How The Fraud Is Perpetuated


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Love that 'Powerline.'

Here, they compare the Global Warming fraud to the one used to perpetuate the cholesterol crisis, and, in the process, identify the pattern used by the Left.

Why the Left?

Because it is the left uses the idea of eternal crisis to pad their resumes and increase their power.

"1) it is propagated by scientists on a non-scientific mission.

2)....believed because it plausibly explains an observation (increasing global temperature [for a time], increasing heart attacks from smoking in the 1950s and 60s). It taps into large anxieties about too much wealth, too much happiness, in western societies.

...the public is ready to flog itself in the cause of a secularized idea of God, uh, I mean Good.

3) [although] the causal relationship is weaker than first supposed; the research is found to be sloppy, the facts have been fudged, subsequent studies do not fully support the original claims, nevertheless the orthodoxy is promulgated all the more harshly for being doubted.

4) ....powerful economic and ideological interests have taken hold. They supply an ongoing source of funds and opinion to ensure the perpetuation of the alarm ...
... in the case of AGW, the tribe of bureaucrats and leftists who seek to control markets, whose god of Marxism had failed, and who needed a new god (Gaia) to justify their rule.

5) The skeptics who have patiently argued on the basis of facts that the science of each phenomenon was weak, are ostracized by the opinion establishments ....

6) ... after fifty or sixty years, the subject of discussion just changes.

7) the retreat of the orthodoxy is covered by a smokescreen of fresh concerns for some other catastrophe. No admissions of error or apologies for wrecked careers and following bad science are ever issued. Time flows on, bringing neither knowledge nor greater understanding of the role of folly in human affairs.

8) stages 6 and 7 have been reached in the cholesterol cycle; they are beginning in the anthropogenic global warming scam.

Fifty years from now, there will still be clanking windmills in the North Sea, but whether they will be still linked to a power grid is less likely, and whether anyone will pay attention is doubtful.

The lobbies that keep them there, however, will still exist."
The Eight Stages of Scam Power Line
Interesting. I'm sure I could pull "a consensus" of several 100 studies on ingested cholesterol that "settled that science" over the past 20 yrs or so.. Probably 95% of Medical doctors fell for it.

Here's the problem.. You don't EVER make settled science over a period of mere decade or two.. Not enough time to do the long term experiments and studies. Not for cholesterol. --- not for Global Warming. Or whatever it's called today.. AND ESPECIALLY if the entire field of that science (Climate Science) goes from relative obscurity to rock star status because of the hype and socio-political pressures in just a few years...
Interesting. I'm sure I could pull "a consensus" of several 100 studies on ingested cholesterol that "settled that science" over the past 20 yrs or so.. Probably 95% of Medical doctors fell for it.

Here's the problem.. You don't EVER make settled science over a period of mere decade or two.. Not enough time to do the long term experiments and studies. Not for cholesterol. --- not for Global Warming. Or whatever it's called today.. AND ESPECIALLY if the entire field of that science (Climate Science) goes from relative obscurity to rock star status because of the hype and socio-political pressures in just a few years...
I do believe it is still part of the EXTREME movement from the 1990's...
LOL. Ms. PC once again regaling us with her wonderful wordy nonsense. So virtually all the scientists in the world are in a conspiracy to present fraudulent data to all of us. You loons are a constant source of humor.
Love that 'Powerline.'

Here, they compare the Global Warming fraud to the one used to perpetuate the cholesterol crisis, and, in the process, identify the pattern used by the Left.

Why the Left?

Because it is the left uses the idea of eternal crisis to pad their resumes and increase their power.

"1) it is propagated by scientists on a non-scientific mission.

2)....believed because it plausibly explains an observation (increasing global temperature [for a time], increasing heart attacks from smoking in the 1950s and 60s). It taps into large anxieties about too much wealth, too much happiness, in western societies.

...the public is ready to flog itself in the cause of a secularized idea of God, uh, I mean Good.

3) [although] the causal relationship is weaker than first supposed; the research is found to be sloppy, the facts have been fudged, subsequent studies do not fully support the original claims, nevertheless the orthodoxy is promulgated all the more harshly for being doubted.

4) ....powerful economic and ideological interests have taken hold. They supply an ongoing source of funds and opinion to ensure the perpetuation of the alarm ...
... in the case of AGW, the tribe of bureaucrats and leftists who seek to control markets, whose god of Marxism had failed, and who needed a new god (Gaia) to justify their rule.

5) The skeptics who have patiently argued on the basis of facts that the science of each phenomenon was weak, are ostracized by the opinion establishments ....

6) ... after fifty or sixty years, the subject of discussion just changes.

7) the retreat of the orthodoxy is covered by a smokescreen of fresh concerns for some other catastrophe. No admissions of error or apologies for wrecked careers and following bad science are ever issued. Time flows on, bringing neither knowledge nor greater understanding of the role of folly in human affairs.

8) stages 6 and 7 have been reached in the cholesterol cycle; they are beginning in the anthropogenic global warming scam.

Fifty years from now, there will still be clanking windmills in the North Sea, but whether they will be still linked to a power grid is less likely, and whether anyone will pay attention is doubtful.

The lobbies that keep them there, however, will still exist."
The Eight Stages of Scam Power Line

---- LMAO -----

"Perpetrating a fraud". I have not heard that line since the Military overseas. A C.I.D Agent ( US Army ) I knew....used to say it frequently. I always knew him to take lying personally.

I picked that ( C.I.D ) as a email address when I worked a metro EMS. CIDNEY308@ ( not going to say here ).

CID = U.S Army Criminal Investigation Division ( and I WAS investigating at the time, believe me...and I still am ) :) ;)

Investigate - blend in - investigate - blend in........

CIDNEY.....for Sidney, Australia. I hope to visit before I die. 308 for 308 caliber diameter bullet.

One of the guys whom drives a red tractor and trailer and delivers & picks up at the facility I work at, his first name is Tim & he has blondish hair. He looks like a Army C.I.D Agent I knew overseas ( The "2nd Company" ). At the time...he ( CID Agent ) was a really young guy, with a somewhat quiet persoanlity. He has been driving in and out of this plant since I can remember.

I meet, see, or pass quite frequently people whom are almost exact copies of people I was in the Military with, served along side.

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LOL. Ms. PC once again regaling us with her wonderful wordy nonsense. So virtually all the scientists in the world are in a conspiracy to present fraudulent data to all of us. You loons are a constant source of humor.

Once again you've revealed how easily led you are.You simply cannot admit, even to yourself, that you have been so fooled, for so many years....

It is as though changing your mind to accommodate the facts would be an affront to Liberalism. Your motto: 'Onward rather than correctness or rectitude.'
Every time I hear the delusions postulated by the climate crusaders, I simply throw up this graph.........


nobody cares:2up:[/URL][/URL]
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LOL. Ms. PC once again regaling us with her wonderful wordy nonsense. So virtually all the scientists in the world are in a conspiracy to present fraudulent data to all of us. You loons are a constant source of humor.

All the people getting paid by Big Climate present altered data fed through bogus computer models and can't provide even one single on point experiments
LOL. Ms. PC once again regaling us with her wonderful wordy nonsense. So virtually all the scientists in the world are in a conspiracy to present fraudulent data to all of us. You loons are a constant source of humor.

"Hide the decline"

"Mann's Nature trick"

"BBC - Do you agree that from 1995 to the present there has been no statistically-significant global warming

Phil Jones: Yes, but only just."

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy." -- IPCC
Interesting. I'm sure I could pull "a consensus" of several 100 studies on ingested cholesterol that "settled that science" over the past 20 yrs or so.. Probably 95% of Medical doctors fell for it.

Here's the problem.. You don't EVER make settled science over a period of mere decade or two.. Not enough time to do the long term experiments and studies. Not for cholesterol. --- not for Global Warming. Or whatever it's called today.. AND ESPECIALLY if the entire field of that science (Climate Science) goes from relative obscurity to rock star status because of the hype and socio-political pressures in just a few years...

I guarantee that many health professionals have considered cholesterol studies weak at best. But it turned into an industry because tests could be done, drugs could be developed, and people were given the illusion of 'control' over a condition that is hereditary. Win/win all around. Make money and give people what they want. Placebo at its finest.
So, how much bacon and butter can we devour and not get high cholesterol ?
Reasonable eating habits, exercise, etc are good for you. If you need the spector of 'high cholesterol' to scare you into being reasonable then the placebo has done its job.
So, how much bacon and butter can we devour and not get high cholesterol ?

Well....that begs for a refection on the nature of Liberals....

ABC's Race Expert: Woman Who Hoped for Death of Clarence Thomas

"On November 4, 1994, (Julianne) Malveaux famously stated of Supreme Court Justice Thomas: "I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease....He is an absolutely reprehensible person." (Video in the MRC's 20th anniversary Notable Quotables, scroll down to "Damn Those Conservatives Award.") -
See more at: ABC s Race Expert Woman Who Hoped for Death of Clarence Thomas
LOL. Ms. PC once again regaling us with her wonderful wordy nonsense. So virtually all the scientists in the world are in a conspiracy to present fraudulent data to all of us. You loons are a constant source of humor.

Not really OldRocks.. I think we are having a chuckle about all the Consensus, Settled Science, and "appeal to authority" that you folks religiously use instead of simply answering the questions of skeptics.

Science is a calm practice.. Not a LOT of confrontation, posturing, genital display, or violence. That is UNTIL there is food (money, power, economics) present..

Simply you ANSWER the questions of the skeptics.. You do studies that THEY suggest.
This whole CChange/Globull stuff LACKS any debate. Because ANY KIND of debate would ruin the "illusion" of consensus...

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