How The Democrats Steal National Elections


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
How the Democrats have structurally engineered voter turnout in their favor - Arlington Political Buzz

Here's how Wikipedia describes what happened, “In the November 2 election, over 2.8 million votes were cast for Governor. After the initial vote count, Rossi led Democrat Christine Gregoire by 261 votes. Washington State law required a recount because of the small margin. After the second count, Rossi again led, but by a smaller margin of 42 votes. After a third count, done by hand, Gregoire took a 129 vote lead (expanded to a 133 vote lead after Justice Bridges' decision threw out 4 votes for Rossi). King County's election department was sued by the Rossi campaign for its handling of ballots, including untracked use of a "ballot-on-demand" printing machine. Even before the election date, the U.S. Department of Justice threatened to sue Washington State for failing to mail military ballots overseas, generally assumed to be Republican votes.”
This process repeated itself in many states, and in many elections for Congress, Senator, and Governor, including the 2010 race won in the same fashion by rigger recount process by Al Franken in Minnesota.
What was common in all these cases were far left Secretaries of State elected at the state level, that were in most instances allied with and affiliated with ACORN, and were the product of another project of the far left. That project was a George Soros-funded effort called the Secretary of State Project. It's goal was simple, to elect in each state the Secretary of State, or the officers that oversaw the elections, from the far left ACORN faction of the Democrats party so the far left would have full control over vote counting and the process of conducting elections in those states. And the result was, when elections were so close as to go into mandated recounts, the left could be confident these secretaries of state would insure the Democrat candidate would always win. The strategy was simple, just recount the votes until the Democrats leads, and then quickly certify the election as won by the Democrat.
The movement to pass voter ID laws is the response to those who want fair elections and to eliminate voter fraud, which is why the far left fights desperately such proposals by calling them “racist,” which is entirely absurd, because they know the real reason they oppose such reforms is because voter ID reduces voter fraud. There is no other reason to oppose this, no one is denied voting by a voter ID requirement, and the states that have such laws do everything possible to insure that even those voters who do not have a drivers license can get a free state-created picture ID to use at the polls when asked to show their picture ID. The public isn't buying the “racism” argument and the far left knows the whole debate over voter ID laws further exposes their desire to continue to engage in fraud to win elections.
Voters need to understand that simple voter fraud itself is only a small part of the overall strategy by which the left, for the last 30 years or more, has sought to engineer and rig the entire voting and election process to increase their odds of winning elections. Democrats are all about gaining and keeping government power, by any means necessary, and they truly do believe that the ends justify the means. They will do anything, and literally anything, to obtain and keep control of political power, including cheating, voter fraud, and rigging of elections and recounts of elections. Anything necessary, they are willing to do it.

By making registration extremely easy for those who get free benefits from the government and by controlling the recount process, the Democrats have set themselves up to structurally control and exploit the electoral system to unfair advantage.

So why doesn't the GOP's RNC challenge this stuff in court? Because of a 1981 consent decree that keeps them from challenging the Democrats on electoral fraud.

Why the GOP won't challenge vote fraud Fellowship of the Minds
The RNC agreed in 1982 to the following, among other concessions:
(d) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their employees to campaign within restricted polling areas or to interrogate prospective voters as to their qualifications to vote prior to their entry to a polling place;
(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor
in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose;
(f) refrain from having private personnel deputized as law enforcement personnel in connection with ballot security activities.

The RNC also agreed that the RNC, its agents, servants, and employees would be bound by the Decree, “whether acting directly or indirectly through other party committees.”
As modified in 1987, the Consent Decree defined “ballot security activities” to mean “ballot integrity, ballot security or other efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud.”
Since 1982, that Consent Decree has been renewed every year by the original judge, Carter appointee District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise, now 88 years old. Long retired, Debevoise comes back yearly for the sole purpose of renewing his 1982 order for another year.

The settlement:
Judicial View Federal Cases Civil Procedure Democratic National Committee v Republican National Committee

A GOP activist who has run into this comments here:
The National GOP Can Not Legally Help Stop Vote Fraud No Joke
ACORN Whistleblower Anita Moncrief added that when she spoke at the Republican National Convention, she had to submit her speech to make sure nothing she said could be construed as violating the order not to assist voter integrity.

And if you think that a consent decree cant last that long, here is one on IBM that was kept active since 1956.
Federal Judge Is Ordered To Step Aside on I.B.M. - New York Times

So despite the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud, the RNC cannot fight back in courts to assist voter integrity.

Evidence of massive voter fraud discovered in North Carolina 2012 election - National Elections

Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud - Rachel Alexander - Page 1

Articles Was the 2012 Election Stolen

GOP Rep. Stockman Lawless White House working to aid and abet voter fraud - National Elections

Even Snopes admits that 59 precincts in Philadelphia cast not one vote for Romney in 2012, and that Obama lost every state with voter ID laws. 2012 Voter Fraud

Examples of immigrants being used as vote proxies with not a single GOP representative present to validate.

Noncitizens found to vote in elections, you can bet illegals are voting too.


We need to have a real opposition party to fight the Democrats criminal syndicates if the GOP cant get off their butts and fight this unconstitutional and outrageous violation of the right of all Americans to select their top officials by valid popular vote majority.
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Nice work.

In my opinion it just further proves that there is really no difference between the parties.

They take turns pretending to be outraged at each other to keep the partisans stirred up and distracted.
The game is obviously rigged.
Nice work.

In my opinion it just further proves that there is really no difference between the parties.

They take turns pretending to be outraged at each other to keep the partisans stirred up and distracted.
The game is obviously rigged.

And it has been a rigged game since Reagan left office.

Neocons are ideological utopianists willing to build that dream world with American blood and treasure, while the far left thinks America an 'evil empire' whose people are the equivalent of Nazi's.

They play this kabuki theater in pretense while serving corporate crony networks to keep themselves in political power.

They give us a vote for either their right hand or their left hand.

I think it is time to burn the theater to the ground and let the kids see who the puppet masters really are.

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