply plug in you latest saleable product to your hydraheaded monster.

That obscure author is being interviewed on Fox News because the same company also owns HarperCollins. That's why it's on that billboard you just passed -- same company. That's why the book has a nice review in the New York Post too -- same company. The book itself may be complete bullshit. But it's a commodity, and the hydraheaded company has all the tools to propagandize it into actual sales, by creating the ILLUSION that "everybody's talking about it".

That's power. That's real unprecedented power. That's real, unprecendented, dangerous power.

Make no mistake, the power to control the world no longer comes from Ghengis Khan-like armies in physical conquest. George Orwell wrote, 'who controls the past controls the future'. This is exactly what he was talking about. Who controls mass media controls the world.
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The loserterian Op believes if you want to pay taxes to pave roads, invest in science, r&d and education = you're a idiot. This guy hates civilization and believes you should live out in the woods or you're somehow brainwashed like a sheep.

The "free" medias mainly follow the government´s agenda. Simple as can be. When the government says shit tastes good you can see the journalists start praising shit.
The "free" medias mainly follow the government´s agenda. Simple as can be. When the government says shit tastes good you can see the journalists start praising shit.

Governmental agendas don't sell commercials. Content sells commercials. And the type of content that sells commercials involves fear and loathing and scandal and fire and death. Emotional conflict. Therefore that's what the news, and the thread of content in general, will be made of and in fact IS made of.

How the governmental agenda relates to that is entirely irrelevant. It might be relevant if our media was run by the State. It isn't. It's run by Profit. And the goal of Profit has nothing to do with governmental agendas. It has to do with fattening shareholders' wallets, by any means they can think of, no matter how whorish.
The "free" medias mainly follow the government´s agenda. Simple as can be. When the government says shit tastes good you can see the journalists start praising shit.

Governmental agendas don't sell commercials. Content sells commercials. And the type of content that sells commercials involves fear and loathing and scandal and fire and death. Emotional conflict. Therefore that's what the news, and the thread of content in general, will be made of and in fact IS made of.

How the governmental agenda relates to that is entirely irrelevant. It might be relevant if our media was run by the State. It isn't. It's run by Profit. And the goal of Profit has nothing to do with governmental agendas. It has to do with fattening shareholders' wallets, by any means they can think of, no matter how whorish.

How the governmental agenda relates to that is entirely irrelevant.
I don't believe that, I believe that the CIA has for a long time been influencing our society. Even longer than they have admitted to.
If your telling me that I shouldn't pay taxes on infrastructure, science and education....Well, I perceive my world a little differently then taliban like you.

Wow. There is no reaching some folks.

Seriously. You think you need the government for all of that huh?

The loserterian Op believes if you want to pay taxes to pave roads, invest in science, r&d and education = you're a idiot. This guy hates civilization and believes you should live out in the woods or you're somehow brainwashed like a sheep.


Great Ad hominem.

You equate centralized government with civilization. I just don't think it is that simple. The more we centralize authority, the more we have our societies integrated, the more they are prone to not only corruption, but in the final analysis, systemic collapse.

I study history. I know what brought about the end of the Mayan Civilization. I know what brought about the end of the Roman Civilization.

An over reliance on bureaucracy, elites, and systems that are out of touch with the land and the people might well spell our ultimate doom if the corruption siphons off too much of the basic productive power of the the people that make civilization possible.

Does government build the roads? NO

Does government educate children? NO

Does government come up with the brilliant ideas and do the research that advances mankind into the next ages of scientific progress? NO
"How The Media Contols You Perceive Your World."


'The media' are only interested in controlling how to make a profit.

If you believe that, then your POV has been successfully configured by them.

Not entirely. It's a fascist paradigm. That is why I said there were TWO main things going on in media, and I posted PROOF of what is going on in for both things.

The media elites meet with the the corporate and government elites and a private think tank called the Council on Foreign Relations. Here, they decide on the agenda that will serve all of their interests the most. This means, what will work the best for both controlling the population, and make the corporations the most profit.

Who says you can't do both?
The "free" medias mainly follow the government´s agenda. Simple as can be. When the government says shit tastes good you can see the journalists start praising shit.

Governmental agendas don't sell commercials. Content sells commercials. And the type of content that sells commercials involves fear and loathing and scandal and fire and death. Emotional conflict. Therefore that's what the news, and the thread of content in general, will be made of and in fact IS made of.

How the governmental agenda relates to that is entirely irrelevant. It might be relevant if our media was run by the State. It isn't. It's run by Profit. And the goal of Profit has nothing to do with governmental agendas. It has to do with fattening shareholders' wallets, by any means they can think of, no matter how whorish.
You must be blind, then. While the medias are not run by the government but by profit, they are nevertheless its bullhorns. "White" crimes against blacks make their headlines while there is no day, the blacks kill each other in the masses. What has that "event-picking" to do with making profit?
The "free" medias mainly follow the government´s agenda. Simple as can be. When the government says shit tastes good you can see the journalists start praising shit.

Governmental agendas don't sell commercials. Content sells commercials. And the type of content that sells commercials involves fear and loathing and scandal and fire and death. Emotional conflict. Therefore that's what the news, and the thread of content in general, will be made of and in fact IS made of.

How the governmental agenda relates to that is entirely irrelevant. It might be relevant if our media was run by the State. It isn't. It's run by Profit. And the goal of Profit has nothing to do with governmental agendas. It has to do with fattening shareholders' wallets, by any means they can think of, no matter how whorish.

However, a lot of times, what they publish, or broadcast is completely manufactured. It is a fake reality. That was the point of my original post. If reality isn't tragic enough, criminal enough, outlandish enough, they will fake it, or be complicit with the establishment in creating a false reality. I've just posted proof of that. It's good for ratings, and it's good for profit.

A lot of times, like Tehon noted, the CIA is behind an agenda as well. It is to keep the populace pacified, mollified and in line.

Or, in reverse circumstances, it is to agitate them for a specific change. Right now, for what ever reason, I believe they are purposely creating racial tension. I'm not sure what purpose this is serving, but I've read some pieces that state they believe that elites want to remove policing from local authority and place it directly into the hands of a State and Federal bureaucracy. With centralized authority, in the case of a national crises, it will be easier to enact and carry out executive orders and suspend traditional Bill of Rights that local police authorities that live and work in their communities would be more likely to respect.

Who is more likely to impose martial law, sheriff Andy Taylor, or some guy trained in SWAT gear from a police post a hundred miles off?

Look at that Church shooting, look at the shooting in Virginia. . . and I see more and more sentiments like this. . .

Folks are playing right into the media and the elites hands, they are hating each other and they are going to go to Uncle Sam for the solution. Just watch. And that is what the elites are using the media to achieve. It is what they want.

What is needed is for everyone to turn the TV off and learn that WE haven't changed, they are just yanking us all around. What we need is compassion, understanding, and a little love. This is getting out of hand quickly.

When a politician can't stand up at speaking engagement and say, "All lives matter," because a few agent provocateurs get the crowd riled up into a frenzy of hate? Seriously, where the hell are we going?
The loserterian Op believes if you want to pay taxes to pave roads, invest in science, r&d and education = you're a idiot. This guy hates civilization and believes you should live out in the woods or you're somehow brainwashed like a sheep.



The "free" medias mainly follow the government´s agenda. Simple as can be. When the government says shit tastes good you can see the journalists start praising shit.

Governmental agendas don't sell commercials. Content sells commercials. And the type of content that sells commercials involves fear and loathing and scandal and fire and death. Emotional conflict. Therefore that's what the news, and the thread of content in general, will be made of and in fact IS made of.

How the governmental agenda relates to that is entirely irrelevant. It might be relevant if our media was run by the State. It isn't. It's run by Profit. And the goal of Profit has nothing to do with governmental agendas. It has to do with fattening shareholders' wallets, by any means they can think of, no matter how whorish.

However, a lot of times, what they publish, or broadcast is completely manufactured. It is a fake reality. That was the point of my original post. If reality isn't tragic enough, criminal enough, outlandish enough, they will fake it, or be complicit with the establishment in creating a false reality. I've just posted proof of that. It's good for ratings, and it's good for profit.

A lot of times, like Tehon noted, the CIA is behind an agenda as well. It is to keep the populace pacified, mollified and in line.

Or, in reverse circumstances, it is to agitate them for a specific change. Right now, for what ever reason, I believe they are purposely creating racial tension. I'm not sure what purpose this is serving, but I've read some pieces that state they believe that elites want to remove policing from local authority and place it directly into the hands of a State and Federal bureaucracy. With centralized authority, in the case of a national crises, it will be easier to enact and carry out executive orders and suspend traditional Bill of Rights that local police authorities that live and work in their communities would be more likely to respect.

Who is more likely to impose martial law, sheriff Andy Taylor, or some guy trained in SWAT gear from a police post a hundred miles off?

Look at that Church shooting, look at the shooting in Virginia. . . and I see more and more sentiments like this. . .

Folks are playing right into the media and the elites hands, they are hating each other and they are going to go to Uncle Sam for the solution. Just watch. And that is what the elites are using the media to achieve. It is what they want.

What is needed is for everyone to turn the TV off and learn that WE haven't changed, they are just yanking us all around. What we need is compassion, understanding, and a little love. This is getting out of hand quickly.

When a politician can't stand up at speaking engagement and say, "All lives matter," because a few agent provocateurs get the crowd riled up into a frenzy of hate? Seriously, where the hell are we going?
Good point. Basically, what I am saying about my country, too. They are dividing the society into opposing factions that will never find together against the establishment.
The "free" medias mainly follow the government´s agenda. Simple as can be. When the government says shit tastes good you can see the journalists start praising shit.

Governmental agendas don't sell commercials. Content sells commercials. And the type of content that sells commercials involves fear and loathing and scandal and fire and death. Emotional conflict. Therefore that's what the news, and the thread of content in general, will be made of and in fact IS made of.

How the governmental agenda relates to that is entirely irrelevant. It might be relevant if our media was run by the State. It isn't. It's run by Profit. And the goal of Profit has nothing to do with governmental agendas. It has to do with fattening shareholders' wallets, by any means they can think of, no matter how whorish.
You must be blind, then. While the medias are not run by the government but by profit, they are nevertheless its bullhorns. "White" crimes against blacks make their headlines while there is no day, the blacks kill each other in the masses. What has that "event-picking" to do with making profit?
Because white folks have money, and they tune into hear about white people shooting blacks? :eusa_think:

That seems suspect. However, news about black on black crime is not viewed as news worthy and advertisors don't view it as such b/c it happens every day. What bothers me, is that police violence against victims of ALL colors happens everyday. There are all sorts of COP BLOCK organizations that follow this. It doesn't discriminate. I remember when this Ferguson incident went down, a Cop that shot a 19 year old white girl never made the national spot light.
No Charges for Cop Who Jumped on Hood of 19-yr-old School Teacher’s Car and Shot Her to Death | Filming Cops
WHY? Cops out of control is news, but only if it is violence against blacks? THAT IS A POLITICAL AGENDA. It is trying to sell us some tainted goods. Seriously.
There are two main ways the main stream corporate media controls your mind.

The first is in WHAT they choose to cover. Last year, they chose to cover a black man in Ferguson getting gunned down in Ferguson. Yet the same thing happened to a white man, in an even more suspect way. Did anyone hear of this incident?

Now that the full video has been released, it's disturbingly clear that nothing about this police shooting was justified. Nothing at all.

At 0:17, Officer Bron Cruz gets out of his vehicle. You will notice people confused by his presence.

At 0:22, Officer Cruz walks past two men who were friends with Dillon Taylor.

At 0:24, Officer Cruz walks behind Taylor, who has on a white T-shirt and is listening to music.

At 0:33, we see the officer has his gun drawn and is yelling at Taylor, who's holding his sagging pants up and does not appear to hear Cruz.

At 0:36, the officer shoots Taylor. It would be fatal.

Starting at 0:41, you will notice the headphone cord coming out of Taylor's pocket.

At 0:48, you will see that the headphones were clearly going up to Taylor's ears.

At 0:52, the officer asks Dillon to "give me your hands," but Taylor is already near death. His friends begin screaming and crying in the background.

At 1:03, the officer handcuffs Taylor.

At 1:48, the officer turns Taylor over, the headphones are visible, and the officer states "it's clear"—meaning that Taylor was actually unarmed.

At 2:54, the officer turns Taylor completely over, keeping him handcuffed, and begins talking to him and trying to get him to talk. Taylor appears nearly dead and is completely covered in blood.

At 4:56, the officer is rummaging through Taylor's pockets instead of providing any first aid.
Shocking new video shows unarmed Utah man was listening to headphones when killed by police

Brutal Body Cam Video Shows Police Kill Unarmed Man With Headphones On

The second way the media manipulates it's viewers is to create news, that is, it uses terms and hires actors to lie about what is really going on.

Recently, a friend posted this video for me.

While knowing something about the icon of Baphomet, I recognized right away that this was a propaganda piece. I did a little research and found out that the person that appeared in this video has been featured in other YouTube videos.

As it turns out, he's a professional actor.

Andrew Bowser - IMDb

So, then, the question you need to ask your self is, if the media manipulates your mind by purposely choosing specific stories to manipulate the feelings of the masses, and then it hires actors instead of interviewing and gathering real facts, how reliable is your media?

Cops are low-life assholes. They murder in cold blood and walk free. One day, karma is going to visit them, and camp out on their doorsteps.
The "free" medias mainly follow the government´s agenda. Simple as can be. When the government says shit tastes good you can see the journalists start praising shit.

Governmental agendas don't sell commercials. Content sells commercials. And the type of content that sells commercials involves fear and loathing and scandal and fire and death. Emotional conflict. Therefore that's what the news, and the thread of content in general, will be made of and in fact IS made of.

How the governmental agenda relates to that is entirely irrelevant. It might be relevant if our media was run by the State. It isn't. It's run by Profit. And the goal of Profit has nothing to do with governmental agendas. It has to do with fattening shareholders' wallets, by any means they can think of, no matter how whorish.
You must be blind, then. While the medias are not run by the government but by profit, they are nevertheless its bullhorns. "White" crimes against blacks make their headlines while there is no day, the blacks kill each other in the masses. What has that "event-picking" to do with making profit?
Because white folks have money, and they tune into hear about white people shooting blacks? :eusa_think:

That seems suspect. However, news about black on black crime is not viewed as news worthy and advertisors don't view it as such b/c it happens every day. What bothers me, is that police violence against victims of ALL colors happens everyday. There are all sorts of COP BLOCK organizations that follow this. It doesn't discriminate. I remember when this Ferguson incident went down, a Cop that shot a 19 year old white girl never made the national spot light.
No Charges for Cop Who Jumped on Hood of 19-yr-old School Teacher’s Car and Shot Her to Death | Filming Cops
WHY? Cops out of control is news, but only if it is violence against blacks? THAT IS A POLITICAL AGENDA. It is trying to sell us some tainted goods. Seriously.
There is also much violence against cops.
The "free" medias mainly follow the government´s agenda. Simple as can be. When the government says shit tastes good you can see the journalists start praising shit.

Governmental agendas don't sell commercials. Content sells commercials. And the type of content that sells commercials involves fear and loathing and scandal and fire and death. Emotional conflict. Therefore that's what the news, and the thread of content in general, will be made of and in fact IS made of.

How the governmental agenda relates to that is entirely irrelevant. It might be relevant if our media was run by the State. It isn't. It's run by Profit. And the goal of Profit has nothing to do with governmental agendas. It has to do with fattening shareholders' wallets, by any means they can think of, no matter how whorish.
You must be blind, then. While the medias are not run by the government but by profit, they are nevertheless its bullhorns. "White" crimes against blacks make their headlines while there is no day, the blacks kill each other in the masses. What has that "event-picking" to do with making profit?
Because white folks have money, and they tune into hear about white people shooting blacks? :eusa_think:

That seems suspect. However, news about black on black crime is not viewed as news worthy and advertisors don't view it as such b/c it happens every day. What bothers me, is that police violence against victims of ALL colors happens everyday. There are all sorts of COP BLOCK organizations that follow this. It doesn't discriminate. I remember when this Ferguson incident went down, a Cop that shot a 19 year old white girl never made the national spot light.
No Charges for Cop Who Jumped on Hood of 19-yr-old School Teacher’s Car and Shot Her to Death | Filming Cops
WHY? Cops out of control is news, but only if it is violence against blacks? THAT IS A POLITICAL AGENDA. It is trying to sell us some tainted goods. Seriously.
There is also much violence against cops.
As there should be. People that gun down unarmed citizens in cold blood, deserve whatever happens to them.

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