How the GOP threw away the chance to save billions. Instead, they shoveled it to private industry.



This goes all the way back to 2006 when there were far less freshly injured veterans flooding VA Hospitals. Aged vets are required to go to private industry because it's another way the GOP can redistribute the wealth to the top. They are paid to do that by their business masters. And the base agrees because of the propaganda.

Tom Bock, commander of the American Legion, has another idea: allow elderly vets not in the system who are drawing Medicare payments to spend those benefits at a VA facility instead of going to a private doctor, as is now required by Medicare. "It's a win-win-win situation," he argues. Medicare, which pays more than $6,500 per patient annually for care by private doctors, could save with the VA's less expensive care, which costs about $5,000 per patient. The vets would receive better service at the VA's facilities, which could treat millions more patients with Medicare's cash infusion.

But conservatives fear such an arrangement would be a Trojan horse, setting up an even larger national health-care program and taking more business from the private sector. Congress has no plans to enlarge the scope of veterans' health care--much less consider it a model for, say, a government-run system serving nonvets. But it's becoming more and more "ideologically inconvenient for some to have such a stellar health-delivery system being run by the government," says Margaret O'Kane, president of the National Committee for Quality Assurance, which rates health plans for businesses and individuals. If VA health care continues to be the industry leader, it may become more difficult to argue that the market can do better.

Remember, that article was 10 years ago and the conservatives were already full of anti government propaganda.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Article after article, VA health care is referred to as the best in the world. Why is that? There are lots of studies in case anyone wants to go look it up. I've linked to them before.

Well, it happened under Clinton. All the VA hospitals were hooked together with a computers/bar code system. Every patient's examination, disease, treatment and medication is entered into this system. Anyone with half a brain understands the significance of having such a data base at your disposal. You don't have to guess. You know what works.

So doctors have an enormous data system that private industry doesn't have. My feeling is private industry should be charged to be able to hook into the VA system. Private industry would only improve with government help. When dealing with large numbers of people, organized government is ALWAYS better. That is what they do. Republicans would never admit that. It goes against their orthodoxy.

Check this out:

And by a number of measures, this government-managed health-care program--socialized medicine on a small scale--is beating the marketplace. For the sixth year in a row, VA hospitals last year scored higher than private facilities on the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index, based on patient surveys on the quality of care received. The VA scored 83 out of 100; private institutions, 71. Males 65 years and older receiving VA care had about a 40% lower risk of death than those enrolled in Medicare Advantage, whose care is provided through private health plans or HMOs, according to a study published in the April edition of Medical Care. Harvard University just gave the VA its Innovations in American Government Award for the agency's work in computerizing patient records.

Once again, if the VA is doing bad, it's not about the care, it's about being flooded with injured vets from the GOP's Iraq war. The vets aren't saying they want to go someplace else. They are saying they have to wait. Republicans want to change the narrative so they could give returning vets vouchers and say "Good fucking luck, you're on your own" and shut down the best medical facilities in the world to shovel money to the wealthy. It's stuff like that which makes me bring up the "T" word. Traitor. Imagine how well the country would do if Republicans weren't always trying to redistribute the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.

Anyway, this is the REAL state of the VA. We could upgrade the computer system. We could charge private industry for access to bring them up to the level of the VA. There are all kinds of things we could do. Unfortunately, they GOP's answer is always "tear it down". We are seeing that now.

How VA Hospitals Became The Best - Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center - Houston, Texas

Economist's View: VA Hospitals vs. Private Sector Hospitals
What veterans do not detest Obama and the Democrats? I haven't met one who does not.
It's basic communism: if you control the means of production and the demand exeeds you ability to increase production, you reduce the population so that production can meet the demand.

Mao did it in China

Stalin did it in The Ukraine

Now, Obama is doing it with the VA. Too many veterans vote Republican. Obama needs to purge that voting block.
Obama has been president for the last 7+ years.

Why hasn't he and the Democrat's fixed the problem? ...... :cool:
Which problems are you talking about?

The enormous deficit the GOP created?

The GOP Iraq war?

The millions of jobs move to China from 2001 to 2008?

The over 40,000 factories closed from 2001 to 2008?

The auto industry the GOP wanted to go bankrupt?

The scientists who quit the Bush administration?

The steep rise in the cost of health care from 2001 to 2008 making it the number one cause of bankruptcy?

Which problem are you talking about?
The Hussein/care law, all 3,000 pages of it, was supposed to care for aged Veterans with outside corporate based treatment but it is such a convoluted system that many elderly Vets still rely on the V.A. system which has deteriorated under Barry Hussein's watch.
What veterans do not detest Obama and the Democrats? I haven't met one who does not.

You have now. I look at the alternatives and all of a sudden Obama was the only choice at the time. Meanwhile, I watch the GOP spend all their time trying to win the election through the judicial and court systems. I can understand that since the only Candidate that is worth a crap with any chance of winning is some half Cuban Child named Rubio. The Dems only have to put up anything to win. And I am sick of Congress. Check them out and how they do business. Any Corporation or person that operated the same way would be standing tall under the Rico laws. Did you know that congress passed a law that exempts them from the Rico Act?

I don't care the Dems or Obama but the Reps haven't presented a single person in either congress or president that I find even remotely competent. In fact, I find even considering Trump or Cruz as scary has hell if they were to win. Once again, the Reps have found a way to snatch Defeat from the jaws of success.

Welcome to the wonderful world of logic. Logic seems to escape your grasp.

Retired Air Force member forever.
The Hussein/care law, all 3,000 pages of it, was supposed to care for aged Veterans with outside corporate based treatment but it is such a convoluted system that many elderly Vets still rely on the V.A. system which has deteriorated under Barry Hussein's watch.
Other than long waiting lines, funding cut by Republicans, and so many new veterans from the GOP's iraq disaster, how is it deteriorating?
What veterans do not detest Obama and the Democrats? I haven't met one who does not.

You have now. I look at the alternatives and all of a sudden Obama was the only choice at the time. Meanwhile, I watch the GOP spend all their time trying to win the election through the judicial and court systems. I can understand that since the only Candidate that is worth a crap with any chance of winning is some half Cuban Child named Rubio. The Dems only have to put up anything to win. And I am sick of Congress. Check them out and how they do business. Any Corporation or person that operated the same way would be standing tall under the Rico laws. Did you know that congress passed a law that exempts them from the Rico Act?

I don't care the Dems or Obama but the Reps haven't presented a single person in either congress or president that I find even remotely competent. In fact, I find even considering Trump or Cruz as scary has hell if they were to win. Once again, the Reps have found a way to snatch Defeat from the jaws of success.

Welcome to the wonderful world of logic. Logic seems to escape your grasp.

Retired Air Force member forever.

Oh please.
The Hussein/care law, all 3,000 pages of it, was supposed to care for aged Veterans with outside corporate based treatment but it is such a convoluted system that many elderly Vets still rely on the V.A. system which has deteriorated under Barry Hussein's watch.
Other than long waiting lines, funding cut by Republicans, and so many new veterans from the GOP's iraq disaster, how is it deteriorating?
I know two people who use the VA regularly and receive excellent care. One went to the emergency room and was admitted on the spot.

The major problem is those suffering from Agent Orange or Gulf War Syndrome. That is because the government does not want to admit to that responsibility.

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